
Singularity in Primal Chaos [Completed]

Suddenly, he found himself in a completely different world with completely different laws. He realized that he had became a singularity and there was nothing he could not learn. Star God's Broken Shadow? World Ode of the Phoenix? Phoenix Suppression? Illusions? No matter what he saw, he learned. This was Singularity, in name and in purpose! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter: 72


"Senior Master?"

A strange expression appeared on Shui Wushuang's face.

Standing outside Yuechan's room, she didn't understand why her senior master's voice sounded so strange.

"Are you alright?"

Although the chances of it happening were minuscule, she wondered if something had happened to her senior master. Her voice sounded so strange.

"N-No… I-I'm alright." Yuechan's voice came from behind the door, which made Wushuang tilt her head. It definitely didn't sound alright!

"... Should I call Senior Master Yueli?"


The denial came harder than she thought, making Wushuang instinctively take a step back.

"You leave. I'll call you later—ah!"


'Something is wrong…' Wushuang thought, a delicate frown appearing over her beautiful face. 'Should I really call Senior Master Yueli? Senior Master Yuechan obviously doesn't sound alright.'

"Wushuang… leave…" Yuechan's voice resounded again, filled with softness that made Wushuang wary. "I—mng—will call you later."

"... As the senior master instructs."

Just as she was about to turn and leave, her footsteps halted.

She looked at the man who appeared behind her, and her face turned indifferent.

"Villa Master… Can Wushuang help you with anything?"

It was Ling Yuefeng!

"Miss Shui…"

Not expecting anyone to be outside Yuechan's room, Yuefeng was caught off guard.

This past week, he had been staring at Yuechan and could only see her during the tournament.

Tonight, he wasn't able to control his urge to meet her, so he decided to personally visit her abode.

In the previous decade, he had been continuously visiting Asgard in the hope of meeting Yuechan, but his entry had always been declined. This obviously made him reluctant and sad.

If not for Asgard's position as one of the four major sects and knowing that he could not just provoke the sect, it was estimated that Ling Yuefeng would have just forced his way in.

Sadly, he was aware of his limitations. As such, he could always come back empty-handed from his every visit.

This time, it was different!

Yuechan had never visited the villa in the previous tournament, which she did this time. Wasn't this a golden opportunity for him to meet her?

Thinking this, Yuefeng had chosen tonight to meet her privately but didn't expect to meet Wushuang on the way instead.

He could only put a forced smile on his face upon seeing her.

"This Yuefeng has come to meet Fairy Chu. Seeing that the lights are still on, I wonder if Miss Shui would be accommodative enough to inform Fairy Chu of my visit?"

"Forgive me, Villa Master, but the senior master is not feeling well tonight. It would be better if you come next time." Wushuang replied indifferently. Her soft and gentle expression, which she would use to talk with her fellow disciple or Yun Che nowadays, was nowhere to be found.

She looked emotionless and antiseptic talking with him.

Yuefeng's face stiffened upon hearing her indifferent reply.

If it was someone else, it is estimated that he would have become angry at them.

But Asgard was different, as its disciples were cold to anyone outside of Asgard, especially towards men. So he didn't take her attitude personally. Also, he didn't want to leave a bad impression on Yuechan. So he made sure not to show anger or dissatisfaction on his face regarding Wushuang's way of speaking towards him.

"Since Miss Shui says so, then I cannot force anything on Fairy Chu. But, my Villa has the best medical saint present. If there's anything I can help with, please tell me. I shall call her right away and have her check on Fairy Chu," he smiled and replied enthusiastically. "Matter of health, for people of our level, shouldn't be left unnoticed. They might affect our cultivation in the long run."


Wushuang became quiet.

She indeed felt that something was wrong with her senior master and was about to inform Yueli about it. Hearing Yuefeng, she wondered if she should take him up on this offer.

Yuefeng, of course, became happy seeing her contemplating expressions.

"Why don't you ask your senior master first?"

The voice fell.

Wushuang remained silent for some time before she nodded.

"Alright. Let me ask the senior master first."

She turned around and walked closer to Yuechan's room once again. She frowned at Yuefeng closing the distance between himself and her but didn't mind it. She knew full well about Yuefeng's infatuation with her senior master, it was a hot topic still within the Blue Wind Empire, and knew full well that he just wanted to hear the voice of her senior master.

Anyways, even if she wanted to stop him, she knew she didn't have the authority to do so. She could only remain silent and wish that he left soon.

Knocking at the door, she asked, "Senior Master, Villa Master is here and asking if he should call a medical saint in case you are not feeling well?"


Only silence answered her.

Just as she was wondering if something happened to her, a panicked voice came from the inside, stunning both Yuefeng and Wushuang.

"Don't! Stop!"

Before any of them could make a move, the door to Yuechan's room opened.

Wushuang and Yuefeng, as if struck by lightning, stood like two statues as they saw Yun Che coming out of Yuechan's room with a smile on his face.

Looking at Yuefeng and Wushuang, a 'surprised' expression appeared over his face, as if caught completely unguarded.

"Ah! Villa Master... What are you doing here?" He looked 'panicked' seeing him. His hand moved as he hurriedly 'cleaned' his robes as if not wanting them to see anything suspicious and hurriedly added, "I had some time to talk with Fairy Chu, so I came to meet her. Since I'm done, I'll take my leave first."

"You..." Yuefeng felt his heart heavy staring at Yun Che, but he rejected whatever thoughts that came to his mind, not believing any of them.

"Sister Wushuang, can you accompany me till the exit?" With a smile, Yun Che asked. "I'm sure Villa Master wants to spend some time alone with Yue—Fairy Chu."

Confused and wanting to say something, Wushuang blankly was led away with Yun Che, leaving behind dumbstruck Yuefeng at the front door of Yuechan.

"Yuefeng... What do you want?"

Hearing the cold voice coming from the front, Yuefeng looked there and saw Yuechan standing there.

His heart suddenly thumped as he looked at the veil-less Yuechan and her slightly disheveled robes. He couldn't believe his eyes!

"Fairy Chu… you and him…"

"Leave." Not giving him another glance, she chillily replied. "I have nothing to talk about with you. You may take your leave."

Yuefeng's body trembled, and his fist clenched tightly.

"Do you understand the implications of what would happen to Asgard if the words about you being in a relationship with a junior were to be made public? Yuechan, you—"

"Yuefeng." Suddenly, the temperature dropped. Yuefeng felt Yuechan staring directly into his soul, causing him to shudder. Her voice held no emotions whatsoever, in complete contrast to how she talked with Yun Che. She spoke in an icy tone. "Leave. Do not poke your nose where it doesn't belong, lest you want me to make an enemy out of me and Asgard."

"...Very well." Gritting his teeth, Yuefeng closed his eyes and turned around. "I hope you do not regret your decision, Fairy Chu."

Yuechan's gaze trembled hearing him, but she didn't say anything and silently watched Yuefeng leaving. Once he was gone from her sight, she sighed before she muttered in annoyance.

"That bastard… He did it deliberately! Doesn't he care what will happen now that Yuefeng knows about it?"

She could obviously make sure Wushuang didn't open her mouth, but the same couldn't be said for Yuefeng. Knowing him, she was sure he wouldn't miss a single opportunity to 'take care' of Yun Che.

Obviously, she wasn't worried about Yun Che.

In her mind, Yun Che was strong enough to raze Heavenly Sword Villa alone. What she was worried about was the existence of the Sacred Ground behind the Heavenly Sword Villa.

With their strength, they could erase this whole empire, let alone someone as insignificant as Yun Che!

"Also, he left without even completing what he started! So hateful!"

Not only did he stop midway when things were about to get good, he left after opening all her entrances!

Of course, she was jubilant and excited at the fact that she now possessed Heavenly God Spiritual Veins but was angry and annoyed at the same time for Yun Che to leave midway, and that too in such a manner.

She thought, didn't he come here just to cause trouble?

After thinking for a while, an icy light passed within her eyes.

"Forget it. I'll take care of it later." Saying that, she returned to her room, and the silence returned to the courtyard once more.

It is estimated that tomorrow wasn't going to be as peaceful as before… for both her and everyone else!


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