
Sir, Madam Went Back To Her Maternal Home Again

# two-faced Aloof and abstinent CEO x gentle and gorgeous beauty Wen Hua was to be married off in an alliance marriage. Her partner was said to be the patriarch of a Chinese clan who was a bigshot in Europe’s financial industry. When they first met, he donned a full suit and carried himself like a dignified gentleman. Wen Hua studied him quietly. A moment later, she chuckled and said, “Interesting.” After their marriage, both of them were the model husband and wife in public, but in private, they were strangers who respected each other’s privacy. A good friend asked her why she married Xi Mo. She smiled and said, “Because he’s rich and powerful. If there was someone richer than he is, I’d have married that someone too.” Then, she looked up to see the man’s handsome face darkening under the pub’s dim lighting. Her cheeky friend said, “You’re doomed, Huahua. Looks like you’ll be kneeling for forgiveness when you get home.” Wen Hua couldn’t possibly go home. Instead, she went to her maternal home. She would go to her maternal home whenever she caused trouble, got angry, or said something wrong. President Xi had gotten used to her antics, and he would coax her nicely to come back home almost every time. By the time he arrived at Wen Manor, someone was eating oranges in the living room. Upon seeing him, she slowly finished the last piece of orange and sized him up. “Stay here and don’t move. I’ll go buy you some oranges.” Xi Mo said nothing. He didn’t get angry but patiently coaxed her to come home instead. Just when Wen Hua breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a stinging pain on her butt. “You hit me?!” The man’s gaze was dark as he said slowly, “In any case, you’ll still end up being in my hands.” She was tricked! The next day, he massaged her waist and said, “Don’t go and bother father-in-law anymore, okay?” Wen Hua’s ears turned red. How shameless!

Su Xieli · General
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40 Chs

Killed The Little Baby She Raised

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Back in class, Lu Yu saw Wen Hua looking listless and asked with concern, "Were you scolded?"

She nodded.

"Sigh, it's fine. It's fine as long as they didn't ask her to call her parents."

"Yes, but it's Fu Ming's fault. We both have to write a self-reflection, four thousand words --"

Wen Hua leaned on the table and sighed. "How did we get into this kind of trouble? It's simply a disaster. Four thousand words, I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Lu Yu said, "Although Fu Ming is very brave, he's still too impulsive."

"To be honest, do you really not have any feelings for him?"

Wen Hua shook her head gently. "I don't understand."

This matter caused quite a stir in the school. The next day, Fu Ming's parents were called. In the office, his mother grabbed his ear and apologized to Wen Hua. After that, he was even punished.

The school's way of making an example out of others also stopped the budding puppy love students in the school.

Because of the many obstacles from the school's rules, the two of them did not have much contact with each other later on. Fu Ming's wish fell through, and he made a terrible mess of himself. When he thought about it later on, he even felt that he had been impulsive.

However, when he was with his brothers, he always said that he did not regret it. Who did not do crazy things for the girl they liked when they were young? He could brag about this matter for the rest of his life.


In December, the little mung bean grew up with full wings.

Wen Hua and the others were considering whether they should let it return to nature. It was winter now. Although Lucheng was located in the south and there was no ice and snow, it was still inconvenient for birds to hunt outside in winter.

But the little mung bean in the cage had been listless recently. It looked like it was suffering from depression and was not as lively as before. They guessed that it must have yearned for freedom.

After raising it for a few more days, it was still sick. Wen Hua gritted her teeth and brought it to the rooftop to open the cage, "Birds have their own aspirations. If you want to explore the vast world outside, I won't stop you. However, the world outside is not as safe as the cage. Think about it yourself."

How could the little bird understand her words? It only stayed in her palm for a moment before flying away.

She joked with her roommates. After raising it for such a long time, she thought she was its whole world. She did not expect that she was just a passer-by in its life.

Sure enough, things that can fly have no feelings.

In fact, it was quite sad. It was sad to see the empty birdcage for two days. Later, the cage was washed and hung up by her.

But it was even sadder in the end.

On Wednesday afternoon, she went to the administrative building to hand in some documents. When she came back and passed by the stone bench, she found a piece of green feather on it.

She picked it up and looked at it carefully. Why did it look so much like the one on little mung bean?

At that time, Fu Ming and Xie Juan happened to pass by and saw her. Fu Ming greeted her warmly, "Wen Hua, what are you looking at?"

She waved the feather in her hand. "The color of this feather looks somewhat familiar. It looks very much like..."

Xie Juan glanced at it and said quickly, "Ah, Fu Ming killed a bird here yesterday. It was green and pretty."

Wen Hua looked up. "He killed it? What does it look like?"

"The bird's color is pretty. I even took a photo of it." He showed her the photo enthusiastically.

Fu Ming vaguely sensed that something was wrong and tried to stop him, but it was too late.

The bird in the photo was standing on a withered branch. Its feathers were bright green, and it was her little green bean.

"What happened after you shot it down? What did you do to it?"

Xie Juan said carelessly, "The bird's body is small, so it can't stand being hit. Old Fu might have used too much force or hit a vital spot. The bird died shortly after falling down."

Fu Ming probably guessed that he had gotten into trouble and felt a little guilty. He did not dare to look at her.

Wen Hua opened her mouth slightly and could not speak for a long time.

"It was fine on the branch. Why did you hit it?"

"He just got a new slingshot yesterday. He said it was for practice... hey, don't cry. What's wrong with you?"

Xie Juan saw the mist in her eyes and realized that something was wrong. "Did you raise that green bird?"

Wen Hua looked at Fu Ming, who lowered his eyes and didn't dare to look at her. "Where's its body?"

Fu Ming's voice was like a Mosquito's. "I... threw it in the trash can. I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was raised by you."

Wen Hua clenched her hands. "Even if it was wild, it didn't offend you. What right do you have to end its life with a slingshot?"

Fu Ming knew that he was in the wrong. The 1.8-meter-tall man lowered his head and apologized without any confidence.

Wen Hua did not hear his apology and could not say anything excessive. She walked away with red eyes.

Xi Mo met the person who walked away with red eyes. He paused for a moment and looked at Fu Ming. "What did you do to her?"

Xie Juan crossed his arms. "Fu Ming beat her baby to death."

"Little bird?"

"Yes, it was beaten to death yesterday and its owner found out today. Old Fu, you're so pitiful. I told you to stop idling around."

Fu Ming was discouraged. "Will she ignore me from now on?"

Xie Juan shrugged. "It's hard to say. Girls love small animals the most. Moreover, she raised them herself. She treated it like her own baby. You killed her baby. Which mother wouldn't be angry?"

"I shouldn't have played with the slingshot." Fu Ming sighed, "Old XI, you're close to her. Help me apologize. She doesn't want to hear what I have to say. Help me explain to her. I really didn't mean to kill her baby."

Xi Mo returned to class and saw Wen Hua doing a question with one hand. He put a bottle of milk on her desk.

Wen Hua glanced at it and looked up. "For me?"

"You've brought me breakfast a few times before. It's a return favor."

She pursed her lips. "Thank you."

Xi Mo observed her for a few seconds and said, "Fu Ming didn't do it on purpose. He accidentally hit it too hard."

She lowered her eyes and tapped on the paper with the tip of the pen. "What's the point of saying all this when it's already dead? I've worked so hard to raise it, but it abandoned me and only got a few days of freedom. Now, it's dead."

Her little face was a little stiff. Her angry look did not have any lethality. Instead, it had a kind of softness that she did not know about.

It was strange. She was clearly not short, and her looks were not that sweet. No matter how one looked at her, she had a clear and charming appearance, but her personality was surprisingly good.

He said, "Let him buy one for you?"

"I won't raise it anymore. It was so clingy when it was young. When it grows up, it will still have to go far away. I don't have time to be tormented."

He stared at her slender brows for a while. "What can I do to make you not sad?"

Wen Hua paused.

Was he concerned about her emotions?

Did Xi Mo take the wrong medicine today?

On second thought, he must have been entrusted by someone.

But since he had asked, she would not let go of the chance. "Give me my necklace, I won't be sad anymore."

"Change it."

"That's my necklace." She looked up at him. "It's almost winter vacation. My father will ask me if he doesn't see the necklace."

He looked down at her and said slowly, "Now that things have come to this, are you still not going to admit the bad things you did back then?"

Wen Hua stared at him for a while and averted her gaze.

She was sitting and he was standing. From this angle, he was really too tall. Even when he was calm and spoke, his cold face was still very intimidating.

Back then, she had only kissed his chin once, but he could still hold it against her for so long. When he knew that she had seen his body before, he would still find trouble with her every day.

After all, no one could compare to him in terms of being a gentleman.

"Give it to me before the winter break. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain it to my dad."

She was indeed sad that little mung bean had died. However, in the end, it was because she was soft-hearted that she let him out. If she hadn't let him out, these things wouldn't have happened.

Fu Ming must have blamed himself too. She didn't blame him so much after she had gone through all that trouble.