

Phara is the strongest of her kind. But after certain childhood events her memories were erased... About 30 years later she lives the life of an 18 year old teenager with her family without knowledge of her past. She is completely unaware of the events that are about to revolve around her as soon as the truth of her world is revealed...

King_Dzavid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"Necros alliané kaffa cushé,"

A lady slowly recited the lines. Her unearthly coral eyes were fixed on the text open in front of her. Her clothes resembled those of medieval  times. Her Raven Black hair was neatly arranged around her head allowing enough space for her face to be clearly visible.

"Necros alliané kaffa cushé?"

A little girl who had her head rested on the lady's lap repeated after her. Her hair was dirty blonde but it was clearly a beautiful match to her cute little face. She had jade eyes that glowed so brightly as if swirling with magic.

She and the lady were sat in some sort of study. It had a couple of windows that ran from knee length all the way to the roof allowing the yellowing sunlight fall in. Their much too modern couch was set beside a large shelf that held books worn by time and season. The floor and walls made of cleanly cut  stone. An oak desk sat in between a window and the furnace, a lot scrolls and books lay open on its surface.

"What does it mean Karen?" The little girl asked the lady.

The woman named Karen still had her eyes fixed on the book in front of her and took her time before giving a reply. "It means 'All acknowledge the foresight of the Dying King' -"

The little girl sat up to be in a more comfortable position. "All acknowledge the foresight of the Dying King." She allowed the word sink into her before her gaze transfered to Karen. "He must be really special to supernatural's, isn't he?"

Karen returned the little girl's gaze with her own. "Yes he is Phara." Then she slowly let her eyes land on the window in front of them. Something outside had caught her interest and it seemed to be messing with  her senses. She squinted as her eyes began to make out what they sought.  "Yes he is," she said slowly.


Everything went up in flames. Dead bodies everywhere. Blood, a lot of blood. The place was hissing with used magic as traces still hung in the atmosphere. But the most obvious thing there was a dead Karen and Phara whose wails seemed to shake the very earth she knelt on. Her hair was giving off a very bright glow, golden aura swirled around her in a furious nature, her eyes were glowing but lost in a world of her own.



"Phara - " A voice called.

"PHARA - "  The voice called louder.

Her eyes flew open with immediacy. Using a hand to wipe her eyes clean and to allow them focus, her eyes met with her best friend's face. His unfeeling eyes staring at her and that dark hair seemed to intensify his gaze a little too much.

"Wake up sleepy head, we'll be late for school." His British voice hitting a very sweet tenor as he spoke. Almost as if the words we're dancing in his tongue.

"Mmmm - " Phara slowly sat up on the bed that was covered in grey sheets.  Her beautiful frame exposed since she was still underdressed. "How long have I been out?"

"Ever since you got in that hot shower and came out." He threw a shirt and skirt in her face, a matchup to his.

"Now that's just rude, I did just get up now." She got off the bed and began dressing in front of the mirror that Sven was using himself.

He wasn't bothered she was doing it. In fact he had known her for such a long time that he lost count. And again there was the fact that he was gay. He found guys more appealing in matters of the heart than ladies. He knew Phara was beautiful but not enough to have him crushing on her.

"You do realize that I'm using this spot, right?" He said in protest.

"Awww,  very sorry but I think I'll be using it now, don't you think?" She said with a mocking grin growing on her face.

Sven sighed in submission. "Whatever -" He simply straightened his tie and slid his blazer over his shirt leaving the mirror to her as he took a sit on the office chair that was in the corner of the small room. "As long as you get dressed anyways, we don't want Shawn ogling over you now do we?"

A blush formed on her face as she took her time observing herself out of habit as she took  in her goddess-like looks. She prided herself beautiful but never made it a point of boasting after all she was brilliant so it was enough on its own for her to exercise her pride. "Look that's not funny."

Sven just shrugged, "Do I leave and you catch up or I wait and we go together?" Sven asked as he wore his shoe properly. A humble looking pair of Gucci  loafers.

"Wait." She rushed to the corner where Sven sat to retrieve a pair of blue hightops from around there.

"Do you want to talk about the dream?"

Phara was silent. "Sure why not, after all you understand them partially."

"It was still about that Karen person right? Why not ask Lucy or Steve White she is?"

"No, I won't. You know how my mom is, I doubt she would even answer. It feels like I know this lady from somewhere but then I don't remember her at all even though I should."

"Hmmm -" Sven stood up and made his way to the door that was just next to him. He picked up  a pair of school bags that were lying on the floor. "Well that's your choice,  I guess."

To Phara she knew he was actually being worried no matter how much his voice lacked emotion. He was always like that ever since his mom had died to some sort of undecipherable illness but they never talk about it. He always hated his father for never even showing up even when death was knocking at his mother's door. To him he was a good-for-nothing liability.

"So are we going?" Sven held the door ajar waiting for Phara.

"I thought you'd never ask." She said making her way to him.

He gave her her own bag as he shut the door behind them and double checked to see if it was locked. They then embarked on their fifteen minutes walk to Lordston High.

It sounds all British because it is. One of the most prestigious British academies that  was built on American soil. As difficult as it sounds, Luke Artwight (The Principal) had gotten a favour from the government and shockingly was given about three-hundred acres of land and shockingly the school didn't own a lodging facility. One would have thought it better to make it a boarding school but Luke had something else in mind and most considered him deranged.

"You know if we move a lot faster we could make it to the game pub and gets some good offers," Sven spoke finally breaking the silence.

"Hmmm - it's true so what are thinking, another game for me to whoop your sorry ass?" A smile tugged at Phara's lips.

"Watch your language, and please I will be the one giving you a serious beat down," He smiled back.

"That's what you said last time and then there's how that ended," Phara spoke coolly.   She was using her words to murder his pride significantly.

Sven just rolled his eyes and picked up the pace. Phara having to run a little to catch up.

"You did bring the flash drive, didn't you?"

Sven suddenly stopped in his tracks causing Phara to almost miss a step. He began searching his body for something.

"You didn't bring it, did you?" Phara gave him a gentle smile but one that scared the shit out of him as the tension began in a very uncontrollable frenzy one that sent shivers down his spine.

"You - you don't have to do that all the time," He protests weakly.

"Ooo, I know but I really needed to see you as scared." Phara's eyes then began to grow in fear. She grabbed Sven and the began to race down the walkway towards school. "I can't believe I totally forgot about Mr. Donogan's physics lecture thus morning."

"Hehehe - jokes on you I guess." Sven let an evil grin and received a slap afterwards.

"It's not funny you - " The tension went berserk again letting a slow chill run across Sven spine.

He gave her a death glare in return.

This girl -

Finally the academy came into and Phara managed to reach school grounds before the gate was closed.  She only stopped when at the main entrance of the school, bending over to catch her breathe after letting go off Sven.

"Phara Carlucas?" A voice questioned.

Phara lifted her face up to see a Mr. Donogan perched in front of her with notes in hand. His face didn't really speak his age well but one could assume he was a degree holder in his forties. His black hair had grey streaks in them,  oddly that made him a little handsome. But the stern look he gave Phara spoke volumes of who he truly was.

"You have two minutes Ms. Carlucas." With those as parting words he turns to leave her for another appointment.

"Goodbye dear," Sven waved Phara off as she began a second lap through the hallways.

After successfully scaling the second flight of stairs the physics lab was finally in view.

Someone please tell P. Man Luke to add an elevator to the construction of this cursed school -

She finally slowed down as she approached the room welcomed by the chattering of the students who were already present. Apparently she had beat the two minute grace given to her.

Thank god -

She walked in, all heads turned to see who was making the entry and released a sigh of relief as they realized it wasn't Mr. Donogan. Phara scuttled over to an empty stool that was at the back of the class.

"Phara did you finish your assignment?" The girl sitting next to her asked.

"Kyaaa - " Phara squealed as she began rummaging her bag for her assignment.

Please tell me I packed it.

Her racing heart finally slowed down as she finally drew out her physics notebook, a note was pasted on it. "Phew, I really owe Sven a lot."

"Yeah, lucky you. Mine's gone to he gods." The girl just started at the apparatus in front of them with a huff.

"Lilith, don't tell me you misplaced it?"

"I didn't say that, then again that's what 'gone to the gods' means."

"Aren't you afraid of what Mr. Donogan's gonna do to you, detention?"

Lilith just mumbled as if swearing or something. "I'll just have to hope it skips his min - "

The door swung open allowing Mr. Donogan stride in,  his briefcase and notes in hand. "Morning, class!" The door closed itself.

"Morning,  sir!" Everyone replied lazily.

"Good, are we all - "

Then the door swung open again. Kyle Truman stood there panting then slowly made his way into the class.

"Morning sir!"

"Mr. Truman, I acknowledge your greeting but not your being tardy." Mr. Donogan gave him a long hard stare.

"I'm sorry sir, but I can explain myself. You see - "

Mr. Donogan held his hand up to stop him from continuing. "You know the rules."

"Yeah, yeah - " He began bringing out a folder from his bag, " - here are the notes."

"Then begin lecture," Mr Donogan then took a sit behind his desk.

Kyle let out a simple gulp and took his stance in front of the class as he began his thirty-minutes-to-be lecture.  "Today I guess I'll be talking on Radioactive waves - "

Lectures ran up until the point that the door swung open again. All stood up on seeing who it was.

"Morning sir." They greeted in unison as Luke Artwight made his entrance. Phara was still in wander of how he kept himself to still look so under fifty.

Just how does he do that? Even dad's already forty-six and his hair already graces with grey lines.

Luke waved everyone off allowing them to take their seat. His attention went to Mr. Donogan who was stood next to his desk.

"What an entry sir. You need someone?"

"Actually, I came to ask for Ms. Carlucas."

Phara who was in shock slowly stood up. Nobody who got called to the principal, office ever left there the same person they once were. "Am I in trouble sir?"

"Ooh no," he said with a gentle smile that most of the girls found charming, " it's about your parents. They are here to see you."


Her parents never had reason to see her unless they really had to and even at that only her mom came alone. But Luke had said parents which meant her dad was there as well. "May I ask what this is about?"

"You'll know more when we get to my office." He said turning towards the door.

Phara hurriedly stuffed her books into her bag as she ran to meet him as he walked out. He was a lot taller than she so keeping up with his long strides was quite a problem.

After rounding a few corners they were finally approaching the office door. An argument was audible as they closed the distance. It seemed like her dad was caught in something big with some other people.

To Phara it began to seem all too familiar, like as if she had experienced this current scenario in her life. Flashes of her approaching a similar set of doors ran through her mind.

"She doesn't have to stay here, the institute is much safer," a female voice spoke softly.

"To hell with The Grove, you asses will just end up killing her," her dad snapped.

It was apparent they were talking about some girl. Probably about her or someone else. Then there was that feminine voice, Phara's mind tried to place it but couldn't find a face to place it on.

"Look dear, let's just allow them take her it can't all that bad," Phara's mom pleaded.

"Your wife is giving you good advice Steve, take it and make good use of it," a man spoke.

"Oh, fuck you." Phara's dad swore. He never swore and even at that her mom didn't even bother to correct him.

What is going on?

Luke took a deep breathe before pushing the set of double doors open and walking in, Phara was in tow. Her mind trying to give her an accurate time when a similar gathering was organised.

Luke's entry made everyone in the room go silent. He strode gracefully to the oak desk that sat opposite where Phara stood. A man stood beside it in a fitted clean cut three-piece suit, his hair was wild while his bright blue eyes showed lack of interest in the current conversation, but not even Phara could not deny the brightly coloured blue gem that was stringed around his hand. He took idle pleasure in toying with it.

Probably out of habit -

Phara just signed him off and took her time to observe the crowd before her. Her dad and mom were sat on a dark brown leather couch. Opposite another couch had two other people, a woman, who had raven hair and wore serious make up that was complimented by her white dress and glowing eyes, sat sipping on a cup of tea. Beside her sat a man dressed in a similar suit to the guy who stood beside Luke's desk only this time a brighter shade of grey, he was obviously angry with whatever they had been talking about before she had made her entry. A cream coloured coffee table separated them.

They all seemed familiar to her but where did she meet them.

Luke grunted silently in his seat, "If you truly believe Phara will be safe in The Groove, then I'll have to agree with Steve. Fuck you."

The man in front of Steve, Phara's dad, stood enraged by that statement. He was about to speak when the woman beside him held his hand.

"Marcos, just sit down." The woman didn't even bother looking him in the eye.

Marcos reluctantly sat down but made no complaints. "Then speak to them."

"Luke, I know we are the last people you would engage in any form of business and concerning this girl is where the least of your trust will be evident but as it stands we have job to finish after all - " she took another sip from her cup, " - there is so much to do but too little time to do it."

"You talk about my daughter as if she is a bloody expensive artifact and only you guys understand it's god damn worth." Her father's temper hadn't waned in the slightest.

Pharaoh then decided to speak, "Dad, what is all this about?"

"Steve, don't you dare say anything to her," Marcos warned.

Steve ignored him and answered his daughter's question, "We are here to take you home dear, some people are out to get you so we are here to take to sanctuary." He said those words with a weak smile.

"Nerise, can you just imagine that?" Marcos' voice was already peaking with his anger.

The woman beside him was still calm as she was still sipping her tea, "Steve apologize, he is your senior after all." Nerise seemed unbothered by the little fiasco in fact she sort of found it boring.

"Fine. Sorry Pant-e-gin - "

"That is it, I've had enough of this prick." Marcia Drew out what seemed like a tiny wand from inside his suit and drew a symbol that was floating in the air.

To Phara she was probably hallucinating. It was definitely some sort of 3D projected image.

Okay, what is going on?

Marcos slashed the symbol sending some sort of lightening bolt flying in her dad's direction.  Considering the close range and the intensity of the strike her dad would have been toast if he hadn't countered the attack with something like a rock that had several symbols etched on it.

"ENOUGH - " Luke slammed his fist on the table returning order once more to the room. The man by his side yawned in boredom seeing that the little talk was going nowhere.

"Thank you Luke," Nerise said as she got up obviously pissed that her tea had spilled on her fingers. Her strides towards Steve were menacing and that put Phara's mom on the defensive. Keeping an eye on her and recording every move she made.

The tension in the room was to a point Phara began to imaging icicles forming from the ceiling. Or it was actually there.

What is going on?

"Steve, we understand that you won't let her go so easily but then we have orders to carry out, unless if of course you object."

"Are you threatening my husband?" Phara's mom was already all over the place.

"Lucy, you have no true say here so stand aside," Nerise waved her off like a child.

Lucy's hair turned from it's natural darkness to a shining white even her eyes turned white.

"Lucy stop." Steve said stroking his wife to calm her nerves.

"By the way, where is the Kaphax amulet Steve?" Nerise asked ignoring Lucy.

"I'm meant to give it to Phara not you."

"Well then since we're taking her I guess you should - "

Then out of nowhere an explosion made impact with the building sending everyone to the floor. Luke had a quick glance at the window next to him.

"Looks like they are here," Like said with a scowl as he got back on his feet.

"Shit - " Marcos swore as he himself stood up.

Steve quickly crawled over to were Phara lay and passes her a necklace. "Wear it now." She did so without any argument.

Her mind was still trying to decipher when all the events that were taking place had happened. Then suddenly it rushed into her head. The argument, the symbols that we're known as runes, the wands that were referred to as reedés, the sudden attack.

No - Not again.

Gold aura began to swirl around her body, runes of all sorts traced her body with their unearthly glow, her eyes glowed far differently, her hair was glowing brightly. She had knew the reason why this was happening and also knew that she would retain no memory of whatever transpires.

Another explosion made impact met the building, this time chunks of concrete flew destroying the furniture and even the shelves.

This time everyone except Phara was prepared for it and now stood with reedés drawn and prepared for battle.

"Ronin, wipe her memories." Steve yelled while using his reedé to create a symbol.

"But it's only temporal," the man beside Luke's desk objected.

"Just do it!"

The man made his way to Phara whose mind wasn't at all in one piece. Memories flooded her mind  and the pain caused the aura around her to intensify. Even the amulet on her neck glowed brightly.

It can't be happening,  not again. No, not again.

Phara noticed a pair of feet in front of her. The shoes we're familiar.

"Hey, up here."

Phara looked up to see Ronin who squatted next to her pointing the hand that held the crystal towards her.

"Goodnight princess."

Before Phara could object his finger connected with her forehead. The world around her went blank.