
Sins Of The Father

The drive for power, wealth, and lust also has dire consequences. Read for more.

Kelechi_Awurum_4152 · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter Five

If you're a celebrity, and you're kidnapped the media would run mad. Especially your fans. They would want to know why you were kidnapped and how they can come to your rescue. And if you return. It is not going to be an easy thing. Your phone would be buzzing nonstop with alarms, calls, and messages. Do what I did was switch my phone off. After I made a public show, a bunch of reporters came to my house with their cameras, microphones, and all others, trusting my husband. He dismissed them out. Now, here I am planning how I would rescue the people that were kidnapped. Just like me. I knew that today was the last grace I have. Because by tomorrow or next, Robert would have someone to transport them to an abandoned warehouse or something where he can test his virus on them. I watched the television without any interest though. It was a tv show my son, Nicolas so much loved. I was just watching it to while away time, by waiting for Detective Roderick. He said he had his ways he can get Robert to own up. But I knew it wasn't possible. Considering how stubborn he was. But something in that tv show caught my interest. For the curious, the name of the show is arrow, the first season to be concise. His relationship with one Detective Lance was somehow odd. But the assassination scenes were superb. Like how he would force someone to give him information and such. I grabbed the tv remote and paused at a scene.

"I can do that" I gasped. That idea sounded great. Assassinate Robert, force the info and save those people. I ran to my wardrobe to have a change of clothes and go on my mission.


Professor Robert was scared when he read the news on his phone. The genius doctor had been released. His fear was if Winnie would give him up to the police, and that's why he was heading to Raven's home to explain the situation. She was much of a fighter, and it would take dozens of highly trained assassins to bring her down. His muscular bodyguard who trailed behind him came forward to open the car door. A smile spread across his face as he knew that Humphrey had found the antitoxin. All that was left was to modify it into absorbable forms. So if he sold the virus to Raven, he would secretly make more money from the antitoxin. Without warning, his bodyguard slumped on the spot. He looked back. The others slumped too. On their necks were syringes. He removed it and took a scent of it. As he smelled it, his eyes opened in stark terror. The content of the syringe wasn't ordinary. An insider was betraying him. Before he could pull his gun out, something hit him hard, and he slumped.

He could feel the ground shaking. Shaking or vibrating, anyone that suits this feeling. He stretched his hand to reach out for his phone, but something held his hand still. He used force, but that thing was stronger than he could think. More like a clamp. And besides, his bed seemed unbelievably hard. As if he lay on the floor. He opened his eyes, as he felt a gush of wind which was strong. He was scared even he recognized this place. He was handcuffed to the rail, and a train was fast coming. This was one hell of horror.

"Lord Jesus!" he gasped.

"He can't help you now!" I screamed. The train came into view, as he tried to get out. But to no avail. It came closer and closer each passing second.

"Winnie, please help me! I'll do anything for you! Please! " It was funny seeing him helpless, but I had to get what I want.

"Robert, tell me where I can find those men and women you kidnapped! or get ready to meet nine-thirty to the market square". Immediately I said this, I walked to the other side and stood there waiting for a positive response.

" Winnie I didn't kidnap them! Please release me! Winnie!" he shouted in his loudest voice. I looked as if he wasn't talking to me. More like, I stood there, motionless. No movements. Sounds intimidating, isn't it?. The train had reached the curve now. Any moment from now, it would crash into Robert and piece him. The force of the wind came with a new zeal now. It was as if I unlocked something in Robert that made him say the truth.

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you! Release me first!" he screamed, looking at the incoming train.

"It's a waste of your time talking. Tell me where I can find them. I won't repeat myself"

"Abandoned 23rd warehouse estates Zika" he stated rapidly. The train was barely nine hundred meters. I didn't understand what he muttered. Perhaps, he was speaking in tongues.

"Speaking in tongues won't miraculously save you from your earned death" was my cool response. Barely six hundred meters now.

"Ziks Estates, 23rd Street, Abandoned Warehouse by No 14!" he screamed. Silence reigned. Only the sound of the wind and his attempt to break off the handcuffs could be heard.

"Come on! I've told you everything!" he screamed.

"How am I sure that you're not lying!". The train was barely three hundred meters. Any second now, it would smash him.

"I'm not!" he cried." Mummy!!, please!" he screamed as he had never done before. I walked out leaving him to die.

"No!" he shouted, his hand in my direction. Any second now the train would smash him. A rope, which he hadn't noticed pulled him out in time as the train moved with a speed. He landed on the ground, bleeding, and also shocked at the same time. He looked for me, around, as he got up. But he didn't see me. Because, by then, I was far gone.


Rod came back, knocking on the door. Stanley ushered him in, and he met Moses, who was relaxed on the cushion.

"Where is Winnie?" he asked.

"She didn't tell me where she was going to," he replied.

"So, did you get the info about their location?" Okoh asked. He was taken back a bit because he didn't notice him at first.

" I screwed up. I'm even lucky to be alive now" he admitted, his tone that of defeat.

" I think that was the reason she didn't pay much attention when you told her that you're going to blackmail him" Stanley replied. Just then, Moses changed the channel to the breaking news. The hostages had been found. But, the warehouse they are in is surrounded by anti-motion bombs, making it dangerous for the police to intervene. The reporter said that the police got their information from an unknown source.

" I'll be there," Rod said, walking out of the room.


The police wired the entire building, studying the emitted radiations from the bombs. Professional hackers were all seated, their eyes glued to the screen, as their hands typed as fast as possible. They wanted to destroy the bombs, or at least disable the programmed configuration. Rod walked in, wearing a police uniform.

"Sergeant" the DPO greeted.

"Boss" he replied. They looked at each other, then the computer screen. They didn't understand what they were typing and they walked out.

"How long will it take for them to dismantle the bomb?" Rod asked.

"Two hours. At least". Rod was confused. Was it that his boss didn't have sense or something is missing?

"But, under that two hours, whoever kidnappers may be, won't they be ready for us with surprises?"

" Explain"

" We don't have much time. We have to get the hostages out if here, or the kidnappers will"

" So, what do you suggest we do?".Rod thought for a while. In cases like this, even the weirdest thoughts were highly appreciated.

" Bomb the bomb. There won't be any other easy way" he blurted. Everyone looked at Rod in disappointment. They didn't expect him to say something childish.

" But considering the bomb blast radius, would it reach the hostages?" His statement was interrupted by the noise made from the fan blade of a helicopter. Everyone left what they were doing and focused their gaze on the helicopter. An archer leaped out and broke through the window.

" What?"

I landed as I let the pieces of glass fall out. I held my lantern to illuminate the dark corridor I found myself. I forced open a door on my left, and the people there gasped in shock.

"It's going to be fine, where are the others?" I asked as I removed the ropes from their hands.

"The other room" a woman replied. She looked like she was in her eighth-month pregnancy considering the size of her stomach. They were released to see me, after all, I was their icon. The genius doctor. I led them upstairs to the helicopter, as well as counted their numbers. One hundred. They were complete. Next were the men. I did the same and released the men. The majority of them were teens though. I entered the helicopter and flew downstairs where the police gathered, as they alighted. I knew what would happen next. A swarm of reporters built around me, asking me how it feels to be heroic. But somehow, Rod managed to chase them. I smiled at my little victory, knowing that I have given Robert a change of plans. Little did I know that more was to come.


I woke up the next day feeling happy. At a point, I stopped what I was doing and asked myself the reason I was happy. It was until then that I remembered the events of yesterday. Ooh wow. I began to dance. Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop. In the process of dancing, I almost tripped and fell but my husband caught me right in time.

"Good morning" I greeted.

"Morning" he replied. His eyes were red as if he had been drunk. And his mouth smelt like lets me not say it. After all, that is how everyone is when they wake up. I don't know why I'm so different.

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"Em, anything sweet and soft" he replied.

" Be specific"

" Tea and bread". I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. I laughed uncontrollably to the extent that my cheeks hurt.

" What's so funny?"

" At your age, you're taking tea and bread? "

" Yeah. Fine. You can laugh as much as you want to."

" And you expect me to prepare it for you? Move your lazy bones Moses" I teased. For some reason, I like controlling him, like a robot to suit my needs. To an extent though.

" I think someone is calling you," Moses said to me. I walked towards the balcony, where I can have an unrestricted view of the landscape of our mansion.

"Yeah, what's up," I asked in an audible voice, looking at the gateman.

"A man named Humphrey Bogart said he wants to see you on account of one alfa virus". At the mention of the Alfa Virus, my heart skipped a beat. I thought it was Robert, but when he mentioned the person's name, I was relaxed a bit. Or what if he was sent by Robert to maybe trick me.

" Let him in" I replied. I ran to my room and hurriedly changed my clothes to a cool t-shirt and jeans trousers. Then a pair of nike slides on my feet. I throttled to the guest lounge to avoid keeping my visitor waiting. Upon getting there, I met a man who was in his middle age, if judging from his looks. He looked at the room in awe. The furniture, decorations, and all others.

"Hey" I called out demanding his attention. His expression was that of fear. As if the information he was about to release was a bombshell.

"You must be Humphrey right?"

"Yeah. Madam, we don't have time"

"You can call me by my name. I hate formalities. And what makes you say that we don't have much time?" . He began to stammer. Though he wasn't a stammerer. Maybe what he was about to say would shock me to the core.

" By noon, the world is good as doomed. The Alfa Virus would be unleashed and everyone's belly is going to burst!"

" It's not the belly is going to burst. It is a result of pelvic inflammation, caused by the release of certain hormones which is responsible for cancerous growth. And if the cancerous growth isn't stopped, the walls of the skin may tear leading to severe complications" I explained on a calm note.

" Anyhow, Winnie we need to stop them!" he yelled. It was then I knew that this must be serious. I thought that Robert sent him to confuse me, so I was taking him around the bush.

" Can you calm down and tell me exactly what happened"

Hours Ago, 3:00 AM to be Specific

Robert sat on the seat, unsure of himself. The recent near-death experience wasn't what he expected. He never thought that Winnie would go to this level to get what she wanted. Now he understood the adage that said,

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned nor hell a fury like a woman scorned" He had been underestimating her all this while. Perhaps, she was deadlier than he thought. Humphrey came in, thus distracting him. He then remembered the antitoxin. And the money Raven would wire him if the virus is done.

"Humphrey my men are done with the preparations. Thanks to you"

"You're welcome". Silence followed. " But, sir?" Robert raised his head. What was he trying to say?

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"This is my company, which makes it that I'm the one who supposed to ask you that question" He smiled at his boss' response. This was a cunning way to dodge a question.

"I was curious, and I wanted to see how your men re-modified my antitoxin." Robert smiled. For the first time in a long while.

"Did you understand what they did?"

"Not a bit". Just then, his phone rang. He looked at the screen. Raven.

" Hello, how may I help you," he asked.

"Are you done with the virus, I'm a bit impatient"Raven replied, taking a sip of his drink.

" It would be ready by noon. And I hope you'll be punctual"

"I'll be there in the nick of time. What of the venue. I wouldn't love suspicions"

"Em, how about behind Ladakh's cattle ranch. That place is abandoned, and quiet. An environment you love"

"Cool. Because of your consistency, I'll give you fifteen billion naira, instead of ten"

"Thanks by the way. Wire it in an offshore account. I'll extract it bit by bit to avoid suspicions from the CBN" The call ended and he looked around. Humphrey wasn't there. Perhaps, he went out when he was making the call. Unknown to him, Humphrey heard everything and was shocked. He thought that the Alga Virus existed, and they wanted him to make the antitoxin before it would go viral. But what he did not know was that they created it, and wanted to sell it to make a profit from the antitoxin. Such wickedness. His mind raced for the most suitable person he would report this to, and that person was me.


After Humphrey narrated the story to me, I knew we didn't have much time. We had to act quickly. And this Raven. Sources said that he is the leader and the mastermind behind the Jumbo Quadrant. The most feared assassination agency ever. It started as a cult, but a change of leadership occurred and other factors were implemented. I don't know why Robert was selling it to Raven for fifteen billion naira, but I knew that whatever this purpose is for, it wasn't for the good.

"We have to go. Now" he reminded. I nodded my head in the positive. And then, we left.


This Content Is In Personal Pronoun Narrative Of Raven Noel. (PPN)

Hi everyone, as you've heard, my name is Raven Noel. I'm the leader of an assassination agency known as the Jumbo Quadrant. You may ask what exactly do we do, or do we kill people for fun?. We are for the people, and we topple the government when we feel that they're lying or cheating the people. Let me put it in a badass way, we work in the dark, to serve the light. Also, all these rich men and women whose families are victims of murder when they don't meet the demands of the big guys out there, we protect them. No more killings by sniper rifles or such. The government also sends us on missions, like to kill someone but we do that after rigorous supervision. Before we assassinate someone, we consider the crime the person has committed, whether the person deserves a second chance or not. Also, we check the person that sent us on the mission. If it was some form of minor grudge or something. After all, these have been considered, we make our move. The government approved our agency because we helped the needy and offered to give self-defense classes to females. We stood against racism, rapist, and also joined hands with the WHO to make sure the wellbeing of others was ensured. Also, we recommended exercises for the obese and if you happen to pass by any gym, you would see us having fun with others. People even liked this, and soon, I became a celebrity. With this status, would you call me evil? Or have I done anything wrong? Let's come to the Alfa Virus part. There's this agency known as the Dark Assassins. From their name, you would know that they're evil. They operated in the shadows and maimed many to suit their selfish desires. People cried to us for help, and we went to war with them. It was a tough battle, and we emerged as the winner. The government constructed an underground jail on the most dangerous island known as Onwu, the Igbo name for death. There we locked them. By then, I was a happily married man who minded his business. I had two daughters, Kate and Kay. I lived happily with them, with my wife, Veronica. Then, she got pregnant all of a sudden. After a CAT scan, it was revealed that it was a boy. Oh, how happy I was. I've always wanted to have a baby boy. I called our family WHO coach. Each day, we would accompany her as she did her recommended exercises. So one day, that was around her seventh month, and her belly was already big. I had a fever, so I couldn't get out of bed. So I told them to go, that I would be coming. After having a hot water bath, I wore a long-sleeved cloth, with thick trousers, and went out. It was a bit cold out there so I wondered how much progress my wife and the coach would make. But at one end, people gathered and were weeping uncontrollably. Curiosity had the better part of me as I walked there. Perhaps, they may be there too. Fear gripped me when I recognized my coach. His head was torn from his body which lay at one extreme. Blood spills were everywhere and it flowed uncontrollably. No. What of Veronica. I pushed everyone out to have a better view, only to see something that changed my life forever. She lay on the ground, motionless, her big stomach wasn't there anymore. They ripped it out, and her internal organs were gone. None could be found again. Blood flowed freely, and I just stood there in shock. I can't exactly remember what I did, but I remembered I carried her and ran towards the hospital. Then on the way, I broke down crying. I cried like I've not done before. My baby boy, my precious wife, all gone. Then I went blank. Days later, when I arrived at the site, by then I have regained my emotional stability. I went to the place to examine it. The forensics team was there to give me their report. They told me that at the place she lay, she used her finger to write the letter V on the ground. Like V. Seriously. They asked me if I had a clue on what V means. I said no. Later when I thought of it, V meant vengeance. Vengeance, vengeance, vengeance. It defined a new meaning in my purpose. Veronica couldn't give up like that. Or let her killers go. Someone had to continue the fight. And that person was me. I trained my daughters in that way. That the world was evil, and to survive, you must be evil too. I came in contact with the Four Circles. A family that wielded so much influence on the world. Everyone was answerable to them. They understood my quest for revenge and gave me the authority to rule Bay City and do as I pleased. But that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to lay them back in the same coin. Till I met Robert. We had our project known as the Alfa Virus. Now it is completed. They ripped the belly of my wife, and I'm going to rip theirs too. Recently, the Four Circles contacted me. They told me that the population in Bay City is increasing, and the balance has to maintain. That what I am planning should have an impact thus claiming at least, a thousand lives. I promised them such and told Robert to expand the virus's deadliness to also affect males. By causing erection dysfunction and also, instant death. And that's the plan. When the virus comes, I'll take my daughters to the local native doctors with fetish powers, and the gods would grant us immortality. We would stay and watch everyone have a share of how I felt when she died. Call me names if you like, I don't care. It is until now, that you know that

"When good people turn bad, they turn really bad"

Bay City, everyone, and even you reading this, my wife left a hint, V which stands for vengeance. I must carry out vengeance, the same way they delivered it, I would give it to them. Vengeance, nothing else but vengeance. I remember clearly that night, I watched them bury my wife. They didn't even give her a proper funeral. They had to chain me because I ran mad. After everything, I've done huh? No. Vengeance forever. Whether you die or not, I don't care.


We arrived at the place around 11:50 AM. Ten minutes before the time. We found a spot where no one else would notice and hid there.

"So, tell me, how did you find the antitoxin?" I asked, looking at my watch.

" I'm a local herbalist. So, the virus was highly acidic and I had to make sure that my concoction was alkaline to neutralize the virus, and also, the contents would stop the level of toxins produced." I nodded my head slightly. This was brilliant.

"And how did you do that?" I wanted to know if he knew what he did.

"I studied the virus, its characteristics, and how it reacts in certain conditions, and its weak points." This man must know something. Not all local herbalists are like that. Some would just grind some herbs and spices and recommend it.

"Who is that?" he asked, as an old-fashioned Volvo came into view.

"Shh" I replied. Robert came out of the car and began to fan himself. The question I began to ask myself. Why would Robert choose an old-fashioned volvo over the luxurious cars he owned. But more were to come. Just then, it was 12:00 PM on the dot. Another car showed up. This one was a Mitsubishi. The oldest brand.

"Seemed you followed the same train of thoughts as I did" Robert commented and the two hugged each other. Raven reached for his pocket and brought an ATM card out.

"Fifteen billion naira is inside. I sent the pin to you via email. Where's my virus" He collected the card and came with a suitcase?

"I send the algorithm pattern to you via email." Raven took it and the two shook hands.

"Our business is over then" Raven replied. I hissed. I wouldn't let him take the virus.

"Humphrey, I need you to go there and act like a clown"

"Are you stupid? That's a suicide mission " he replied.

"Humphrey trust me. I wouldn't tell you to do this if I didn't have a plan" And sure enough, he trusted me. He walked out of the hiding place.

"Hi guys. Did you miss me" he exclaimed in a loud voice.

"You have a death wish young man" Raven replied, clutching the suitcase tightly.

"Humphrey how and why did you come here".

Silence followed. He was about to get blown. And where the hell was Winnie. Whatever she was planning, she should plan it really fast.

" Robert, did you come with a gum?"

"Yes, and what are you using a gun to do?"

"Kill this young man" Raven replied. Humphrey felt numb. "Winnie!"he screamed, but it died as a silent muffle on his mouth. Just then, like a wind, I leaped at Raven and he fell. Before he could know what was happening, I snatched the suitcase from him and rolled towards where Humphrey stood.

" Winnie I guess this is your bus stop!" Robert screamed, pulling out his gun. I threw a smoke bomb, and before he could do anything, I was far gone.