
Chapter Nine

The feeling of a hand woke me up. My eyes slowly opened and I realized it was Arick's hand, and it was slowly caressing my cheek. I winced a bit. The wound was still sore. He seemed to notice my discomfort and stopped.

"Sorry she got you a bit too good." He said.

I looked around and I was leaning against a tree staring out onto an ocean shore. The waves crashed gently against the sandy beach. Arick was tearing the bottom of his shirt off.

"W-What are you doing pervert!" I yelled.

He looked at me.

"I'm making a cloth for your wound!" He yells back.

I blinked in surprise when he tore off his shirt. I couldn't help it. There was...gills on his sides. I reached forwards and gently ran my finger across one flap. His eyes went wide as he gripped my wrist.

"Don't ask somethin you goan to regret..." He whispers.

A heavy breath escaped out of my lips before I could stop it and I looked up at him. He leaned in close to me and I couldn't help it. His blue eyes seemed to draw my face in closer as he inched his way towards me. Would this man kiss me? Would I even pull away? Did I really want to? I genntly licked my bottom lip and he seemed to notice.

A breath came from his mouth as he turned his head to the side. I blushed madly and slowly scooted back. He ran a hand through his dark locks and I couldn't help but take in the view. He looked at me.

"If only you knew....If only..." He said.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ugh! Just tell me damnit! All of these secrets...It...It makes me sick! You are so hot and cold you jerk! You and your gang all are rude arrogant people who lack the manners of decent humans. Karnia growls, you all are strong, and you all have this certain air around you that seems to make you think that you guys are above everyone!....It's bullshit!" I yelled.

He was silent, but I continued to rant.

"You guys are so differnt from everyone! The way you act, the way you talk, walk, eat, breath, your appearences are far above perfection....what...what are you danmit!" I finished.

I stood up walking over to him and shoved his chest. He didn't move an inch, but he didn't try to stop me either.

"Tell me!" I yelled.

I kept hitting his chest and all he did was look down at me with some look in his eyes that I couldn't exactly place what it was. I hit him softly in the chest and my fist simply laid on his chest. I placed my head on his chest as a single tear ran down my face.

"Please...." I whispered so low, that I wondered if he even heard me.

He was quiet for a long time. I completely lost track of time as we just stood there like that. I didn't move, and neither did he. Then I felt it as he placed a hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me back and walked into the water until it was at his knees. He grasped the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head.

"W-What?" I mumbled.

He turned his head to the side as he spoke.

"I can't tell you... but I can show you..." He said.

My eyes never left his broad back as he dove into the water. I instantly stood and rushed over to the water's edge. I looked until I was in the water at knee deep. It was freezing on my legs and I shivered.

"Arick!" I called.

No response. I took a step closesr and then I felt this sense of remembering. Where have I seen this all before. Then I felt a scale like texture of something run across my bare leg. I shivered. This is all too familiar. Someone help me! Please! Something grasped my ankle. It...It felt human.

It tightened its grip on my ankle and I felt it as it jerked me hard yanking my body under the waves as if to silence my calls. Help! The water rushed into my mouth as I tried to scream. Nothing was working! I couldn't scream, couldn't talk. Nothing! I kicked and managed to get my head above the water and gasped for breath. Yet it was all in vain. The grip on my leg was an iron like one. It pulled me back under the waves and I thrashed in a panic frenzy. Why was this happening to me?

All that ran through my head was one thing. Arick! My eyes snapped open in the salty waters and I screamed at the top of my lungs. My mouth filled with water, but only for a moment. Then it was as if the water was being shoved back and it pushed the thing on my ankle off. I felt my full witch threatening to boil over.

I felt it as my teal hair tranformed to its natural black and only a few blue streaks remained. I knew my eyes changed to an emerald green. That was when I saw it. As the water calmed and I was face to face with my attacker. Arick....

I was a coughing mess. I couldn't breath. Hell, I couldn't even swim, let alone float for my life. I looked at Arick and motioned at my throat. He just nodded and swam slowly towards me as if to be cautious. I grasped his hand as he easily came to the surface. I gasped for air and savored the feeling as it filled my lungs.

Once I calmed myself I looked over at Arick. He was a piece of art. Above the water he as perfect, but in the water...he was entirely something else. His dark raven locks were drenched and clung to his face as he stared at me. His face and jaw were hard like stone, but his eyes held mine with a curious glance.

I noticed a splash and looked over to see he had a tail. Holy shit.

"Are you a mermaid?!" I practically yelled.

I could see that his shoulders were shaking. Does he think this is funny? I hit his shoulder, but of course, it didn't affect him. I rollled my eyes. Men.

"No...No I am not. Not only are mermaids female, but I...am a....siren." He said.