
Chapter Seven

Mom was working, Willow was at school, and I have the house to myself. Just the way I like it. I could have a lazy day today. Walking into the kitchen I made some popcorn with extra butter and dumped it into a bowl. I grabbed it and sat on the couch flicking through all of the channels. I decided to watch some documentary on myths.

'And today we will speak of the deadly sirens tale.' The man said.

I turned up the volume and listened to it as I ate my popcorn.

'These mythical beings may have the looks of a human, but are anything but that. They prey on land and lure their prey into water to drag them down to the darkest part of the ocean. And their kiss-' He said.

At that point I had turned it off. That was creepy. Why do people believe in that crap. It isn't real. Right? Shaking my head I got up and walked outside. I wandered into the shed to look at my bike. I looked at it with pity. My poor baby.

I turned on the radio on the shelf and blasted the music loudly. Going into the back I pulled out a new tire. I rolled it back to the bike. Raising the bike up, it took me a while, but I got the tire changed. I picked up the old tire and chucked it into the garbage. I won't be using that anymore. My eyes looked up when I heard footsteps.

Who the hell is that? I looked under the shed and saw a pair of pink flip flops walking around the shed. I grabbed a wrench silently and hid behind a shelf.

"Victoria?" Someone said.

I whirled around and stared with huge eyes.

"Kurami? What the hell man!? I thought you were a fucking murderer!" I yelled.

Kurami wore a simple tan dress that gently grasped at her fair curves. It suited her well and it had a hoodie attached to the back of it. From inside of the hoodie I noticed two sting of yarn that came out and dandlged two big fuzzy puff balls the color of pink lemonade. She held out a small notebook for me.

"I went to all of your classes and got you your notes you missed today. I even stayed after to let her show me how they are done. It took a while, but I hope you uderstand this stuff."She said.

I wiped my hands of grease from my bike and took the notebook. I looked up at her smiling softly.

"Thanks Kurami. Um would you like to come in?" I asked.

I watched as her eyes went wide and a smile appeared on her face.

"Of course!" She said.

I walked her into the house and told her I would be upstairs to put away the book and then I would be right back down.

When I came back down Kurami was flipping through the channels untlil she stoppped on the siren documentary. I stuck myself in the doorway.

"Hey, want something to drink?" I asked her.

She nodded still watching the channel and I took it upon myself to go make some Kool-aid. The only flavor we had was strawberry. I hope that is alright. Pouring the finished liquid into two glasses I brought one to Kurami and sat down beside her.

"If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get that flat on your bike Victorria?" She asked.

"...It um...blew out while I was on the road." I lied.

She sipped her drink and nodded.

"It was just really weird today. You didn't show up at school, and neither did any of the Royals." She said.

I scoffed. Well that was probably because they wanted to get me into a car and drag me off into god knows where.

"I hardly think they should be called Royals." I said lightly.

"Ha! Victoria, have you see their faces? They are gods with their looks!" She said.

"I think you are exaggerating Kurami." I said trying to hold in my laughter.

"Are you kidding? The only thing I don't like is there habits." She says.

I look at her with a curious glance.

"What do you mean?

"Um... do you mean aside from the fact that almost every night they are seen in the water?" She asked.

I looked at her with a questioning look. In the water? Every night? That does seem a bit odd.

"Kurami, you can't just judge them. Might I remind you that people here love beaches?" I said.

She pouted, but she eventually nodded.

One thing was for damn sure... I for some reason, didn't believe what I said in the slightest bit.....