
Siren's call and the Cursed Prince

[Mature Content] SIRENS, A CURSE OR A BLESSING IN DISGUISE? ~ Thousands of years ago when a man betrayed a sea-creature on the name of love, stole from her and left her behind to die, a curse had befallen upon the humans; Sirens, ghostly creatures who lured men in with thier melodious voices and ethereal appearances. They fed upon thier cruel hearts to fuel thier powers. It all changed when another man stepped on thier land and ruined everything once again. The betrayal was stronger this time thus, the revenge was going to be even more brutal! But this time it was no ordinary man. This time they had came across the infamous Cruel Prince of Hunza who was the only man unaffected by the euphonious call of Sirens. He was the Cursed heirloom with a scarred face and inhumane powers that caused people to shudder in his dominating presence. This time he didn't steal from them but stole one of them! However to his dismay he stole the dumbest but wildest of them all... ~ The story of Power, lust, vengeance, hate and Love! Two monsters across each other; will they learn to love each other or will they tear each other apart?

QUEEN_ · Fantasy
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85 Chs


"We want the siren!" Eric heard the men saying and then pretended that he heard them wrong.

"Pardon, I didn't quite hear what you said." He raised an eyebrow as he rested his chin above his two fingers. He had his eyes narrowed and stance utterly uninterested showing them that he heard them just fine for the first time and was just asking them to repeat clearly for his amusement.

"We all know that Sirens have always been one of the biggest enemies of humans, so I don't think you would mind giving her to us in return of a hefty amount of treasure that won't end if you just sit and eat it your whole life." Peter didn't repeat what he had said earlier but continued it from where he had left.