

In a world where Virtual Reality has been achieved by humanity, a whole new world to explore is exposed to all with an adventurous spirit. Different races, countless kingdoms, supreme empires and hidden powers. As the variable known as summoned emerge in this varied and delicate world, what interesting developments would happen? And our protagonist who has emerged, bearing the abilities of an ancient power. With his crave for adventure and love for creation, Reo joins countless players in Age of Magic as the legendary immortal sculptor's successor. What adventures would he encounter as he travels this dangerous world and gathers companions on his journey? Ps: My first book so i'm trying to tread lightly. Please encourage me if you deem my work worthy! Forgive the crude cover, i promise to have an original and far more creative cover soon enough! PPS: Taking a short break to re-edit my earlier chapters and make them more...... read-able...cough...cough.... embarassing typos and stuff. Will get back to writing new chapters by the beginning of february when all has been done. Thanks for reading!

Eccentric_Enigma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
121 Chs


The doors were opened and inside was an office filled with soft cushioned furniture, a large white carpet covered the floor and exotic flowers and paintings of old samurai and weapons adorned the walls.

Feng was sitting on a sofa surrounded by 3 men and 2 women, First officers directly under him. He seemed to be expecting the boy and called out to him.

"Ah, there's my little bird. Come, sit down and have a drink!"

Feng was a fine cut man with slick dark hair, chiseled Jaws and sharp eyes. He wore a white buttoned shirt over black trousers and well-polished shoes, extremely old styled.

His face was well matured and he had a vicious aura around him. The only contrast to this was the playful smile he always had on his face which confused anyone who met him for the first time.

The boy moved nervously and sat down by Feng. Accepting the cup that was handed to him. He took large gulps of the fiery wine within and started to gasp and cough violently.

"Easy boy, don't want to burn your throat, do you?" one of the girls said giggling.

Her voice was soft and sweet and had a seductive tone to it. She was in a black fitted dress and tall black heels which brought out her nice figure and gave a seductive feel around her. Coupled with her glossy wavy dark hair, dark eyes, soft white skin, and petite looking face. She was an extremely attractive woman.

She was Rin, head of Feng's pleasure faction and his woman.

The other officers laughed at the boy as Feng playfully chided them.

"Stop laughing at the boy, he can take it. Can't you, boy?" he asked.

"Yes sir!" the boy said as he forcefully stopped his coughs. He deeply respected Feng and was happy with the attention he was given.

"Now tell me why you came here" Feng said finally being business-like.

"Officer Ren sent me sir. He said that he sent some boys to follow the blonde but it seems like they were noticed and they lost him. He said they still have their eyes on Natsu and Reo. They just entered old man mu' shop and would soon be passing around this area. He requests on how he'll deal with the situation." the boy reported.

"Oh... So the ones sent after the blonde lost him? That's not too good is it, I was quite interested in the boy. Tell Ren to sentence those boys to 3 days in the cell with the special treatment, I don't like incompetent boys, and for my boys to think I overlook incompetence. And as for Natsu and Reo, tell him I will welcome them myself. I have a bit of unfinished business with them from last time" Feng said as his smile turned grim.

The boy looked on in fear! Feng looked extremely horrifying with that smile on his face. He thought that Feng was an easy-going person when he first saw him but now he knew, whoever would be on the receiving end of that smile would not get off lightly.

"See you later old man mu!" Reo waved cheerily.

The three boys left the shop waving at the old man.

"Okay! Let's go face Feng now shall we?" Reo said as he took the lead.

They didn't have to go far before they saw a boy in front of them who didn't look older than ten.

"The boss wants to see you." he said then took off into an alley.

They went after him down the alley, as they moved, boys came out from behind them following them on their journey.

"Seems like they're cutting off our retreat" Reo whispered to Natsu.

"That's to be expected, I don't think Feng is going to let us off easy after what we did last time" Natsu whispered back.

"What did you guys do last time?" Sai whispered fearfully.

Reo and Natsu broke into enigmatic smiles not saying anymore.

"You guys.... what did you do?!" Sai whispered more fiercely now scared.

'I have an extremely bad feeling about this' he thought.

He was about to say more when he saw that they've finally appeared at their destination. At the end of a particular alley, a group of about a dozen boys was seen gathered around, Sitting on upturned boxes and trash cans.

A particular one sat in the middle wearing a long black overcoat and was looking at the boys with a smile on his face.

Natsu took the initiative, "Feng! How've you been, I've heard rumors that business has been good for you recently?"

"You're right there, I didn't think a pretty rich boy like you took notice of the business of us lowly ones" Feng said standing up with a smile still on his face.

One of the boys stood up with him looking at them angrily.

"Don't be like that Feng, what's a bit of compliment between old friends eh?" Natsu laughed in reply.

'What's going on here!?' Sai was utterly confused.

'Aren't we here to get into a fight or something? What's with this light-hearted conversation?'.

"Well I guess that's true Natsu san, but the term 'friend' is a bit too much, especially not after what you guys did last time don't you think?".

"What do you mean Feng? That was just friendly competition wasn't it" Reo said innocently.

"Friendly competition!!?" the boy beside Feng suddenly screamed.

"My brother is handicapped now because of you, you fuckers!!" he ran towards Reo with a wide punch which quickly reached his face with a wild angry look in his eyes.

The boy didn't know what happened next, one second he was about to land the punch, next thing he knew he felt his vision turning.



He slammed the ground hard as he fell.

Feng stared at Reo standing over the boy with a smile still on his face.

"Now now, you don't call beating my boys up and breaking Yun's arms friendly competition now do you? Yun was one of my best soldiers, now he has no use to me anymore. What am I supposed to do with him now? How are you going to compensate for my loss I ask?" He said looking sadly.

"But that wasn't really our fault now though, was it? Your boys attacked us first, we were acting in self-defense in that situation" Natsu replied.

"I'll admit to that but you guys took it too far, so now for my compensation. One of my boys reported seeing you with something new today Reo. Apparently, you have done something quite interesting with the hoverboard? My cargo department would benefit greatly from such a fast and mobile mode of transport". Feng went straight to the point.

"Oh, the hoverboard huh? It's still a prototype so that'll have to wait for a while" Reo replied.

"When will it be ready?"

"Give me about 2 more weeks, there are slight modifications and issues that need to be resolved."

"We'll discuss the cost of production and then the amount I'll need when it's ready then"

"Okay, I'll contact you through the usual line"

"Alright then, nice doing business with you again Reo" Feng said smiling.

"I and my boys would be on our way now, time is money after all. Let's go Hideto." the boy on the floor was still in a daze trying to figure out how he fell when Feng called out to him.

Feng stood up and started walking away through an alley with his boys filing behind him. Hideto followed behind him looking at Reo with scared eyes.

"Did you need to bring so many people just to negotiate with us Feng San?" Natsu said smiling as they retreated.

"I've learned the hard way that there's no such thing as being over-cautious with you guys around. Look at what happened to poor Hideto." Feng said waving back at them as he disappeared down the alley.

As Feng left, Reo looked at Natsu as he complained, "He's extorting me of my creations for free again! Even though it's not that expensive to create it's still such a pain!"

"Don't worry, just think of it as spreading your work. Let's go back home"

And without much words, they left the alleyways with a perplexed Sai following behind.

Back down the alley, Hideto looked at Feng as he was still confused at what happened.

"Boss... How did he do that?" he said shakily.

"You were too rash Hideto san" Feng said almost playfully.

"Don't confront them again if you should ever see them" Feng said smiling.

"They are monsters..."

I am sort of tempted to leave behind the quirky author's comments that were here before but i have decided that some are just too embarssing so i'm doing away with them......cough!

Eccentric_Enigmacreators' thoughts