
Chapter : 5 Money

Darian returned to his room, deep in contemplation about his future moves. "I must gauge how close I am to the Canon," he thought. A distinct click interrupted his thoughts, signaling the entrance of the familiar maid, Emilie, reaching for untouched food on the table.

"Wait, you there," Darian called out, freezing Emilie in her tracks. She looked toward him, breaking her trance. "Good morning, Master Darian," she greeted with a respectful bow.

"Can you tell me where my wife is? No, I'll likely get lost. How about this – can you take me there?" Darian asked, and Emilie immediately agreed. They reached a room but were halted by another maid. "I'm sorry, Master Darian, but Maou-sama has ordered that no one should disturb her," the maid explained with a slight bow.

In that moment, a voice echoed in Darian's mind. "Darian, I'll teach you a trick for situations like this," Ebonfang said, materializing beside him. A surge of unknown feelings filled Darian as his gaze locked onto the maid. "I'm not asking for your permission. Move out of the way," he asserted, his eyes flashing a crimson hue. The maid hesitated, taking a step back as Darian pushed open the door, revealing an empty room with only a table and chairs.

Peeking outside the room, Darian questioned the maid about Sirzechs' whereabouts. She stammered, suggesting she might be in the washroom. Seating himself, Darian inquired in a hushed tone, "Ebony, why did you help me? I thought we were on bad terms."

"Firstly, I am not Ebony; I am Ebonfang, you bastard. Secondly, it's just a normal death stare with a bit of bloodlust. Since you're absorbing my power, your bloodlust is irresistible to those with weaker mental fortitude. Plus, I can't allow any shame to come to you – you're my disciple in a way, so I'll personally teach you every skill," Ebonfang explained.

"Disciple? When did that happen?" Darian questioned.

"You bastard, you're absorbing my power, so you're, in a way, my disciple," Ebonfang expressed in frustration.

"Just become his disciple; it'll be easier for you to learn his power since he knows how to use it better than you," Skele chimed in as he appeared by Darian's side.

"I never knew Jesus's lackey had such high regard for me," Ebonfang teased with a smile.

"Don't mess with me, or I'll use a vacuum cleaner on you," Skele warned.

"Is it really okay for both of you to be roaming outside like this? What if someone sees you?" Darian questioned.

"Don't worry, nobody can see me except you," Skele reassured. "Same with me," added Ebonfang.

As the door clicked open, a stunning lady with crimson hair, perfectly tied in a ponytail, entered the room, donning a cream girl top and slightly pink pants. Her blue eyes akin to Darian but more oceanic than his, Darian, usually unperturbed, found himself the focus of her soft, shocked gaze, nervously attempting to avoid her eyes, prompting a bemused comment from Ebonfang.

"Wtf, why are you shying?" Ebonfang remarked, observing Darian's unexpected reaction.

Internally slapping himself to regain composure, Darian gestured, "Hello, you can take the seat; no need to stand there."

Sirzechs gracefully seated herself, asking, "So, is there anything you want to talk about?"

Darian, straightforward as ever, replied, "Yes, I want some money."

"Huh? Okay, I'll send a maid with money," Sirzechs said, her tone softening slightly. "Is there anything else?"

"No, nothing else," Darian replied, standing up to leave.

Outside the room, Ebonfang couldn't hold back his commentary. "Idiot, is that all you got?"

Darian retorted, "What do you mean?"

"She's your wife! You should've jumped on her, taken her in your arms, and given her a little squeeze, maybe a kiss," Ebonfang suggested with a mischievous grin.

Darian scoffed, "You're the idiot. Do you even realize how powerful she is? She could vaporize me to dust."

Ebonfang chuckled, "Stupid. She looks hard on the outside, but inside, she's soft. All you need is to peel her hard shell and savor the soft parts."

"How can you say that so confidently?" Darian asked, intrigued.

"Because I have experience with billions of women; I even earned the award of Playboy of the Century," Ebonfang boasted.

Realization struck Darian, "Wait, I forgot to thank her," prompting him to open the door and peek inside.

Sirzechs, focused on her work, said, "If there's something more to say, then say it."

"I wanted to say thank you, Strawberry," Darian expressed before closing the door and walking away.

As Sirzechs returned to her tasks, she couldn't help but wonder, "Wait, what did he say?"

Meanwhile, in the corridors, Darian strolled towards his room, where Skele inquired, "By the way, Darian, what did you need money for?"

"I need to go to the human world and check if the Canon has started. If not, I'll make myself a part of it," Darian replied, unknowingly earning Ebonfang's admiration. "This guy has unintentional rizz; he didn't even realize what he said. I guess I have a new successor for the Playboy Century Award."

Time passed as Darian found himself standing by the roadside outside the Gremory castle, equipped with a bank card adorned with the Gremory tag. The confidence he had leaving the castle faded as he realized he had no idea how to get to the human world.

"Seriously, you came out of the house so confidently, but you didn't even know the way to your destination," Ebonfang commented. Just then, a tap on Darian's shoulder interrupted their banter.

Turning around, Darian faced a stout man, 5 feet tall, dressed in a black suit with a matching hat. "Hello, can I have some time of yours?" he inquired.

"Sure," Darian replied, curious about the man's proposition.

"I'm looking for an investor who can put some money into my business. Could you spare some time to see the details? I can guarantee you'll love it," the man explained.

Darian, glancing at his casual attire of blue shorts and a T-shirt, thought, "How does this guy think I'd have money to invest?" The man, however, seemed confident, claiming an unusual talent. "I don't judge people from their looks, plus I have a weird talent of smelling money," he said.

Skeptical, Darian stated, "I really don't have the money to invest in a business."

"I already told you sir, I can smell money, and you have lots of money; I can literally smell it from your pocket," the portly man asserted as he audaciously sniffed Darian.

Darian, pondering the implications of using Sirzechs' bank card, thought to himself, "There's that bank card from Sirzechs; maybe it has a lot of money. Now that I think about it, if I spend this money in the human world, she will probably find out."

"Sir, what are you thinking? If you have any problems, I might be able to solve them for you," the man suggested.

Darian eyed him cautiously, "Hey, I'll invest in your company if I have money, and if it's not some illegal business. But there are two things I need your help with," he added, glaring down at the man.

"Don't worry, sir. How about this: I'll help you first, and then you can show your courtesy later on," the man proposed, offering a deal that left Darian intrigued and somewhat skeptical.

As Darian expressed his desire to visit the human world discreetly, the rotund man informed him about the legalities of crossing realms but assured him that for a casual visit, he had a method to send him without raising suspicions. For Darian's second request to use the money from Sirzechs' card covertly, the man handed him a different card, claiming it held a whopping 1 billion dollars.

Darian held the black credit card, along with his phone no. card and the coordinates of the human world. "Aren't you too confident? I mean, I'm just a stranger. What if I ran away and never met you again?" Darian questioned.

"Sir, I believe it's fate that we met today, and I believe we will meet again. Bring lots of good luck," the man said, parting ways.

"That guy was one hell of a weirdo," Ebonfang commented.

A silver magic circle materialized beneath Darian, teleporting him to an empty street in Kuoh, Japan. Without precise coordinates for direct teleportation, he navigated the area, inquiring about Kuoh Academy from the locals. Suddenly, his journey took an unexpected turn when he found himself standing in front of a car showroom.

Making his way inside, a sharply dressed sales manager approached him, asking in a respectful tone, "Sir, may I ask what car you would like to see?"

Darian's eyes fixated on a white Koenigsegg Agera with sleek black racing stripes. "That car over there. I'll buy it," he declared.

The sales manager, attempting to convey the hefty price, began, "Sir, that could be 3 million dollars, and if we convert it to yen..."

Interrupting, Darian handed over the card, stating confidently, "I'll take the car."

As the sales manager inspected the card, he muttered, "Americanó Express."

Meanwhile, in Gremory Castle, Sirzechs was engrossed in his work when a knock on the door interrupted him. "Come in," he invited, glancing to see Ajuka entering.

"Ajuka, what are you doing here at this hour?" Sirzechs inquired.

"So you're telling me I can't come to meet my best friend?" Ajuka retorted playfully.

"It's not that. I thought you had a lot of research work pending," Sirzechs explained.

"I do have, but I can easily take out time if it's for you," Ajuka said with a hint of romance.

Unaware of Ajuka's gesture, Sirzechs, immersed in his tasks, responded, "I see. How about this: help me complete my work then."

To be continued..


Please give your power stone or Ajuka will make you his wife.

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