
Sinner's comeback

In the world filled with schemes and politics how will our military commander lead a simple life. Fed up from people she once believed in, from wearing military suits and having guns, to wearing gowns and words as weapons, see how our female commander survive in a historical world filled with palace, parties and politics and atone to the sins she did in her previous life.

maple_002 · History
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The Table Conference

"Why don't you have a seat, Kristine."

A man in Black suit having a moustache said in an intimidating voice. Kristine was blank but she knew that sooner or later she would have to abide by his commands so why not start right now.

3 people were sitting all around her, according to the memories of the previous owner, the man in black three-piece suit, having black hair glaring at her was her father Duke Worlick Callisto, next to him was her stepmother Han Callisto wearing purple coloured dress with minimum jewellery, her make-up was light having peachy blush and purple smudged eyeliner, her hair were ivory black tied up in a messy bun with some minor head ornaments. Next to her was her son, the legitimate heir of the Callisto Duchy, his name was Brack Callisto, he was the one inheriting the traits of the Ducal family, having black hair and blue eyes whereas Kristine was having her mother's trait, she was an illegitimate child born from the one night stand of the Duke and a commoner.

Like Kristine, her mother was like a living goddess, she had fairy brown hair which were significantly admired by everyone and even she has those ruby-red eye, many people said that whenever someone looked into those eyes they felt like being sucked into them.

But the fate's cycle doesn't hesitate in killing even the beautiful among beautiful person. After her mother met the Duke, her life became a living hell, the Duchess used to whip her everyday, they made her life very miserable, she had to do every work even during pregnancy there were times when she almost had a miscarriage and after that when she gave birth she passed away, leaving behind her daughter to fend for herself.

Even when Kristine was born she looked like a fairy her eyes as well as hair were the exact copy of her mother, which made the current Duchess even more angry, she started mistreating Kristine right from the start, she used to hit her whenever she saw her, she used to hold her hair and curse her for being born, even though the Duke knew about all this he still didn't do anything and turned a blind eye towards it.

Kristine was almost like a doll, anyone could bully her, anyone could hit her, it was like she was born to be some kind of trash who had to die by hands of other.

Kristine's wicked side went alarmingly high from the childhood, she once even killed a maid who had mistreated her but after that she was house arrest for 3 months and during that time the Duke's family tormented her miserably to point of being in a coma.

Finally when she came out of house, she met the crown Prince with whom she had an engagement, she felt like that one person would at least love her truly, but then she saw him with a commoner, she was distressed, not thinking about anything, she tried every way to assassinate her but failed every time.

In the end, she commited suicide leaving behind this cruel world where nobody loved her...