
Chapter Six

I looked at him with wide eyes and then looked out of thI woke up to something bouncing ontop of me. I rolled and grabbed what was on me. I blinked in surprise.

"Willow what are you doing?" I asked.

She smiled a toothy grin and her missing tooth shown proudly. She must have lost it yesterday. The events played in my mind again and I sighed.

"Momma told me to get you up...so get up sissy" She whined.

I groaned and sat up when Willow jumped off of me and out of my door. I practically dragged my body out of my bed and to my closet. Sighing I roamed through my closet. I decided on a pair of black leggings, a dark rose colored blouse, and my old black combat boots. Grabbing the bundle of clothes I walked into the shower.

I stripped quickly and stepping into the shower. The water was freezing at first. So cold it instantly gave me goosebumps all over my body. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth when it got warmer, slowly turning hot. I shampooed my hair, and conditioned. A thick lather of ocean breeze soap covered my skin and I washed it over gently.

After my shower I wrapped my hair in a fluffy grey towel and wiith another towel I started to dry off my body. My clothes felt warm on me. I put on a fresh coat of eyeliner and a small amount of mascara. After takintg my hair out of the towel I brushed and combed it. What should I do with my hair today? Ugh forget it. That's too much.

I stepped out of the bathroom and heard a knock at my door.

"Victoria. Your friends from school are here to pick you up." She said.

There was a hint of joy in her voice. Wait a minute. Friends from school? Who in the hell would that be? My eyes went wide with surprise. Oh hell no... Before I knew it my feet raced down the stairs and out the front door. I didn't even bother to grab breakfast. My breath was stolen from me once again as I saw who was waiting for me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

Their car was a simple mustange. Probably a 1973 model. It was so old, yet looked brand new.All of them were there, well except for Karima. For some reason I didn't have any objections to that. Coraline was in the driver seat, Rex in the middle of the front, Jack in the passenger seat, and Arick, alone in the back seat.

"We thought we owed you a lift." Coraline said softly.

I looked towards the shed. Oh I don't have a bike to use anymore. Well until I repair it that is. I looked back towards them. I didn't say anything as I walked towards them. I didn't bother to open the door.The roof was down so I leapt right in. Arick scooted a bit closer to me and I turned to look away from him.

"Hmm... ocean breeze suits you." He said.

Before I could even respond he scooted to the other seat and looked at me. I decided to face him and we drove off. Coraline was a great driver, but I couldn't stop looking at Arick.

"What are you?" He asked me.

e car. Trees rushed passed us and I could feel the air rush around us. So I smirked and looked at him.

"What are you?" I asked.

He looked at me and smirked as well. He just nodded and did some hand signal to Coraline who nodded slowly and everyone seemed to tense up. I couldn't help but tense up as well. What is going on? Coraline made a turn at the next light.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"A place." Arick responded.

I glared at him.

"Take me to school." I said.

Arick looked at me and shook his head no.

"Do it. Or I will jump out of this car." I snapped.

"You won't-" I cut him off.

I stood and leapt out. The air rushed passed me and then the ground came, and it was not gentle with me. I was tumbling hard and fast. I could feel my skin tearing and I heard the breaks slam on Coraline's car. Saw the red tail lights as well. I stood quickly. Hurt of not, I would get the hell away from them.

I dashed into the woods and made my way back home...