

He Fell for her. The Ruler of the Kingdom has long abandoned the humans. The Angels are forbidden from interacting and interfering with the humans. After observing a young woman for a long time, one of the Seven Seraphim Brothers, Michael, saves her from a terrible fate. But which one of his Brothers had betrayed him to the Ruler, and had him banished from the Kingdom? Michael is a Fallen Angel, the first that he knows of. Ravenna Hawthorne is a young healer, learning the family trade from her grandmother Anne. Michael appears before her one day, saving her from a man who cannot accept her rejections. Michael and Ravenna must overcome the barriers put in place by the Ruler if their new love is to flourish. Lucifer is watching closely. He wants an ally in Michael. Michael must choose between his blossoming love with Ravenna, and Lucifer's tempting offer. CONTENT WARNING: Attempted Sexual Assault, Murder. These chapters will be marked, and a synopsis will be included with cleaner editions, allowing readers to enjoy the story without potentially upsetting subjects. COVER CREDIT: Kaiza, Aramis_Queen Editors: Kaiza, DerekJPerna

R_Canton · Fantasy
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148 Chs

XLVIII - The Flirt

Michael ran his fingers through the part of Ravenna's hair that he had left down. He wanted to stay like this forever, but the darkness only lasted so long. "I hate to ask, but should we move toward the next safe place?"

Ravenna's eyes flew open as if she had forgotten they were traveling. She bit her lower lip and looked a little embarrassed. Michael watched as she bit her lip, making standing and moving forward even more difficult. "We can... continue... if you like, once we get to the safe place, Ravenna." He tried to ease her mind.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... distract us this long." Ravenna gasped as Michael lifted her. He smirked, holding her close to his chest, one arm under her upper back, the other under her legs.

"Do not ever be sorry about such a thing." Michael kissed her again, feeling her smile through their kiss. He squatted slightly, gently letting her down. Michael carefully remembered that Ravenna was small; it always made him warm inside how she looked up at him when she spoke.

Ravenna smoothed out her dress, her blush still evident across her freckled cheeks. Michael struggled to keep his composure; every time she blushed felt like a calling to him. He pinched his ribs, trying to bring his mind to focus. But all his mind wanted to think about was her soft lips, her kiss, her arms around him, and how her closeness felt after longing for it so much. He pinched himself again. –Focus, Michael.–

"So you said the next safe haven is Graenwood Inn, correct?" Michael used what little focus he had to ask about their journey.

Ravenna, still flush, nodded. "Yes. I'm hoping not to encounter the same innkeeper as the first time I was there." Her eyes turned sad, and Michael immediately wanted to comfort her. "When Peter Jones kidnapped me from my home, we stopped in Graenwood Inn, and he introduced me as his wife. I'm not sure what to do if the same innkeeper sees me without him."

Michael paced a few steps, allowing himself to feel rage toward the man he had killed. Peter had no right to steal Ravenna. The next safe haven felt unsafe to her. He frowned, trying to come up with a solution. "Why not a sister?" Michael finally suggested. "I have Brothers, although none particularly look like me, except maybe Gabriel. But Raphael tells me human siblings tend to resemble each other. Why not say you are a sibling to the woman who came by earlier?"

Ravenna's eyes brightened. She must not have thought of lying about being a sister as an only child. "Of course! I'll sign in under a different name! If anyone asks, I'm on my way to visit my sister and her husband! That is perfect."

They had a plan; they had a destination. More importantly, they had each other. Michael stretched, and his wings spread wide. He was grateful for the darkness when he could allow his wings to be free for even a brief moment.

Ravenna kicked at the ground slightly as if something was bothering her. Her head was bowed, and she seemed a little unlike herself.

Michael stepped toward the small woman, folding his wings neatly as he walked. "Ravenna? Is everything okay?"

"Michael, I'm sorry, I....I lied." Ravenna continued to look down. "You asked if Lucifer was here and I said he was just here to give me the apple."

Michael bent down a little, concern in his eyes.– What did that sneaky Lucifer do?– Michael reached out and tilted Ravenna's chin up, catching her golden gaze. "Okay. What did he do?"

Ravenna looked away from his blue eyes. "He... he made fun of me... he sort of.... caught me peeking at you in the river." Her entire face went red.

Michael laughed, embracing the small blushing woman.

"I know. Subtlety is not your strength."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Ravenna pressed her cheek against Michael's chest. He knew she had glanced at him while he had been naked in the river. She was embarrassed by her actions, but he didn't seem to mind and seemed amused by her confession. He was still chuckling while embracing her, and her mind returned to his image in the river; his statuesque body glistening with water. Her blush returned.

Michael released her and picked up their bags. They began their travels along the forest edge, traveling south toward Graenwood. Michael appeared in high spirits and caught Ravenna off guard when he playfully flicked his left wing out at her and pushed against her arm, knocking her off-step.

"Hey!" Ravenna laughed, regaining her balance as Michael laughed. She caught up to him, shoving her shoulder into his arm. "Must be nice being so big!"

Michael stepped between the realms, disappearing and reappearing behind Ravenna, picking her up as he snickered some more. "You have no idea how much fun it can be. I'm the youngest Brother, but I'm the largest." He set her down, stepping between the realms again and appearing a few steps ahead of her. Ravenna giggled; he was having a good time showing off. Michael continued to step between the realms, appearing beside her, behind her, in front of her; always flirtatiously kissing her hands, cheeks, lips, keeping her giggling as he appeared and disappeared.

They continued along the forest edge. Ravenna was at peace. She was still miles away from home, but she was grateful to have Michael to travel with if she had to travel. Especially now, he seemed to be in a playful and flirtatious mood. She wondered if their shared kiss had anything to do with the angel's uplifted mindset. She gently touched her lips; he had offered to continue when they got to Graenwood, at their next haven. 

Ravenna looked at Michael, who was stopped, tying up his black boot. She thought about his offer, and her cheeks turned pink again under her freckles. He had been so forward about offering to continue where they left off, and it had taken all of her bravery to begin in the first place. She bit her lower lip; she would see how she felt when they arrived at the haven in Graenwood. She was not opposed to the idea; Michael was so caring and gentle, and more importantly, he was constantly checking on her to make sure she was okay with how they were doing things. He knew what she had gone through with Peter and did not want to make her uncomfortable.

Ravenna saw Michael kneeling on the ground, running the laces through his boots. He had taken the leather strip all the way out and was focused on re-lacing the boot. Ravenna smirked. –Did he want to flick his wings at me?– Taking advantage of his focus, she snuck up behind him and jumped on his back, grabbing his shoulders and wrapping her legs around his waist, carefully avoiding his wings.

"Woah!" Michael tumbled forward, his knee balancing him giving out, and he fell forward. He realized his attacker was a small woman, and he spread his wings, testing her grip on his shoulders. "You want to play that way?" Michael placed his hands under himself, pushing their weight upward, his biceps bulging with the effort. He pulled his leg forward, able to get his foot under himself, and stood. Ravenna shrieked; she had not expected him to be able to stand.

Michael turned his head to ask Ravenna, who clung to his back. "What's your plan now, my dear?"

"I didn't expect to get this far! Let me down!" Ravenna laughed.

"Nope. You got yourself into this mess. You get yourself out." Michael smirked and continued along the tree line toward Graenwood, Ravenna clinging to his back.

Ravenna stayed on the back of the Seraphim for about two minutes before releasing her grip on his shoulders. She braced herself for the fall, but Michael was faster, whipping himself around to catch her as if he had expected her to do so. "Did you really think I would have let you fall? I would have stopped." Michael held her tight, not letting her hit the ground.

Ravenna smiled up at him. "I know you'll always catch me." She leaned up and kissed Michael. "I can see Graenwood. I cannot wait for some real food and a bath."

Michael stood, placing Ravenna upright. "I'm ready for some sleep. The waterfall was beautiful but an inn sounds much more comfortable. I've had a lot of things on my back lately, you know."