
Siren's Bleeding Heart (Moved to new link!)

Unsolved cases in a small town all connected to a pair of siblings. Can they put their differences between them aside to help solve the cases?

CaitlynMcBride · LGBT+
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7 Chs

The Black Tie Ball

"an arrest?" he said as I got up to grab my own black suit and mask. "yes." I said as I walked to my closet and stand at the door deciding on what to wear. "in the tape I found Mr.Tebelman and Miss. Jefferson talking I also saw them talking and he gave her a gift." I said "yeah I knew about the affair." Roy said as I grabbed something that would allow me to run after anyone who tried to run. "you got a confession on tape Roy and I can't thank you enough." I said as Roy looked confused "I did?" he asked "well since I helped can I get an answer for who this lily is?" he asked me "nope." I said as I was holding back knowing Roy and his M.O. "why not I promise I won't hurt her like that one chick." he said as I stopped in my tracks remembering that night in September 15 years ago. "hello earth to Lyria?" I heard Roy said as I snapped back into the present. "huh?" I said confused "what happened?" Roy asked placing his hand on my shoulder " its nothing get out and ill meet you downstairs in five minutes. " I said as I shoved Roy to the door. "alright fine I'm going." he said as he turned around and opened the door to leave the room so I could get ready. once I was ready I walked down the stairs "wow you really can dress like a lady." Roy teased "shut up roy." I said to him as I opened the door to the apartment and walked out with Roy then to the car once i knew the door was locked, "who is melantha everyone seems to be obsessed with ?" i asked roy while walking to the car."some wannabe fan who wishes they are like me bit are not." roy said with a very envious tone to his words. "and the party what is it for?" I asked him as he sighs "why do you need to know? your going to catch Mr.Tebelman and his girlfriend so why does this matter to you?" he said "cause if its a trap I will not go easy on you when I die." I said to him "its a trap not for you but for melantha." he said "what makes you think they will even show up if they knew a cop was there?" I asked him "if they are as smart as people are saying no but if not then they will run into you no problem. " he said as we both gotten into the car and drove to the address that was entered into the G.P.S. "Roy no matter what happens from here on out I will be watching you like a hawk. Every corner you take, every alleyway, every bus, train, or car I will be there to put your butt straight in jail."I reminded him as we pulled up to one of the fanciest manors I have ever seen. I parked the car and got out with Roy following me "shall we dear sister?" He asked as he had the perfect gentleman attitude going on. "yes we shall dear brother." I said as I forced myself to wrap my arm around his trying to give off the vibe that we are together. we walked up to the stairs and Roy handed the invitation he got from Antoinette earlier today. "

Ah Mr.Gore what a pleasure to see you." the announcer said to him "Thomas alive as ever old man." he said "who is this?" Thomas asked talking about me "La Santa Muerte." I said never forgotten about my past life. "welcome back Miss.Saint Death." Thomas said as we both put on masks and walked in "Now Presenting Mr.Gore Prince and Miss.Saint Death!" Thomas yelled as we walked down the stairs and into the chaotic ballroom. while descending down I heard lots of people talk about melantha and of course myself. "You finally showed yourself after all these years huh death?" a tall man walked up to us as I tried not to smile at him "I wouldn't miss seeing the newcomer. I'm intrigued to pick her brain on her methods." I said as the man grabbed two wine glasses filled with red wine. "a toast to you Death welcome back to the dark side." he said as we tap the glasses lightly cheering to what he said. Roy looked around for mr.tebelman and his girlfriend. "well Aiden I must take my leave to find my friend I haven't seen in a while a pleasure to see you as always. excuse me." I said as I walked to the large circle of women talking.

I stand there and listen into what they are saying "ooh what a lovely necklace you got there." one lady said to another "oh why thank you so much." a familiar voice said as I glared with my mask still covering half my face. As I asked the girl if she knew where she bought the necklace from as I knew it looked familiar to me for the necklace was belonged to Olivia. "my boyfriend bought it from the jewelry store on maine." the woman said as her voice was that of Miss.Jackson Olivia's partner on the project. "how lovely." I said as I noticed a paper sticking out of her purse I scooted closer trying not to blow my cover. I slowly reached into the purse when I was close enough and took the paper hiding it within a pocket of my dress and walking away with it to find Roy. I reached about halfway to him when a dark waltz song came on and a man stood in my way. "shall we dance mysterious girl?" he asked as I noded to him saying nothing "Ah not much of a talker." he said as we started to dance.