
Sister's Growing Obsession

My older sister, who returned from the United States, has become a little strange... Extra Tags:#romance #incest #sister #yandere #Obsession #exhaustion #femdom #Oneshota N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Getting Stained by My Sister (1)

N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it's not my fault. Please don't comment about the translation quality because, again, it's Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

Chapter 4 - Getting Stained by My Sister (1)

"Erasing. Erase."

Someone was shaking their shoulders and calling my name.

"Uh... Who is it..."

I don't know who it is, but why are you disturbing me when I'm sleeping soundly...

Don't you know I shouldn't touch you when you're sleeping? I'm still tired from a lot of sleep in the morning, but...

"Hey, you have to get up. It's morning. It's morning."

I waved my arms and motioned for the intruder to leave, but the more he did, the more he grabbed my shoulder.

"Anyway, I'll be late for school. Huh?!"


Is it time to go to school already?

It's still dark outside the window...

At the word school, I barely rubbed my eyes and got out of bed.

Haha... I'm tired...

Her light brown haired, pretty face comes into view.


It must have been my older sister who woke me up until now.

"Did you sleep well?"

My older sister who smiles kindly and strokes my hair.

Then she lightly kissed me on the cheek and asked me to come out and eat.

"Hey, what time is it now? Can't I sleep some more? I'm so tired..."

I still chatted with my sister until late yesterday, and I am a person who sleeps a lot in the morning.

If it's a 9:00 class, you're the kind of person who would lie in bed until 8:30.

"It's 6:30~. Let's get up and eat. Huh?"

What...? 6:30?

Are you talking about 6:30 in the morning?

It was dark outside the window.

That means the sun hasn't risen yet, and I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, but I couldn't see it well because my eyes were dim, but the small needle seemed to point to the number 6.

"Ah... What is it... I'm going to sleep a little longer. And since I don't normally eat breakfast, my sister eats it alone."

After saying that, I pulled the blanket over my head to sleep again.

My sister immediately pulled down the blanket and started waking me up again.

"Uh huh..! Wake up soon. Originally, I was going to wake him up at 6, but he was sleeping soundly, so I let him sleep for another 30 minutes. The day has already begun. Let's get up and eat."

"No... I'm tired... I'm going to sleep two more hours..."

"Two hours?! You have class at 9 o'clock and you are going to sleep until 8:30?!"

My sister's voice grew louder.

She looks very surprised and she looks at me in disbelief.

"I'll take care of it... It's okay to wake up then..."

I've been living like that so far, and there were no problems.

The school isn't too far away, and if you start running from home, you'll be there in 20 minutes.

I woke up at 30 minutes, changed my clothes, and left the house in about 40 minutes, and I was able to arrive at the lecture room.

Of course, it looks tight, but this is also a strategy in its own way.

That's because I've never been late.

"No way!! Get up quickly."

However, her sister's will was stubborn, and the blanket she was covering was completely taken away.

"It's cold... Give me a blanket..."

As soon as the blanket disappeared, the cold wind began to touch my body.

It's already early spring, so it's cold even if I stay still, but they even take away the blanket...

I rolled over towards my sister to get the blanket back, and I pulled desperately to get it.

"Uh huh..!! Jiwoo, if you don't listen to your sister, does it tickle you?"

"Ah, I don't know, do whatever you want. I'm going to sleep better... Uhehe...!!!!"

Then, suddenly, my sister came inside the futon and started tickling me.

Haha!!! No... Noona... Haha!!!!"

My sister's tickling, starting from her armpit after she put her hand inside her clothes.

Cold, long, thin fingers began to move all over the body, starting from the armpits.

Because of her already sensitive body, whenever her fingers touched her skin, her sensory cells began to struggle with laughter.

Haha...!!! Haha.. That.. .Stop..!! "

It tickled me so much, I struggled and tried to stop my sister.

"Eh..! It's a sin not to listen to you!!"

She held me tight with her legs. It tickled my body in earnest.

"Hey... Now, I was wrong... Haha."

And the tickling continued until I surrendered.

"Huh, the rice is more delicious than I thought."

My older sister who blushes and runs her lips lightly with her tongue.

I don't know what that means, but she just realized that she has to listen to her sister.




"Wow... Did you prepare all of this by yourself?"

I had no choice but to come out to have breakfast, and on the table was a delicacy I had never seen before.

Her mother didn't even go this far, but she usually just ate toast or whatever she ate last night.

From jangjorim to egg rolls to miso soup to seasoned cucumbers.

In addition, hot tea was served like breakfast at a hotel.

"I'm sorry that these are the only ingredients I have, I'll go grocery shopping today and make you something more delicious tomorrow."

"Ah... No, this is enough... No, it's too much..!!"

I didn't eat breakfast well in the first place, and I don't eat lunch or dinner like this.

Just get some food delivered or starve.

That's why it's been a really long time since I've had a home-cooked meal like this.

"How is it delicious?"

To put it bluntly, it was nagging.

I don't know how long it's been since I've eaten such delicious home-cooked food.

Should I say it melts in your mouth?

The taste is delicious, but the food is generous, and I felt like my stomach was full.

Come to think of it, my sister was also good at cooking.

Even when I was young, I always took care of rice.

"Because I eat well, cooking is worthwhile."

"Thank you sister. It's really, really delicious..!"

Up until now, I had a chimney-like desire to lie in bed without eating, but after eating my sister's cooking, I kept thinking that I was good at waking up.

By the way, does your sister not eat? You've been resting your chin on me since earlier, looking at me.

"You eat too. My sister prepared it, so she should eat it too."

"I get full just watching Jiwoo eat."

"Can you get full just by looking at it?"

"Huh! Noona is so happy and full just for Jiwoo to enjoy the food I cooked for her. So don't worry about my sister and eat a lot."

Well... It's okay if you're okay.

It's a bit like eating alone though...

In the first place, I even ate alone, it seems a bit much.

"Now, sister, try it."


So, I picked up the meat next to me and brought it to my sister's mouth.

"Ah, do it. I will feed you."

"Uh... Uh..."

My older sister blushed slightly and showed a look of embarrassment.

I guess I didn't know that I would come out like this.

"Then, shall we try what Jiwoo gives us?"

But she soon returned to her original sister, her ahh and her little mouth open.

I put the meat I gave you into Sook's mouth.

"Hehe, maybe it's because Jiwoo gave it to me, it's delicious~"

"My sister is a good cook."

"No~. I think it tastes even better because Jiwoo gave it to me!!"

As if it was normal, she had nothing more to say.

Just scratching her head and laughing.

"Nuna, but can I sleep more after eating?"


"Why...? Originally it's time to sleep right now, if I didn't sleep now, I'd definitely doze off in class...?"

If it's the same as before, it's time to sleep for a while now.

So personally, I wanted a little more, but my sister doesn't seem to have the heart to allow it.

"Jiwoo, you should develop the habit of waking up early in the morning... Even when you were little, you always woke up at this time. I do not remember?"

Surely it was then...

I woke up at 6:00 every morning, ate breakfast, and went out for a morning walk.

But that was when I was young, and now that I'm older, I can't...

Now... Wait.

You're not supposed to eat and go for a walk, right?!!

But anxiety always hits.

"Let's eat and walk around the neighborhood. You know how good it is to exercise in the morning, right?"

"Here... Wait a minute, older sister..!!"

At that moment, the rice I was eating almost came out.

You want to go for a walk? At such an early hour?

Leading this body that is about to collapse from sleepiness?

Moreover, it was cold outside.

Even in spring, when the sun doesn't rise, the weather is pretty chilly.

That's why I didn't want to go out anyway.

"I will never go out for a walk. It's cold outside."

"Why? Isn't it nice to get some fresh air?"

It's nice to get some fresh air, but I didn't want to do it in the cold wind.

And most of all, I wanted to sleep.

I was so tired, my eyes were half closed even now.

Then my sister started talking about why she had to go for a walk in the morning.

Starting with fresh air blowing into the lungs, you can spend the day in a good mood.

Not only the lungs, but also refreshing the brain so that you can focus more on studying.

As far as saying you can increase your stamina.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with what my sister said, but it was just... Annoying to go out.

"Can I not go out?"

"Get ready now. It's a light walk, so it won't take too long."

It's already decided.

Even if I say I don't want to leave here, she will drag me out somehow.

Like waking me up in the morning.

Ugh ... I suddenly remembered what my sister had been tickling in the morning, and at that moment, her body trembled.

To do it again?

I absolutely hated it.

So she sighed and went into her room to change her clothes.




"Oh, what is it? It looks a little different today."

When I entered the classroom, Ha-yeon saw me and she made a surprised expression.

"Hey... What is it really? A kid who always wears only a hoodie. Somehow the wind blew and he wore it so stylishly.

Isn't it just clothes? What's this on your head? Did you apply essence? It smells good."

Hayeon is not the only one.

The other kids were also slightly surprised by my change.

A black sweater over a white shirt and light brown pants.

Well, it's a style commonly worn by college students, but until now, I've only worn a hoodie or a simple shirt.

Above all, it was the way to fix my bangs by applying essence and wax to my hair.

I had never shown Hayeon anything like this in the past 5 years.

To be honest, I'm a little ashamed of the way I look now.

My sister complimented me on how pretty she was, but maybe she's the only one who thinks that way...