

He Fell for her. The Ruler of the Kingdom has long abandoned the humans. The Angels are forbidden from interacting and interfering with the humans. After observing a young woman for a long time, one of the Seven Seraphim Brothers, Michael, saves her from a terrible fate. But which one of his Brothers had betrayed him to the Ruler, and had him banished from the Kingdom? Michael is a Fallen Angel, the first that he knows of. Ravenna Hawthorne is a young healer, learning the family trade from her grandmother Anne. Michael appears before her one day, saving her from a man who cannot accept her rejections. Michael and Ravenna must overcome the barriers put in place by the Ruler if their new love is to flourish. Lucifer is watching closely. He wants an ally in Michael. Michael must choose between his blossoming love with Ravenna, and Lucifer's tempting offer. CONTENT WARNING: Attempted Sexual Assault, Murder. These chapters will be marked, and a synopsis will be included with cleaner editions, allowing readers to enjoy the story without potentially upsetting subjects. COVER CREDIT: Kaiza, Aramis_Queen Editors: Kaiza, DerekJPerna

R_Canton · Fantasy
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148 Chs

XXVII- The Seven Deadly Sins

Ravenna peeked behind the screen, ensuring Michael was resting on the bed as he promised. He had been a gentleman this far, but she still checked. She carefully removed the borrowed silken waistcoat, almost sad to see it go. Next went the slashed dress; Ravenna was much less upset to part with the memories of that garment.

She carefully removed the makeshift repairs from her undergarments, seeing them aside. Once the last of the hairpins that were keeping her undergarments together were removed, they fell off her body, making Ravenna uncomfortable. She hated to think how close Peter had come to... she shook her head. Michael was here. Michael would keep her safe.

Ravenna stepped into the warm water and sat down, closing her eyes as the water touched her skin. It was so refreshing to finally bathe. She dipped below the water's surface, preparing her hair for washing. As she cleaned herself, Ravenna thought about the angel in the bed, just a screen away from her.

He promised to bring her home. What were his plans after returning her to Canden? Would he still visit her? Would he be allowed to stay? She knew he existed; after all, what more harm could come? Michael was quickly winning her over, and she didn't want him to have to leave.

She rinsed her hair and wrung it out so it would dry faster. Ravenna let her hair hang over the side of the bathtub so that she could remain in the water a little longer. Michael deserved the rest, anyhow. She sunk a little lower in the tub. Ravenna did not want Michael to have to leave forever. She wanted to know him more. She was surprised at how quickly the Seraphim had entered her heart.

But what about the punishments he mentioned? What would the Ruler do to him? Ravenna had so many questions. Would Michael even have any answers if she were to ask? Ravenna wondered if any Seraphim had been punished before. She had never heard of any human encountering an angel, so maybe no angel had ever been punished for rescuing a human.

Ravenna rose and stepped out of the tub. She wrapped herself in the large towel and dried herself thoroughly. She chose the deep emerald dress she had purchased from Rosie and clumsily tried to tie the lacing at the back of the dress.

"May I?" Michael's voice startled her. "My apologies, I heard you struggling with your dress." He moved toward her, and she moved her hair over her shoulder to one side. Michael expertly pulled the laces of Ravenna's dress as if he had practiced his whole life to assist her.

She gathered up some more bravery as Michael tied her dress. "Can I ask you something, Michael?"

"Of course. What would you like to know?"

"You've mentioned punishment a few times. Why will you be punished? What will your punishment be?'

Michael's shoulders and wings dropped as if that was the one question he did not want her to ask. "There are Seven Deadly Sins. Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Lust, and Sloth. To the Ruler, it is the sin of Pride to interfere with the Human Realm. It is the job of the Ruler and the Ruler alone to interfere and intervene with the humans. To interact with humans, He sees it as an angel equating themselves to Him. The sin of Pride. One of the Seven."

Ravenna listened, her eyes large and questioning. "What is the punishment for committing one of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Michael touched her cheek and looked down into her golden eyes. "I do not know. I am the first. But your safety and happiness, it is worth it."

Ravenna took a sharp inhale. Michael committed one of the Seven Deadly Sins to save her from Peter. And he was the first angel, let alone a Seraphim, to commit one of the Seven Deadly Sins? What was so special about her that he took such a risk? Ravenna put her hand on top of Michael's hand on her cheek and closed her eyes. She had to repay his kindness somehow.

Ravenna took a step back from Michael. She looked downward. "Would you like me to step out and bring back something for us to eat?" It wasn't much, but it was a start.

"That would be delightful. You are incredibly thoughtful, dear." Michael smiled gently at the beautiful woman before him.

"Is there anything you would like?" Ravenna asked.

"Just knowing you'll be back is enough."

Ravenna blushed. She had never blushed this much, but since Michael appeared in front of her, she could have sworn her face had been flushed. Michael sure had a way with his words that could make her face pink instantly.

Ravenna gathered up some more coins from Peter's coin pouch and was astonished that it was hardly losing any weight. She said goodbye to Michael and locked the door behind her. She was sure that Michael would make himself scarce if any housekeepers happened by.

No longer feeling the need to hide from the inn staff, Ravenna used the main entrance of the Nerium Inn. She happily stopped and chatted with Gerald, who was pleased that his Hawthorne guest was content with her stay.

Leaving the inn, Ravenna found a courier boy. She eagerly approached him and asked if he would travel to Canden. The younger boy seemed thoughtful about it and finally agreed. Ecstatic, Ravenna asked him to travel to the Canden infirmary and inform her grandmother that she was alright and would make her way home from Nerium soon. She passed the boy two gold coins for his efforts, and the courier quickly bowed and dismissed himself from her company.

Ravenna felt relieved. The courier would reach her grandmother in a few days, and Anne would know she was safe.

The young woman stopped at a small shop and purchased a bag to carry her new belongings and a brush to tame her locks. Since she had arrived in Nerium, she had bought dresses, undergarments, and a nightdress, and she felt it was her responsibility to take care of these things.

Ravenna stopped at the Nerium market and purchased a cooked chicken from a young woman with a small child. The stall owner reminded Ravenna of Teresa. She wondered how Teresa was doing, how her delivery had gone, and how the child was. She knew Thomas must be a wonderful big brother. Her chest ached. She was dreadfully homesick. Ravenna hoped returning to the inn and talking to Michael would soothe her homesickness.

Ravenna quickly hurried back to the Nerium Inn. She stopped and asked Gerald for a set of dishes and cutlery. Once he had obliged and disappeared from view, Ravenna asked a housekeeper for the same thing she asked Gerald, hiding the first set in her newly purchased bag. Both sets of dishes and cutlery obtained, Ravenna hurried to the room.

She knocked twice, calling Michael's name softly to let him know it was safe to stay where he was. She unlocked the door, seeing Michael lounging contentedly on the bed, his long legs stretched before him, reading a religious book he must have found in the room, looking entertained. What a concept that must be for him, having lived through many of the book's described events.

Ravenna served the chicken she had bought and invited Michael to the small table in the room. The pair sat and ate together, chatting as old friends would. Ravenna felt like she was back at home. Michael was beginning to feel like home.