
Singularity: Lord of Mysteries

Members of the Aurora Order had brutally murdered Max, a child of the age of 15. In the body of this unfortunate child, enters the memories of Samuel, a not-so-innocent person in his previous life, whose life choices finally caught up to him one day and ended up killing him. However, he is reincarnated in the world of Lord of Mysteries, a horrifyingly tragic world where humans struggle against inevitable monsters of epic proportions by gaining Beyonder powers that ultimately either end up consuming them and causing them to lose control, or become strong enough that the will or the original creator takes over their souls. In this world of steam and machinery headed towards a prophesied apocalypse, armed with a Pathway that did not exist in the fictional novel, that will either lead to his ascension or his demise, Max must strive to survive and save the world... or would he? ---------- P.S. This is my first Fan-fic so go easy on me and give me pointers. Positive criticism is welcomed. If you don't like it or the writing is terrible, Ok. Just leave and don't rub it in my face T-T Anyway, I will post chapters hopefully daily, and I hope you guys help with the creation process of the novel. compared to my other novels, I will be writing this one with no fixed story in mind, so I will depend on you guys to give me pointers on what should come next. As of now, I have only written 2 chapters and will try to write one a day and keep up the upload schedule. Note: I had read the novel quite some time ago, and I do not wish to read 1400 chapters of something I have already read. So I went to the wiki and read through the summaries, and got the just of at least the Tingen Plot. Unfortunately, I do not want our first arc to be in Tingen for obvious reasons; Adam. Also, for those thinking his pathway is super overpowered after reading the first chapter, be warned that despite this, as long as he does not reach the highest Sequence and beyond, he is still too weak to survive in this chaotic world. Also, anything powerful comes at a cost, and you will see the cost when he tries to become a Beyonder. Anyway, I hope everyone likes the story and please comment and leave a review so I know where to fix the the fan fic.

Shadow_Magus · Book&Literature
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116 Chs

Spirit and Correction Force

Backlund, in a rented apartment of a busy street…

Ademisaul opened his eyes and grinned widely.

"Finally! A mission from Mister! But it is only a small one. Should I test and see if one of them would be able to accomplish the task? I should right? Right? Yes, it will be a good test, not too dangerous. After all, they only have to create the circle in a safe place. What could possibly go wrong?"

Ademisaul quickly began speaking in ancient Hermes.

"The Spirit that wanders about the unfounded,"

"The creature who submits to Unity,"

"The messenger that belongs to a follower of Unity; Ademisaul."

Instantly, a pale white skeleton hand, that was almost completely drenched in the sticky black tar-like liquid that belonged to the Primordial Unity, stretched out from the invisible void beyond time and space, and picked up the letter placed on the ground, before picking up the pen that contained some of the Primordial Unity's energy.

This pen was one of countless items Max had handed to Ademisaul to be used in such rituals after he had realised that his Unity energy could corrupt Spirits in the Spirit Realm. Further, any creature corrupted by Unity energy would lose all its flesh and become a skeleton. Not only that, they would also become addicted to the Unity energy and would use the energy as payment for transferring messages.

Considering the amount of energy they used was so minute, it would not even make a dent in the regeneration of his Unity energy over time, Max had made a lot of such items, leaving most of them in the Amalgamation of All, frequenting sending them to Ademisaul and the three students he had taken in.

Each of Ademisaul, and the three students had made such a spirit contract made with a corrupted being. However, Tom had not made such a contract, mainly because he did not get the time to, and was taken for investigation by the Nighthawks.

In another apartment, where one of Ademisaul's three students; Fred, resided, a bony hand stretched out from the void. It had thick liquid constantly falling off it, but the liquid that left its body for a long turned into a black mist that returned to the body and turned back into the thick liquid.

Fred, who had been reading a book about accounting was startled by the sudden appearance of the hand but quickly calmed down as he realised what the hand represented.

'A message from Teacher!' Fred sighed as he pulled over the message and opened it.

A few seconds later, he pulled out a lighter, and lit the paper letter on fire, before throwing it into the fireplace to his right, watching it burn into ashes before proceeding with the instructions on the paper.

Soon, a wooden door manifested in front of him, and 'The Mister' as his teacher Ademisaul called him, stepped through.

The Mister seemed to be slightly taken aback at the location but then looked over at Fred, and nodded. Patting him on the shoulder, he picked up the door and placed it carefully on the second symbol of Unity Fred had created, before closing his eyes for just an instant, resulting in the door vanishing just like that, along with the circle. Only extinguished candles were left behind.

The Mister then took off, leaving a frowning Fred.

'I do not get anything for doing all this work…'

'Stupid! Stupid Fred! Of course, you do not. The teacher saved you, apparently with the Mister's and The Primordial Unity's help. They saved you from slavery, or worse, death. Not only that, they also gave you a place to live, food to eat, and the powers of a Beyonder!'

Fred looked at his own reflection as he tucked away the silver pendulum he used for Divination into his sleeve pocket, a special location from where it could be easily removed for quick on-the-go divinations.

Fred, the first among the three to accept becoming a Beyonder, had chosen the pathway of the Seer, resulting in him being Sequence 9 of the same pathway as Klein coincidentally.

Max left the apartment rented by Fred and made his way to one of the several apartments he had rented for himself. Then a strange thought came to him.

'All the efforts I went through to deliberately not purchase land right now, and wait for the prices to bottom out after the smog are all moot now. I will have to prevent the smog in the first place. Which means prices will not fall drastically in the short-run.'

'Perhaps, I should write a letter to Mrs. Dunant telling her to fully purchase the locations she had rented to build the Dunant's store to ensure somebody does not try to remove her from the market by purchasing the plot of land and removing her as a lease, then building their own version of the Dunant's Department Store in the same location.'

'But then again, I could use this event to see how great of a correction force exists in this world. I'm pretty sure it is what has been pushing Klein and the rest of the main cast into following a pre-determined path.'

'Even Adam has been unconsciously pushed into following this path that He thinks He Himself built. Otherwise, He would have just killed me on the spot, or worse, just directly added me into His story. Why would he ask for permission?'

'Then again, that could be chalked up to the protection cast out by the Amalgamation of All which had the last vestiges of Unity's will still remaining in it, as well as the Moon's protection. So perhaps higher-level Beyonders are, to an extent, immune to this force, but most of humanity and most Beyonders are not, which is why everything seems to be flowing in the correct direction, despite the countless warnings I gave to various people; including Klein, Audrey, Alger, and Derek!'

Chapter length: 995 words

This is the last prerecorded chapter. After this, If I stop uploading, it means I am no longer, or I have lost my flow of thought when writing the chapters and have writer's block...

One of the two is likely.... lol

Shadow_Maguscreators' thoughts