

He Fell for her. The Ruler of the Kingdom has long abandoned the humans. The Angels are forbidden from interacting and interfering with the humans. After observing a young woman for a long time, one of the Seven Seraphim Brothers, Michael, saves her from a terrible fate. But which one of his Brothers had betrayed him to the Ruler, and had him banished from the Kingdom? Michael is a Fallen Angel, the first that he knows of. Ravenna Hawthorne is a young healer, learning the family trade from her grandmother Anne. Michael appears before her one day, saving her from a man who cannot accept her rejections. Michael and Ravenna must overcome the barriers put in place by the Ruler if their new love is to flourish. Lucifer is watching closely. He wants an ally in Michael. Michael must choose between his blossoming love with Ravenna, and Lucifer's tempting offer. CONTENT WARNING: Attempted Sexual Assault, Murder. These chapters will be marked, and a synopsis will be included with cleaner editions, allowing readers to enjoy the story without potentially upsetting subjects. COVER CREDIT: Kaiza, Aramis_Queen Editors: Kaiza, DerekJPerna

R_Canton · Fantasy
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148 Chs

XIX- The Night Guardian

Michael offered Ravenna his hand, and she placed her hand in his. He helped her stand from her position on the blanket and began packing their meal. She stood against a tree while he worked.

Ravenna observed the angel as he carefully cleaned up. He had such a kind way about him. He had saved her from Peter Jones. He offered her food when she was starving. He covered her when she was exposed after Peter's assault; he hadn't stared at her flesh; he had gone to great lengths not to look at her. He had dried her tears and offered her privacy. Ravenna watched Michael's golden curls wave softly in the breeze. He was handsome, she thought. If he weren't forbidden from interacting with humans, he would be someone she would be interested in. But she didn't want this caring Seraphim to be punished any more than he seemed confident that he would be. She sighed. She hated the thought of this beautiful soul being chastened for her sake.

Michael completed his task and stood upright. "It is nearly dark. What would you like to do?" Ravenna paused. She did not know how to answer his question. She had no money, and he was not from this world. She pressed her lips together, deep in thought.

"Where is Peter's body?" Ravenna asked. She didn't want to see the man again but knew his coin pouch was always heavy. Michael looked at her quizzically and then led her to the dead man.

Peter looked grotesque, with his head at an inhuman angle. Michael must be supernaturally strong to have done this, Ravenna thought. Michael's shadow lengthened across Peter's body, reminding her that Michael was indeed not human. Ravenna patted the dead man's pockets, finding his coin pouch. This would greatly help her, and Peter had no more use for it.

Ravenna offered the pouch to Michael, who arched a brow at her. He had never seen human money. "Please, hold onto this for me." Ravenna asked the angel. "Peter told me Nerium is not far, perhaps we could make our way there in the morning? I could really use a new dress. That is, if you don't mind." Ravenna looked hopefully up at Michael.

"If those are your wishes, that is what will be done." Michael pocketed the coins. "What do you wish to do for tonight?"

"Oh... Nerium is too far to get to tonight. I'm not sure what to do..." Ravenna's eyes looked down.

"I will keep you safe tonight here, if you are not opposed to the idea." Michael offered to Ravenna. She looked up at him, this was her only option, and she knew it.

She hesitated, she knew Michael would keep her safe, as he had so far, but she was not sure she was comfortable enough to sleep. "But I have not slept in so long..." Ravenna's thoughts were conflicting. She nodded, and Michael began to prepare her a place to sleep.

Michael reached into the bag Victoria and Ophelia had prepared for him and spread the blanket onto a soft patch of grass. He sat and offered Ravenna his hand. She took it and sat next to him. Michael softly tapped his leg, offering a place to rest. She lay on the blanket beside him, placing her head on Michael's thigh. He put his hand on her back and stretched a single wing around her body, protecting and keeping her warm. Her breathing quickly slowed, and she drifted off to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Michael thought holding Ravenna while his wings wrapped around them was bliss. He had been wrong. Ravenna laid her head on his thigh, sleeping soundly. He rested his left hand on her back, and his left-wing was stretched outward, covering, protecting, and keeping her warm. He was her sole protector, and he felt everything was perfect. She was comfortable enough with him to sleep so soundly. What perfection. What bliss.

Michael closed his eyes for a single moment. Ravenna was counting on him to keep her safe. He blinked and looked down at his lap. She was still there; this wasn't just a dream. He removed his hand from her back and stroked her long black hair. He carefully untied the white ribbon from her hair; it was becoming knotted from being in her hair so long. It could not be comfortable to sleep in. Michael carefully tied the ribbon around her wrist, a silent promise to keep her and her things safe.

Ravenna stirred and whimpered softly in her sleep. Michael resumed stroking her hair, and she stilled. Michael's heart warmed; he was able to comfort her from her dreams. In the morning, he would be the first person she would see, the first one she would speak to. He selfishly hoped Ravenna would enjoy that and wanted to wake up to him more often.

Michael scanned the forest. A small fox ran past, but it was no danger to the woman sleeping under his wing. An owl rustled in a tree nearby but, again, posed no threat to Ravenna. Michael continued running his fingers gently through her raven-colored hair. Sitting here with the woman sleeping on his lap was more peace than he had ever experienced in the Kingdom. Why would the Ruler have ever prohibited any of the angels of any rank from experiencing such happiness?

Michael's thoughts turned to the dead man. Ravenna had called the man Peter. How long had Peter held her captive? Michael wanted to ask Ravenna if he had saved her from the first and only assault attempt or if he had been too late to stop Peter from all attempts. His heart panged, thinking of what Ravenna must have gone through. The fear. The powerlessness. The desperation. The disgust.

He had so many questions to ask Ravenna, but he didn't want to make her think of Peter any more than she should have to. He had promised to get her home. How far from her home were they? His fingers coursed through her hair another time as Michael was lost in thought. He did not care how long it would take. He had made a promise to the young woman, and he meant it wholeheartedly.

The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting beautiful colors in the sky. Michael looked at the picturesque image of the sunrise and down at the sleeping woman on his thigh. The dawn had nothing on the perfection of Ravenna, her eyelashes pressed against her freckled cheeks, her full lips parted ever so slightly as she slept. Michael resisted the temptation to place his lips against hers. He wanted her to want his arms, his lips, his body. He decided right there that everything would be on her terms after all she had been through.