
Prison of humans

Getting approval from Eric, the physician started in a low voice. "There is a concerning subject I needed to bring under your attention before getting started with the treatment, your highness."

"And that is?" Eric raised an eyebrow, bumping his leg up and down impatiently. Incomplete talks were his biggest pet peeve. 

"Telling from the way her eyes still have the sparkle and how her skin doesn't have a green undertone, I can say that this particular Siren is pure and unmated which is very odd of a siren to be. Usually they have mated with multiple human men." He articulated, his eyes shifting from between the Queen and the Prince occasionally.

"I don't understand how that concerns us?" Queen Norma chimed in finally, unable to hold herself back. She had a feeling that she wasn't going to like his answer and that is exactly what happened.