

He Fell for her. The Ruler of the Kingdom has long abandoned the humans. The Angels are forbidden from interacting and interfering with the humans. After observing a young woman for a long time, one of the Seven Seraphim Brothers, Michael, saves her from a terrible fate. But which one of his Brothers had betrayed him to the Ruler, and had him banished from the Kingdom? Michael is a Fallen Angel, the first that he knows of. Ravenna Hawthorne is a young healer, learning the family trade from her grandmother Anne. Michael appears before her one day, saving her from a man who cannot accept her rejections. Michael and Ravenna must overcome the barriers put in place by the Ruler if their new love is to flourish. Lucifer is watching closely. He wants an ally in Michael. Michael must choose between his blossoming love with Ravenna, and Lucifer's tempting offer. CONTENT WARNING: Attempted Sexual Assault, Murder. These chapters will be marked, and a synopsis will be included with cleaner editions, allowing readers to enjoy the story without potentially upsetting subjects. COVER CREDIT: Kaiza, Aramis_Queen Editors: Kaiza, DerekJPerna

R_Canton · Fantasy
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148 Chs

LXVII- The Trust

Author's Note: This chapter contains R18 material.

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The ecstasy that had consumed her had passed, and Ravenna felt Michael's hand retreat; his arms wrapping around her. His encouragement had made her feel safe, and she looked up into the ocean of his eyes. 

He truly loves me; he gave up everything for me.

Her mind was still a blur from his touch, and she was trying to put her love for him into words that simply wouldn't come out. A moment of frustration overcame her, as she wanted to tell him how much he meant to her. Instead, she watched silently as he moved her to her back, and stretched alongside her. 

His hands explored her body, but refused to touch the places she was longing for. Instead, his fingers grazed along her stomach, circling her hip bone, coming back up to trace along the swell of the underside of her breast. Ravenna tried to move, to get his touch to bring her to the breaking point again, but her attempts went unnoticed, and embarrassment crept up her cheeks. 

– Will he think I'm too much? Is it wrong to want him like this?

As she propped herself up on her elbows, Michael rolled slightly, placing his chin on her navel, staring deep into her eyes. 

"I love you, Ravenna; today, tomorrow, and yesterday."

She noticed the tinge of pink that graced his cheek bones before he pushed forward, covering her body with his own. She felt his knee nudge her thighs apart, and she opened eagerly for him, hoping to feel him against her delicate flesh once more. One of Michael's legs slipped between hers as she opened herself to him, aching for him to be closer.

Finally, she found her voice, whispering the words she had wanted to tell him. 

"I love you too, Michael."

He buried his face in the crook of her neck, and she felt him breathe her in, as if she was the only thing sustaining him. He nipped playfully at her earlobe, before coming to kiss his way along her jaw, his lips finding hers easily. Ravenna allowed herself to get lost in his kiss for only a moment, before her own curiosity took hold. 

–He was learning from me. I want to learn from him, too.

Swallowing back her nervousness, her right hand dropped from the back of Michael's neck, following the scars of his wings. The scarring tapered from a wide gap to a narrowing, and his body did the same; his waist narrowing the further down she reached. The closer she got to his hips, the more her fingers began to tremble. She frowned at her anxiety, before rolling her hips, pushing the angel off of her, exposing him to her view, her touch.

"Is everything alr-" Michael's question was cut off as he took a sharp inhale. Her quivering fingers made contact with his lower abdomen, venturing lower. His next breath left him in a shudder as she touched him, the delicate pads of her fingertips running along the length of his manhood. "Oh... Ravenna..."

He likes that… – She watched his reactions grow more intense as she ran along his length again, circling the tip. Another groan escaped his lips and he squeezed his eyes shut, his hands gripping the sheets. 

Ravenna pushed against his hip bone, flattening him onto his back. She began to feel braver, more in control as she found she could make such a large man tremble and moan with such a simple caress. Lying next to him, she kissed him, teasing his body the way he had done to her - touching him in all the places except the ones he was wanting her to. She put her hand against his lower abdomen, and giggled as his hips involuntarily rolled forward, trying to reach her touch. He playfully nipped at her lower lip, smiling as he kissed the bite. 

Looking into his eyes, Ravenna gave a devious smirk as she moved her hand lower, caressing him, and the desire sparked again in her own core as she watched his eyes roll back from the pleasure. She squeezed her thighs together, trying to abate the feeling, but the Seraphim noticed her attempts.

Michael flipped Ravenna onto her back, nestling between her thighs. His manhood pressed against her core, and she could feel how stiff, how ready he was for her. And although her heart thudded with nervousness, she wanted him, too.

"I'm ready, Michael."

"Take a deep breath, my sweet."

Ravenna did as she was told, and as she let the breath go, she felt his tip nudge past her entrance, stretching her. She gasped, her body unfamiliar with the intrusion. Her nails sank into his shoulders, and tears welled in her eyes.

His thumb brushed along her cheek, reassuring her. "Take another breath, it helps to relax your body."

She felt the love behind his gesture, but she felt the sting between her thighs more. " I... it hurts..."

"Do you want to stop?"

"No. I want… this. I… can do… this," she gasped, but her determination remained.

"Breathe for me, my love. You were made for me. I know you can do this if this is what you want."

She nodded, and took another deep breath. On her exhale, Michael pushed forward a little more, his own breath shuddering as he sank into her warmth. With his encouragement, she continued to breathe through the pain, the angel slowly pushing deeper until their hips paired together.

"The worst part is over. I'm so proud of you."

She felt him pause as the stinging pain gradually lessened, and it seemed like he was stopping, resting within her. Confusion struck her, and she gazed up at him and she realized Michael gave her a moment to adjust to his size. Grateful, she closed her eyes, feeling safe and secure in his hold. She opened her eyes just as he kissed the tip of her nose, sparking the arousal in her once more; and he pulled back, beginning to set a slow rhythm. She felt his hand grasp hers, holding it to comfort her as they navigated their intimacy together. Her gasps of discomfort slowly became moans of pleasure; she no longer felt unpleasantly full, but enjoyed his presence, meeting his thrusts. 

Her hand squeezed his, and the nails of her right hand sank deeper into his shoulder – no longer from pain, but from pure passion. Ravenna wanted him closer, deeper; he had ignited her in ways she had never known existed, and she wrapped her legs tighter around his waist. He groaned his approval, and his pace began to quicken.

Ravenna began to feel the pressure build within her again, and she knew she would be close to that breaking point again. 

"Let go, Ravenna; let go." His whisper in her ear was just enough to send her over the edge, and the ecstasy crashed over her once again. 

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The torrent of sensations that overcame Michael were almost too much. The softness of Ravenna's skin, the way her core radiated warmth around him, the fingernails that dug their way into his shoulder; each threatened to drive him mad. The passion, the intensity of her love – he wanted more of it, and he wanted to live in their shared moment forever.

He felt the waves of bliss come over Ravenna, and watched her come undone with his touch. Her body tightened around him, pushing him closer to the edge. She seemed to blossom, to come alive. Unable to contain himself any longer, he reached his own release, overwhelmed with the pleasure their shared intimacy and love brought.