
Sir, Madam Went Back To Her Maternal Home Again

# two-faced Aloof and abstinent CEO x gentle and gorgeous beauty Wen Hua was to be married off in an alliance marriage. Her partner was said to be the patriarch of a Chinese clan who was a bigshot in Europe’s financial industry. When they first met, he donned a full suit and carried himself like a dignified gentleman. Wen Hua studied him quietly. A moment later, she chuckled and said, “Interesting.” After their marriage, both of them were the model husband and wife in public, but in private, they were strangers who respected each other’s privacy. A good friend asked her why she married Xi Mo. She smiled and said, “Because he’s rich and powerful. If there was someone richer than he is, I’d have married that someone too.” Then, she looked up to see the man’s handsome face darkening under the pub’s dim lighting. Her cheeky friend said, “You’re doomed, Huahua. Looks like you’ll be kneeling for forgiveness when you get home.” Wen Hua couldn’t possibly go home. Instead, she went to her maternal home. She would go to her maternal home whenever she caused trouble, got angry, or said something wrong. President Xi had gotten used to her antics, and he would coax her nicely to come back home almost every time. By the time he arrived at Wen Manor, someone was eating oranges in the living room. Upon seeing him, she slowly finished the last piece of orange and sized him up. “Stay here and don’t move. I’ll go buy you some oranges.” Xi Mo said nothing. He didn’t get angry but patiently coaxed her to come home instead. Just when Wen Hua breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a stinging pain on her butt. “You hit me?!” The man’s gaze was dark as he said slowly, “In any case, you’ll still end up being in my hands.” She was tricked! The next day, he massaged her waist and said, “Don’t go and bother father-in-law anymore, okay?” Wen Hua’s ears turned red. How shameless!

Su Xieli · General
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40 Chs

Had No Ideas. Teach Me

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

When the homeroom teacher came for the evening class, he looked at everyone's math papers and smiled. He handed out the papers one by one. He was very happy at the beginning. When he read Xi Mo's name, he sighed slightly.

The teacher looked at Xi Mo in front of him and said said, "Student Xi, the teacher sees that you're a smart child. Your math paper is too casual. You didn't even pass. This score is the lowest in grade one, not to mention in our class. You have to work hard and learn from the other students. Hurry up and improve your math results."

"Okay." Xi Mo's expression was calm. It was hard to tell if he was listening.

When the teacher saw him like this, he was even more worried.

"How about this? Find a student with good math results to tutor you. You young people have similar brain circuits. If you're on the same channel, discussing and studying with each other is better than if I'm on stage and you're listening in the fog below."

He adjusted his black-rimmed glasses. "How's Lu Lin? Her math results have always been good, and she's patient when it comes to lecturing. You can ask her for advice."

Before Xi Mo could answer, Lu Lin had already raised her hand. "Teacher, I'm going to participate in the city's physics competition recently, so I might be a little busy..."

She wasn't that busy, but learning math with Xi Mo, whose temperature was below zero, would suffocate her. Her little heart couldn't take it.

"Alright, if you want to participate in the competition, then prepare well. The teacher won't trouble you anymore." The form teacher looked at Shen Mu. "Why don't you study with the committee member? You'll be in charge of student Xi whose talent has yet to be developed?"

Shen Mu looked at Xi Mo and said, "Teacher, Lu Lin and I entered the physics competition together."

The form teacher was a little worried about the two of them pushing her around.

Xi Mo's gaze swept across the class and locked onto a certain position.

"Wen Hua, I think. She's close to full marks in mathematics. I've often heard you praise her for her clear and simple way of thinking in solving problems. I should be able to improve quickly by learning from her."

Wen Hua, who was originally watching the fun, was suddenly called out. She looked at him blankly, and Xi Mo returned her gaze calmly.

The teacher-in-charge's eyes lit up. "Yes, yes, yes. Little Wen is also good at mathematics. I almost forgot about her."

Wen Hua: "Teacher..."

"You didn't participate in the physics competition, did you?"


"Okay, then you've worked hard. Find some time to tutor Xi Mo. We're all classmates. When his grades are good, our class will have even higher grades. Students should help each other out. What do you think?"

If he was the first to ask her, she could still decline. But the first two did not agree. If she continued to decline, it would be too awkward.

Wen Hua pursed her lips slightly. "Okay."

Seeing that she had agreed, the teacher-in-charge immediately beamed. "Good! Our Little Wen has the spirit of dedication. Then for the sake of better exchange and learning between the two of you... Wang Zhou, you can change seats with Xi Mo. We'll change seats after class."

Wang Zhou sat behind Wen Hua. In this way, wouldn't she be under Xi Mo's nose.

She had originally wanted to avoid him as far away as possible, but now, he had directly closed the distance..

It felt like he was doing it on purpose. There were so many math gods in the class, yet he had to look for her.

Sigh, life is not easy. Wen Hua sighed.

After two evening classes, the last one was self-study. During class, Xi Mo and Wang Zhou switched seats and he sat behind her.

Wen Hua sighed in her heart, thinking that things might not be that complicated.

If he did not ask questions, she would do her own thing. If he asked her, she would help him with his math. It was best not to have any personal contact at other times.

Halfway through the self-study class, she seriously practiced a set of math papers. Just when she thought that he would not ask questions today, she called out to him.

She turned around.

His index finger picked up the answer card of the monthly exam paper. "Help me look at the questions?"


She took his answer card and realized that what he had done could no longer be described as bad. It was simply too horrible to look at.

Who would dare to draw on the answer card?

Other than the multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blanks questions, he only wrote a few formulas in the answer section of the big questions. Then, he used his talent in drawing everything, including motorcycles, buildings, clocks and watches..

Wen Hua was speechless. She flipped to the other side and there was also a painting, but what he was painting was the back of a girl?

She looked at it for a few seconds until she realized that the leaf hairpin pinned on the girl's hair was exactly the same as the one on her head. This hairpin was her first time wearing it today, so this was just painted?

She flipped the exam paper back and pretended not to know that he was painting her.

She looked at the drawings carefully again and realized that the ink was very new. They were all just drawn.

It was not hopeless yet.

"So you didn't even do the big question and only wrote a formula. Did you not have any ideas? Or did you have some ideas but felt that it might be wrong so you didn't continue to write?"

Xi Mo leaned against the wall casually and curled his lips lazily. "I don't have any ideas. Teach me."

Wen Hua did not look up at him. The pressure around him was too strong, so it was better not to look at him directly.

Perhaps it was because she had a guilty conscience, but when she looked into his eyes, she would think of the scene in the changing room, afraid that he would see something amiss.

She studied the test paper seriously, her mind was organizing her thoughts, thinking of how to explain it to him more clearly.

While she was lost in her thoughts, she saw from the corner of her eye that his slender fingers seemed to be playing with something shiny. She glanced at it casually, and this glance made her eyes widen slightly.

That was her necklace!

Why was it in his hands? !

Xi Mo casually shifted his gaze from the necklace to her fair little face, his knuckles twirling around the necklace.

"What are you looking at?"

Wen Hua hid the surprise in her eyes and said in a gentle voice, "Your necklace looks pretty good."

Xi Mo glanced at her. "I picked it up randomly."

"You're so lucky."

He stroked the crescent moon with his thumb and said slowly, "I don't know who lost it. What a pity."

Her gaze followed the tip of his fingers that were caressing the necklace, and her heart gradually tightened. There were words carved on the back of the necklace, so he could easily notice them.

His gaze was about to turn over to look at her, but she coughed at the perfect moment. "Let's look at the first big question first. This question is actually not difficult, it's all just a routine..."

Xi Mo shifted his gaze to the test paper and listened to her answer. His slender and flexible fingers played with the necklace, his posture lazy, without a hint of modesty in his attitude.

Wen Hua slowed down her tone and explained while writing a draft, trying to explain every point clearly.

After she finished explaining the question, she asked him if he understood.

His eyes turned slightly, and only then did he shift his gaze from her face to the clear outline of the test paper. "Say it again, you weren't listening seriously just now."

Wen Hua did not look at him. She flipped over a blank piece of draft paper again and started to calculate on it with her fair and beautiful hand holding the pen, "To do this type of question, you have to first write out the formula and then bring in the corresponding known numbers. After you list them into the formula, see if you can solve it. If there are too many unknown numbers and you can't solve it, then you have to dig out the hidden things in the question..."

After that, she asked patiently, "Do you understand this time?"