

I could say life is easy. But not when the odds are against you. Taken into the darkness of murder I find myself a victim of the truth untold. How do I fight back?? Vengeance!! Everyone must know how it feels to be a threat to the lives of the innocent. My reign will be for justice. People may quit but I never back down! Why?? Cause I'm Siren!! Irresistible with unmatched beauty and talent. My name will be the death of many!! Yes I'm a woman but that won't make me kill like a man when I can do it better than men!! Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty," where the allure of a woman with unparalleled beauty, talent, and skills conceals a multitude of enigmatic secrets. Prepare to be captivated as jealousy unravels the hidden truths that lie beneath her flawless facade. Amidst the duality of her existence, Siren embarks on daring missions that showcase her remarkable abilities. She is the epitome of perfection, a true marvel to behold. However, little does she know that her mysterious past lingers, waiting to resurface like a relentless hunter. What unfolds when the ghosts of her past come knocking? Will Siren's path remain strewn with delicate roses, or will it transform into an unforgiving bed of thorns? Journey alongside Siren as she navigates the treacherous terrain of her history, where her remarkable allure might just be the key to her survival. Prepare for a breathtaking tale filled with twists, revelations, and a mesmerizing protagonist whose secrets will leave you yearning for more. Will Siren rise above the shadows of her past, or will she succumb to the intricate web of deceit that surrounds her? "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty" is an irresistible literary gem that promises to enthral, enchant, and leave you craving the next chapter.

Bangume_pearl · Urban
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61 Chs


A week after my stay in the hospital, I was discharged, I went to the place they told me was my home. I had no pictures of myself or anything, to show it was me, do I hate pictures this much, for me to not own any?? Looking at the walk-in closet, it was fancy, and I don't know why but I feel like they are the things I like to wear. Looking at the house I have a very comfortable life, but I still sweat. Looks like I've got a lot of bills to pay, for me to be working despite the life I see.

Knocks... I rush to the door to see a not-so-handsome-looking guy holding a parcel in his hands and a book and pen in the other hand.

Good evening Miss

Good evening how can I help you?

Is Miss Nalani?


This parcel is for you.


Sign here please, he said demonstrating where to sign.

Okay.., I don't remember any signature but the second I take the pen, I sign with ease and a rather strange signature

Thanks. Here you go.. he said handing the parcel to me and left.

So weird.

I went in and opened the parcel, and there were so many papers in them. With a short letter.

"Miss Nalani go through the files and study them adequately, I have a crucial meeting at 8:00 AM be there on time, no blunders are entitled, and be efficient.

Signed Boss"

Wow, is this supposed to be an army company or what? The boss is so dictatorial, like what the heck, It's 7:00 PM how can I review all of this in one night? For fuck sake who is he?? Screw you! (I pat exhausted.)

I'll just fix something to eat and then see what to do about this rude boss of mine. I fixed up some beef stew and rice, I was craving for this so I just guessed it'll help me for the night. When I was done I ate and resolved to go through the papers it's not just some side road company, it's the biggest and owned by the youngest bachelor. No wonder he's such a brute. So tomorrow's session is for an industry proposal by a sports corporation, they want to use the phrase of the company to facilitate their new venture but they need him to be part of this new investment, so my part is to see the flaws and come up with a way of justifying his unwillingness to be part of this. Honestly from my point of view, their location for this new gym area seems not advantageous for the company. It may rather pull down the company's name. I guess I'll come up with something by morning, with that I crammed up the files, set an alarm and went straight to bed.

The next day I woke up early and at 7:00 AM I was in my car rushing for work. I arrived at exactly 7:30 AM. The place was like a graveyard when I entered, everyone was just too busy to see me. Untill.

Excuse me Miss ... Can I help you?

Yes, I'm the new Secretary of Mr Brooks.

she scanned me from head to toe and then gave me a weak smile.

Miss Nalani?

Yes Ma'am

Okay, follow me.


We walked to the elevator in silence. Once we were inside the elevator. She started a conversation.

Why do you want to work here?

Because I have bills to pay, I can't let them stack up.

But honestly, you'll pass entirely as a model, I mean look at you, any lady standing next to you will feel impaired, you are decently outfitted but... it doesn't hide your figure even for a second.

I blush at her words. Trust me being a model isn't what I would love to be part of, It has its pressure affixed to it.

Well, I hope your stay lasts, .. she spoke in a low tone but I felt the poundage of her phrases.

Trust me it will, my words surprised me even more.

You sound so sure.

She smiles at my bravery.

I'm just confident that's all.

Well, I think I like your vibe.

Thanks, Ma'am. Please what's your name and position?

I'm Sandra Mr Brooks' aunt.

Oh, My God!!

I was more than alarmed, you're too cordial.

Haha, I get that a lot. We're here, she informs me as we reach the last floor at the top. It was classy and quiet.

That's your post. I'll see him quickly and leave, good luck, child.

Thanks a lot, Ma'am.

You're welcome.


The door connects open and I turned to look

Aunt??! He clamored looking as surprised as always, it's what I usually do to him.


I said with a big smile

Why didn't you inform me you were coming? He questioned with a frown.

Don't you get tired of asking me that exact question every time?

Fine! See the thing is I have a meeting in the next five minutes. How about you wait for me here?

Not happening young man, I'm heading home.

Aunt? He asked frustrated.

Yes! You're a brute and there's no way I'm hanging around someone who hasn't even smiled since I walked in.

I'm sorry.

You always say that but you never change. she spoke feigning a sad face.

I'm leaving.

Fine! I'll make it up to you.

How? I'm not one of your businesses, I'm your aunt you can't treat me like that.

I'll come home.

Aw, how sweet!

I walked over and hugged him his parents will be so proud of him if they were here today, I didn't voice out my thoughts.

I'm so proud of you Logan!

Thanks, Aunt he said hugging me back. I'll just walk you out.

I need to know why that incompetent new secretary of mine hasn't shown up yet.

Oh...she has!

What do you mean by she has?

She came at exactly 7: 30AM, She didn't inform you because I wanted to see you first.



I'll see if things change.

Don't make working here a dire thing for her.


I'm serious Logan.

Fine, I'll try.

Okay, that's fair. Let's go

Yes Ma'am!