
Chapter Ten

I could only look at him in surprise. The TV show that I watched flashed back in my mind. Then I looked back at Arick. His normal blue eyes were almost an unhuman teal, maybe even a clear blue crystal color. I gently paddled my way of to him and cupped his cheek softly.

"You look different... but I know you are the same." I whispered.

"So do you... Let's get out of the water. There are some things you need to know." He said.

He led me out of the water and onto the shore. I shivered but Arick put his shirt on me.

"Don't you need it?" I asked.

He shook his head at me.

"My body temperature doesn't change. Plus it looks good on you pekon." He said.

I smiled softly. In no time at all Arick had a blazing fire roaring loudly infront of me on the beach. I rolled my eyes, but I stayed close to the flames. They kept me warm. Arick sat a few feet away as let a handful of sand slide through his hands.

"Do you know what I am?"I asked.

He looked at my black hair and nodded.

"Well your last name is a dead giveaway. Also your lines go way back. Even before the witches of Salem were founded." He said.

I was quiet for a minute as I processed his words. Then a thought came to my mind. I looked over at Arick before speaking.

"So I assume that our ancestor's lines crossed at some point?" I asked.

He nodded and starred into the fire.

"... The Salem line wasn't just a witch line. They were specially trained to hunt my kind." He said.

I couldn't believe it. Was this really what happened? I sat there staring at him.

"This might sound horrible... but for what it is worth... I'm sorry..." I said.

He shrugged.

"Just as long as you don't start cursing me or putting a hex on me or my folks." He said.

I couldn't help it as a chuckle escaped my mouth. Then I stopped as I remembered Karina and his other friends.

"Arick... Why does Karina want to hurt me so badly?" I asked.

His eyes seemed to darken at my words. I almost regretted even asking it. Almost that is. I still felt the need to know the answer. Slowly Aric began to speak.

"Her father... was murdered...by your mother..." He said.

My eyes went wide. No..No she couldn't have. She isn't like that. She can't murder people! She cooks and cleans. She makes me eggs and pancakes for breakfast. Murder just ins't in her blood. Then it clicked with me. She never told me about her past life. I never knew of her childhood....

Without thinking I stood up and Arick looked at me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

I looked at him with determination.

"We are going to my house to get answers." I said.

I began walking to my bike. Arick stood up quickly and followed me.

"Pekon, we don't even know if she will tell us. What if she woan even say anything?" He rambled.

I straddled my bike and started it. I turned and came face to face with him.

"You question it, but you follow me to my bike. If you didn't have some kind of hope inside you, then you wouldn't have even bother to get up from the sand. Hell, you wouldn't have even bothered to explain this shit to me." I said.

Arick sighed and shook his head.

"You are the craziest fille I have ever know..." He said.

He cursed and got on behind me. Then he shook his head.

"We goan to have to switch up this seating arrangement pekon..."He said.

I laughed and got off so he could scoot up and I got on behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and he sped off.