

He Fell for her. The Ruler of the Kingdom has long abandoned the humans. The Angels are forbidden from interacting and interfering with the humans. After observing a young woman for a long time, one of the Seven Seraphim Brothers, Michael, saves her from a terrible fate. But which one of his Brothers had betrayed him to the Ruler, and had him banished from the Kingdom? Michael is a Fallen Angel, the first that he knows of. Ravenna Hawthorne is a young healer, learning the family trade from her grandmother Anne. Michael appears before her one day, saving her from a man who cannot accept her rejections. Michael and Ravenna must overcome the barriers put in place by the Ruler if their new love is to flourish. Lucifer is watching closely. He wants an ally in Michael. Michael must choose between his blossoming love with Ravenna, and Lucifer's tempting offer. CONTENT WARNING: Attempted Sexual Assault, Murder. These chapters will be marked, and a synopsis will be included with cleaner editions, allowing readers to enjoy the story without potentially upsetting subjects. COVER CREDIT: Kaiza, Aramis_Queen Editors: Kaiza, DerekJPerna

R_Canton · Fantasy
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148 Chs

LXXII - The Reflections of the Fallen

Zerachiel stood outside of the Great Hall, trying to convince himself to enter. He picked at a loose thread on his sleeve, wasting time. 

– If Jeremiel has refused to serve, and He has kicked Uriel across the Hall, there is no way of knowing what He will do to me.–

He bit his lip, ran his hand back through his hair, and pushed open the double doors to the Hall. He strode across the vast expanse of white marble floor, fear making the blood rush in his ears. Stepping to the center of the floor, he bowed, hoping his display would be enough.

"Greetings, Mighty Rul-"

"Seraphim Zerachiel, you were assigned guards. Where are the Archangels Azazel and Azrael?"

Zerachiel did not stand, knowing the permission had not been given, and that the Ruler was already in a foul mood. "I do not know, Mighty Ruler. I have not seen any of them since the incident with Seraphim Remiel. Perhaps they have gone back to their territory?"

Thunder growled deeply throughout the Hall as the Ruler trembled with rage. Zerachiel shrank back, not wanting to become the focus of the wrath that was about to come.

"Shall I... would You like me to summon them for You?" His voice quavered, petrified that the Ruler would see the Archs' abandonment of their positions as his fault.

"I will send Gabriel." The Ruler spoke low, in nearly a whisper. The anger was almost tangible in His words, and He gestured for Zerachiel to stand. "Go get your Brother. Now."

"It shall be done." His heart pounding, Zerachiel stepped between the realms, appearing outside of his elder Brother's home.

The silver-haired Seraphim knocked on the door, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, impatiently waiting for an answer. Emilia came to the door herself, smiling as she saw her guest.

"Zerachiel! Please, come in, it's so nice to see you." She noticed the dark look on his face; the sorrow that had come to replace the mirth. "My dear, what's wrong?"

"I hate to ask, Em, but I need my Brother. The Ruler has called for him."

"And He sent you? That's unusual - normally He sends Uriel out for these things, not that I'm unhappy to see you, of course."

"Uriel is a little incapacitated at the moment. Jer refused to serve this morning. I'm still not sure why. But after Uriel offered to go get Jeremiel, knowing it was his day to serve, the Ruler kicked him clear across the Hall." Emilia's gasp interrupted Zerachiel, but he continued on. "Anyhow, Uriel is resting at my home with my maids, and I'm taking over for Jer. Gabriel was called for- He wants him to go to the territory of the Archs and bring back the guards that have abandoned their positions."

"Emilia? Is everything okay?" Gabriel's voice called from deeper within the home, and Zerachiel could see his older Brother peering around the corner, a towel slung low on his waist.

The Seraphim's wife turned, facing her husband. "Yes, my treasure. Get dressed, the Ruler has requested you. I laid out fresh robes while you were in the bath." Her attention shifted back to Zerachiel, who still looked downtrodden. "He will leave for the Archangels' territory soon. You can give the Ruler our word that Gabriel will get right on the task. The less time you're away from the Palace, the better it is for you."

Gabriel's promise given, Zerachiel trudged back to the Palace, his feet feeling heavy. He wanted to delay returning as long as possible, but knew that Emilia was right, as she often was. Being absent too long for a simple summoning task would be seen as suspicious, and ran the risk of punishment. 

As he pushed open the double doors of the Great Hall, the Seraphim was surprised to see the Ruler on His throne, soundly sleeping as several low-ranking servants bustled around the Hall cleaning. Intrigued, he raised a silver brow. He took off one of his boots, allowing it to fall from knee-height. It thudded to the ground, but the Ruler did not stir. Zerachiel dismissed the servants, and took a golden goblet from a ledge, allowing it to clatter to the ground. He cringed, but still, the Ruler did not stir.

–He doesn't normally rest like this.–

Not risking waking the Ruler, Zerachiel stepped between the realms to the other side of the Hall, appearing exactly where he should not be. He drew a deep breath, before pulling the Reflecting Mirror from its hidden place in the wall. 

"Show me Seraphim Zerachiel."

He tested the Mirror, having never had the opportunity to use it before. The Mirror showed him standing before it, his wings trembling with the fear of being caught. 

"Show me Seraphim Raphael," he whispered next to the Mirror, trying not to draw attention to himself.

The surface of the Mirror rippled, and the image changed. The Reflection then showed Raphael buried between two stacks of books in the library, turning the pages of a thick tome. Zerachiel nodded to himself, his eyes darting over to the slumbering man on the throne. 

"Show me Seraphim Michael."

Raphael disappeared from the Mirror's surface, replaced by a silver shimmer. The glass then went black, as if smoke was caught beneath its edges. 

"He's safe. He can't be seen," Zerachiel whispered to himself, relief washing over him. "Show me Archangel Orion."

The Mirror shimmered again, as if it was trying to find the angel. Soon, the smoke reappeared under its surface, and Zerachiel smiled. 

"They're both safe."

He pushed the Mirror back into its place just as his elder Brother returned, with four Archangels in tow. He gave a short nod toward Gabriel, who returned the gesture. Zerachiel busied himself at the far end of the Hall, and his Brother addressed the Ruler, rousing Him from His slumber.

"Greetings, Mighty Ruler. I apologize for waking You, but I have come with the men You requested." 

His polite bow and calm words seemed to keep the Ruler's rage in check, and Zerachiel allowed his aching, stiff wings to relax. He refused to turn and get involved, but he could see the other men in the reflection of the golden vase he pretended to polish. Gabriel had taken the lead, standing in the forefront, while the Archangels had fanned out behind him, the five men forming a vee. 

– The Ruler would be impressed with that. Gabriel must have been very specific about how to approach this on the way here.– Zerachiel's cloth wiped aimlessly at nothing as he watched in silence.

"Seraphim Gabriel - stand and step aside." 

The eldest Brother bowed his head respectfully and followed his orders, moving out of the way. He waited patiently by the wall, not far from where Zerachiel had hidden the Mirror. 

"Men - do you know why Seraphim Gabriel was sent to bring you back here today?" The Ruler's voice held an eerily placid tone; the calm before the storm.