
Chapter Five

I hit the gas hard loud. I wanted out! I sped down the rode until the scenery was unfamiliar. Trees everywhere. I must be up north. How long have I been driving anyway? The sun is begining to set. I turned off the road to the left side and stared in awe. I cant be that far if there is a beach here.

I turned and took the key out of the ignition and swung my legs off of my bike. I stood tall as I looked around at my surroundings. So peacefull. So...surreal. The sandy beaches were tantalizing as the trees wrapped arround the sand to keep in from the view of the public. Oh god was this someones property? Would that mean I am tresspassing?

I looked over and saw a sign. "A kiss witll conusme you". Why does that seem so familiar. The sound of waves slashing against the shore snapped me out of my daze as I glanced over to the water. I don't even know how to swim, yet I feel drawn to it. I sat down at the very edge of the water. I don't want to swim... just let my feet go under the water. Just as I was about to I saw something move in the water. Hmm? What was that...? I stood up to go closer to it, but stopped when I heard something behind me.

"Well well well... podna looky what Arick found on his beach." Arick said.

I whipped around with wide eyes.

"This is your beach?" I asked.

Dumb question Victoria! Of course it is. Why else would he be here.

"Did you follow me?" I asked finallly grasping the situation.

I heard him scoff and I glared at him.

"Says the fille who's on my property." He said.

"Fine, Im out." I said.

I started to walk back towards my bike until several figures stepped out from behind it. All of them. The whole group of them. All in swimwear. I balled my hands in to fist for some reason. I don't like what I am feeling.

I let the wind blow a bit harder. Enough that they all were confused as to what was going on. That's right, I am not a force to be messed with.

"Get the hell away from my bike." I said lowly.

I cared deeply for that bike. It was all I had left of my father. After he went missing, that was the only thing he left behind. Alarick suprisingly obeyed and didn't go near my bike, as if he understood. How could he?

Karina however... did not. She straddled the bike and pretended to start it. I narrowed my eyes. Count Victoria. Do not do anything too rash... Breath.

"Karina, get off." Alarick said to her.

She looked at him, her face blood red and flushed. She seemed to be studdering for her words as she tried to contain her anger.

"How dare you order me!" She said as she stepped off of the bike but still near it.

"Come on Karina..." Coraline.

She bent over to my bike and I saw the flash of silver and my breath got caught in my throat. She took the blade and slashed my tire. My eyes went wide and before I knew it I was infront of her, in the middle of them all and swung my fist at her. It collided with her jaw and a sickening crack sound be heard, and I knew I broke her jaw. She realed back from the hit and craddled her slackened jaw.

That didn't stop me though, I kept going at her. I rushed at her at once and tackled her body to the ground knocking the blade out of her hand, and sending us tumbling to the ground. Sand covered our clothes, but I didn't care. Nothing mattered. Tears were covering my cheeks in a wet blanket. I kept swinging my fists at her face, missing only one time. She was shrieking and trying to claw at me, but I dodged everyone of her flails at me.

"Victoria! Enough!!" Someone said.

Then someone yanked me back and my skin felt electric and I heard Arick curse in pain. I shoved him away reflexively and stepped back panting. Then I realized that I shocked him. Oh god! He fell to the ground and I crouched down feeling my skin cool down and looked at him.

"Arick are you okay? Man I am so sorry, I- I didn't even pay attention. It's just I can't control my self yet!" I said.

I cupped his hand and closed my eyes. Please. Please. Please! Then I felt my hand grow hot and I opened my eyes. I knew they had changed.

"Ochora...yavernieeses....Kirumassa..." I spoke softly.

The wind around I swirled at a hurricane like pace and Arick and I were surrounded in a blinding light. The light stayed for only a moment until it vanished and I quickly stood. Karina, Coraline, Rex, and Jack all surrounded Arick as I grabbed my bike by the handles and started it. Flat tire or not, I am leaving. Arick will be fine, and hopefully they will act like nothing happened.

It started raining about half way through my walking, but I didn't care. The cold rain doesn't bother me anymore, but that's probably because my whole body is numb. The cold has stolen all of my feeling. It consumed it like a beast lurking in the shadows as it stalked its prey. I shoved the bike up the driveway and put it in the shed. I will deal with it later.

The house still had one light on. Was mother up this late? She must be worried about me. Sighing I walked over and put a soft smile on my face and entered the house. She was sitting on the couch, legs crossed, and looking very angry.

"Victoria Jocasta Salem. Are you aware of what time it is?!" She snapped.

"I'm sorry mom. I got invited over to a friends house and I guess I lost track of time.." I said.

Her eyes went wide and a smile appeared on her face.

"You made friends today? Ah I knew you would sweetie! So who are they? What are they like? Do there parents like you? You didn't set anything on fire did you? Are they gang members!?" She asked horrified.

I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it.

"I am going to bed mom. Goodnight." I said.

Then I walked out of the room and upstairs. I crashed onto my bed and closed my eyes. I didn't bother to change my clothes as darkness engulfed my eyes.