
Singularity in Primal Chaos [Completed]

Suddenly, he found himself in a completely different world with completely different laws. He realized that he had became a singularity and there was nothing he could not learn. Star God's Broken Shadow? World Ode of the Phoenix? Phoenix Suppression? Illusions? No matter what he saw, he learned. This was Singularity, in name and in purpose! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter: 57

It has almost been two months since Yun Che left for the Wasteland of Death.

The sudden disappearance of him was indeed quite eye-catching, but people soon forgot and carried on with their lives.

After a month of Yun Che's disappearance, another surprising news appeared within the capital city: Princess Cang Yue had reached the peak of the True Profound Realm!

This news obviously stunned everyone as they couldn't understand how.

Obviously, she was only at the 3rd level of the True Profound Realm a month ago, how did she reach the peak of the True Profound Realm so fast?!

This talent, even in the four major sects, is impossible to find!

Most people believed that Cang Yue had a fortuitous encounter which allowed her to reach the Peak of the True Profound Realm in a month.

Thinking, they couldn't help but be jealous of her and could only blame the injustice of the world.

Not only was she born as a princess, had a beautiful look and figure, and now she had another fortunate encounter which allowed her to reach the peak of True Profound Realm within a month.

They all thought, if she carried on with such speed, wouldn't she be the most qualified to participate in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament?

Of course, such talks were but rumors and nothing else as no one believed that she could carry such monstrous speed of cultivation for long.

Yet, Cang Yue proved them wrong once more by breaking into the Spirit Profound Realm by the end of the second month!

This time, no one could say anything.

All of them were too stunned to say anything.

Not only the people within the Profound Palace, even the people inside the imperial palace were stunned silly.

They couldn't understand how Cang Yue suddenly became a prodigy when it came to cultivation when she obviously wasn't as talented as she currently was a month ago. Of course, except for Cang Yue's father, Cang Wanhe, no one had any idea about it.

And Cang Wanhe only came to know when Cang Yue explained to him that this was dowry from Yun Che.

Though he became angry when she said this was dowry, he could only contain his anger to himself as the target of anger was nowhere to be found.

Today too, Cang Yue was spending her time cultivating in her room silently.

These past days, she was in a really bad mood due to the presence of her brother who kept bringing the young master of Burning Heaven Clan within the palace to meet her.

Despite the fact that she had vehemently denied any and all kind of approach from him, she didn't understand what screw her brother and Young Master Fen had lost for them to not understand that, no matter what, her decision would not change.

But what really made her annoyed was the fact that Young Master Fen said their clan had Burning Soul Flower but only by marrying into his clan would he allow her to take it.

At that time, she wanted to slap Juecheng on the face but controlled herself.

She wanted the flower, yes.

To save her father, the flower was highly important.

But even if it was to save her father, she would rather die than to betray Yun Che!

Her love for Yun Che had only grown the past two months to the point where it wouldn't be a joke to say that she was willing to do anything if it was for Yun Che's sake. So for her to betray Yun Che just so she can save her father didn't make any sense.

To Cang Yue, she would rather commit suicide than to betray Yun Che!

As she was silently cultivating with a frown over her delicate features, she suddenly felt two big hands circling around her waist before the owner of the hands pulled her, causing her to fall into his embrace.

Cang Yue's eyes widened in horror, and her profound strength burst out of her body.

But much to her surprise, instead of getting blown away, the culprit didn't even bulge from his place as if her strength was nothing but a fart to him.

This made her heart almost jump out of her chest. This person was too strong for her to deal with!

Just as she was about to scream, the teasing voice of the man came from behind her.

"I only left you alone for two months, and you have already become tired of me that you won't even allow me to hug you, Yue'er?"

The moment the voice fell into her ears, Cang Yue's eyes brightened instantly, and a beautiful smile bloomed over her face.

"Brother Yun!" She screamed happily before turning around and jumping into his embrace.

She buried her face into his nape, her chest tightly pressing against his, and her arms circled around his neck.

She excitedly said, "Cang Yue missed you! I was so worried since there was no news of Brother Yun for the past two months, and I thought that something might have happened to you! Brother Yun, please don't leave me like this again! At least next time, take me with you too!"

Yun Che chuckled. He raised his hand and gently held her waist while he patted her on the end with the other.

"Silly girl, of course, I also missed you dearly. Didn't I come back faster than I had told you before? It's because I missed the touch of my dear Yue'er so much that I couldn't take it anymore."

"Brother Yun..."

Cang Yue's eyes became misty hearing Yun Che's passionate words.

She broke the hug and looked at his face, as if wanting to imprint it into her very consciousness before she closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

Seeing this, Yun Che also closed his eyes and sealed her luscious cherry lips.

The softness and wetness of the lips spread through his mind, causing his hand to tighten around her waist, further pulling her body into him.

His other hand moved and gently caressed her face, pulling the hair back from falling between them.

He passionately kissed her, softly biting her lips, sucking them and her small mischievous tongue. The silence of the room was soon overtaken by the lewd sound of the couple kissing.

Only after pouring their feelings into the kiss, and greedily tasting each other's taste for tens of minutes did they finally stop.

The sound of panting came from both of their mouths as they tried their best to regain the lost oxygen.

Already feeling his little brother raging, Yun Che pushed Cang Yue on the bed, causing her to fall on her back, and her breasts to jiggle due to it.

With her hands freely falling beside her head, Cang Yue absentmindedly stared into Yun Che's eyes. Her eyes misty, and her lips wet, reflecting the light beautifully, she softly called out his name.

"Brother Yun…"

Her bountiful chest heaved up and down, further enhancing its allure.

Placing his hand above hers, their fingers intertwined.

He bent down and once again sealed her lips.

This time, for a comparably short time.

Cang Yue moaned sensually as he left her lips and started to kiss her smooth soft neck. As if giving him more surface, she turned her head in the opposite direction, exposing her neck to him and allowing him to fully taste it without any problems.

"Stop… someone… might… hear us…"

Her weak protest mounted to nothing when she rubbed her meaty thighs against each other, her cunt already thirsty for her Brother Yun's dragon.

Since she was cultivating alone in her room, she wasn't wearing any but a single robe that hid her sinful figure behind it.

Yun Che placed his finger in the small opening right by her collarbone, and slid it down, partying her robes aside.

With a 'soft pop', her breasts popped out of the restraints, attracting Yun Che's attention.

Her pink nipples already fully ripened to be plucked, which he did.

Bending down, he softly kissed her breasts, feeling the incomparable softness and mellowness.

He licked her nipple, and circled around her areola, before his lips parted and he bit her erect nipple, arousing a loud hiss from her mouth followed by a sensual sigh pertaining how lustful she currently was.

Softly catching her nipple between his teeth, he moved his jaw right and left, rolling the nipple between them.

"Brother Yun… I can't…"

She begged, feeling the itchiness between her legs reaching a level where she was having hard time breathing normally any longer.

Right now, she didn't care about anyone finding them anymore.

She just wanted Yun Che to satiate the hunger she was feeling right now.

Following her wish, he left her breast, leaving a small red patch over her snow-like skin, before reaching closer to her slip below.

With his hands over her meaty thighs, he parted her legs, allowing him the full view of her juicy cunt; clean and beautiful, pink with a small protruding clitoris above.

Her slit was beautiful and without any deformation.

He used his thumb to rub over the outline of her slit, causing her to take a loud breath, which only resulted in his impatience.

Guided by his instincts, he kissed the top of her slit, at her clitoris and gave it a light suction.


Cang Yue moaned, her legs instinctively tightening around Yun Che's head, burying his face into her watery cunt and sandwiching it between her soft thighs.

As if on cue, Yun Che left her clitoris but still used his thumb to continue teasing it. His face bent down and his tongue started to play with her vaginal entrance from where her juicy fell with incomparable haste.

His tongue slowly traveled into her vaginal opening, his mouth sucking it hard, causing Cang Yue to grit her teeth as she felt the pressure on her cunt reaching the breakthrough point.

"Mnnggg~! Brother Yunnnn~!" A loud moan, and it was accompanied by the small waterfall below.

Her teeth gritted and her eyes closed tightly, she arched her back and pushed her cunt further into Yun Che's face as all the accumulated pleasure burst out like a dam down at her vaigina before traveling to her brain, numbing it.

Her butt cheeks were clenched tightly and would jiggle as her body trembled with every second.

With a "thum", she fell back on the bed. Her luscious lips opened, showing her pearly white teeth, she breathed loudly, trying to calm down her beating heart.

But Yun Che didn't give her enough time to do so as he took his robes and positioned the top of his dick at her dripping entrance.

Feeling the warm feeling at her vaginal, Cang Yue tiredly opened her eyes and gazed at the smirking face of Yun Che.

Before she could say anything, an electric shock hit her! Traveling from between her legs, it reached all the way to her mind, causing her to moan loudly with gritted teeth, trying her best to hold down her moans from others.


Her legs circled around his hips, as if showing their protest against him taking his dick out, they tried to push it further inside her warm, wet, and soft walls.

Finally, when the tip of his dick reached the deepest part of her cunt, she released a loud sigh which soon turned into rhythmic moans as Yun Che started to pound her; over and over, with each thrust, her defenses crumbling and her will to resist moans vanishing.

By the tenth time, she had already lost her will to resist the moans.

With her breast tightly gripped into his hands, she raised her hands above her head and tightly gripped a handful of the sheets. Her back arched slightly, giving Yun Che more room to reach deeper into her.

Her pitch-black hair sprayed all over the messy bed, and sweat that formed over her body only further helped in enchanting it. The soft redness field with reflecting light on her smooth surface only resulted in the increase of thrusts.

The courtyard that was once quiet, only moans could be heard there now.

Anyone who passed by, could only go wide eyes and express their disbelief at the fact that someone was fucking their princess!

Of course, Yun Che could build soundproof barriers, but what fun was in it?


pat (+15): patr eon.com/meatball_chan

discord: https://discord.gg/hrrm35kbtz

pat (+15): patr eon.com/meatball_chan

discord: https://discord.gg/hrrm35kbtz

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