
Sister's Growing Obsession

My older sister, who returned from the United States, has become a little strange... Extra Tags:#romance #incest #sister #yandere #Obsession #exhaustion #femdom #Oneshota N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 - Getting Stained by My Sister (2)

N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it's not my fault. Please don't comment about the translation quality because, again, it's Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

Chapter 5 - Getting Stained by My Sister (2)

How many people go to school every day, giving their energy every time?

It's not an important place, and even celebrities wouldn't do things that they always dress up for just going to class.

Moreover, I am a person who has reached the extreme of nuisance.

I tend to pick up a hoodie or a random shirt and wear it.

Seeing such a situation, her sister desperately stopped her.

- No way..!! No matter how much you go to class, what is a hoodie? Clothes represent the mood of a person. I'm not going to the convenience store in front of my house, I'm going to change into something else quickly. -

My sister perfectly pointed out the way I was dressed.

I asked if I could just wear anything because it was annoying, but my sister was really stubborn...

- You don't have as many clothes as you thought? Um... Let's dress like this for now and go buy some clothes after school. -

I made an appointment to go buy clothes to wear together in the evening.

"Aww... I'm so envious. I wish I had a sister like that."

Ha-yeon's eyes widened as if she was envious.

She started talking about how blessed she was to have a brother who cared about this and how sad she felt about being an only child.

"You should be grateful that Gia has her sister. Does she know how lonely it is to be alone?"

You know

How lonely and forlorn I was because I was alone for the past 7 years.

To the point where my heart shimmers whenever I think of my sister.

So I could understand to some extent how bored and lonely the only child was.

"My mother doesn't know why she gave birth to me, and if she had had a younger brother, she would have been less bored."

Ha-yeon said that she was always envious of her friends who had her brothers.

"Uh...? For a moment?!! If I go shopping for clothes, won't we play together again?"

Then she suddenly rummages through her pockets and pulls out two of her tickets.

Oh right...

Come to think of it, today, she said she was going to see a musical performance with Hayeon.

She asked me to go with her because it was a performance her older sister was doing.

I forgot about it at the thought of my sister returning to Korea.

"Oh yes... I forgot."

"Han Jiwoo!! What if I forgot it..!!!"

"Sorry, I'm out of my mind these days."

Then, Ha Yeon-yi let out a shallow sigh.

"So you can't go today?"

She seems to be sorry, her voice lowering.

Come to think of it, she was looking forward to this performance quite a bit.

Did the other kids say that they didn't like musicals that much, so there was no one else to go to except me?

So she was the one who told me to come unconditionally because if I didn't go, I would have to go alone.

"Wait a minute, I'll try calling my sister. Maybe you can go."

"Okay? Okay. Call me now."

When Ha-yeon said that she could go, the corner of her mouth went up again.

I quickly took out my phone and called my sister.

Let it beep twice.

"Did you erase it?"

My sister called right away.

"Uh. Sister. Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course. Why~ what's going on? Did you call because your sister wanted to hear your voice? My sister was also contemplating whether to call Jiwoo or not, and it turned out really well. Hi-Hi

Or did he miss his older sister's face? Shall we switch to a video call?"

My sister was overjoyed just by the fact that I called, and she couldn't hide her excitement.

Even Ha-yeon next to her was startled.

"Ah...No, I have something to tell you."

You don't have to make a video call when you say you won't be able to go shopping in the evening.

"Um... Do you want to tell your sister that you love her? I love you too~ side by side."

"That... No, we were supposed to go shopping together today."

"Yes, we decided to go in the evening. You called because you were excited to go shopping together?!! Ugh... I don't think anyone wants you. Because who's younger sister is really cute~."

Ha-yeon, who was listening to the phone next to me, whispered to me in a small voice.

"Wow... Unnie seems to like you a lot."

"Yeah... We're kind of close."

Then, Ha-yeon looked at me with an even more envious face.

She had been imagining too much about her brother or her sister from before, and she seemed to be expecting more after seeing her sister's phone call with Jia.

By the way so what

It sounds like you're really looking forward to going shopping together.

Even when I came home in the morning, I was happy, but I heard my sister's voice over the phone like this.

My sister's voice was excited, like a child waiting for Santa for Christmas.

I didn't expect you to be so happy.

So, I feel sorry for canceling the appointment.

But what can I do?

I made an appointment with Hayeon first.

No matter how long you say you're an older sister, it's not polite to cancel a prior appointment.

I'm sorry to my sister, but I had no choice but to ask if we could go shopping together next time.

"Sister, I forgot, I had a prior appointment today. I'm really sorry, but can I go shopping later? I'm really sorry..."

You may regret it a little, but you'll probably say it's okay.

That's also true, because she's a good older sister who takes lightly on her sister's mistakes.

So I wasn't too worried...


The older sister on the other side of the phone looked hard to hide her embarrassment.

"You have other appointments? With who? Where? What are you doing?"

The kind tone from before had gone somewhere, and her voice had changed to a chilling one.

As if you have become a different person.

"That... Well, we decided to go to the concert together... But this is the promise we made in the past..."

So I was embarrassed without even knowing it, and I was stuttering to the end.

"Who are you going with?"

"Chi... Buddy."

"Who is your friend?"

My sister's voice is getting louder and louder.

"I've known Hayeon since high school. The kid is nice..."

"Is it a girl?"

At the same time, it feels cold.

"Oh, a woman. Ah.. Not like a girlfriend, just a lady..."

"No way. Come home right after school. Okay?"

And then my sister hung up the phone.

Not only me, but also Ha-yeon, who was next to her, couldn't keep her mouth shut at her sister's changed attitude.

Silence flows between Ha-yeon and me.

I honestly never thought she'd say no sister.

She thought she could regret it a little, but she didn't expect me to hang up her phone with such a serious expression.

"My sister must have expected a lot of shopping. Haha... I'm fine so go shopping for clothes with her sister. Why can't I go with someone else?"

Ha-yeon tries to put an end to this awkward situation with a smile on her face.

With her light sigh, I lowered her head and apologized to her.

"Sorry. Let's go to the wall together. Really sorry."

It was my mistake in the first place.

She can't blame her older sister, it's natural for her to feel bad if she says she can't go, saying that she made an appointment with her but suddenly has an appointment.

It's my fault for forgetting that there was a prior appointment and making a double appointment.

"Are you okay. Well, if it doesn't work out, you can go see it alone, and have fun with your sister."

Fortunately, Hayeon was in an understanding atmosphere.




"I'm home."

As soon as I opened the front door and entered, my sister came running.

And then he hugs me

"Are you here?"

He greeted me with a bright smile.

"Huh. I'm here."

The cold older sister's voice from when I called earlier had disappeared, as usual.

No, she was welcoming me with the appearance of a warmer older sister than usual.

"Thank god. You were nervous because you thought Ji-Woo was leaving your sister and going out with another friend."

Haha... Sorry."

Is that something to be nervous about?

It must be that my sister cares for me that much.

My older sister looked at me more than usual.

As if she liked me that much, she smiled brightly once again and hugged me.

"I'm out of breath..."

"I'll do this a little longer."

A sister's tight embrace.

Her sister's arms draped behind her neck were pushing her face against her own chest.

The smell of her older sister's flesh and softness were felt at the same time, and it felt quite comfortable.

"Heehee, it's so nice to be holding Jiwoo like this."

"Me too..."

"While we were in America, I missed my little brother how much, and I really love it."

My sister has been tightening her hug more and more.

And I put my arms around her waist and hugged her sister.

"That goes for me too. How lonely and forlorn I was without my older sister."


"Of course. Although her mom took care of her, she said she wasn't as good as her older sister. My sister is the best..!"

"Ogugu... Look at my brother talking nicely. Who do you resemble so that you have such a handsome face, talk pretty and be kind? Huh?"

"It's because you're a sister, so what..."

"Hee hee, I really like it. From now on, my sister will always be by my side. It will never fall."

"Me too..."

My sister's arms are warm. Fluffy and soft, it wraps around me as if it originally meant my home.

So, without realizing it, I rubbed my face against my sister's chest.

"It's cute... Jiwoo, would you like to look up for a second?"


I just slightly raise my head and look at my sister.

Her love drips like honey from her eyes, and she kisses her on the forehead making her side ♡ sound.

"Jiwoo, let's be together for the rest of our lives from now on."