
Singularity in Primal Chaos [Completed]

Suddenly, he found himself in a completely different world with completely different laws. He realized that he had became a singularity and there was nothing he could not learn. Star God's Broken Shadow? World Ode of the Phoenix? Phoenix Suppression? Illusions? No matter what he saw, he learned. This was Singularity, in name and in purpose! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter: 106

["Erectile Dysfunction Resistance" acquired!]

["Erectile Dysfunction Resistance" maxed!]

The morning came, and Yun Che begrudgingly opened his eyes. He stared at the ceiling of his room in silence before he softly muttered.

"... Fuck, that was a weird-ass experience."

Who would have thought that, betraying all his expectations, the Ancestral Goddess would personally invite him to her... abode, personal space, or whatever? He definitely did not. And that's why he felt that the whole experience was one huge curveball out of nowhere.

He looked to the side and found out that the bed was empty, prompting him to look outside the window to find the sun hanging high in the sky; it was already afternoon. He thought he must have ended up oversleeping.

Just then, the door of the room was opened, and a brown-haired woman walked in with a tray of food in her hand.

Surprised, she looked at Yun Che before a soft smile appeared on her crimson face.

"You are awake. I made ginseng soup for you. It will help you get your energy back."

Yun Che silently stared at her face and internally muttered, 'Hmm. It seems that the Ancestral Goddess didn't take over her. Maybe, like in the original, she still requires her permission before they merge or something?'

"Feed me then." With a smile, Yun Che said.

Lingxi's smile widened by a small margin, liking Yun Che's suggestion, and she gracefully walked towards the bed before sitting beside it.

"Here..." Yun Che opened his mouth as Lingxi fed him, a moment which both of them appreciated as they silently enjoyed each other's company.

After drinking the soup, Lingxi helped Yun Che change into a new set of robes, which almost turned into another session of love if Lingxi did not stop him. He could only grumbly wear his robes while Lingxi giggled softly at his antics.

"Where is Grandpa Lie and Grandpa Canghai? Are they still talking with each other?"

"They drank too much last night, it seems..." Lingxi smiled worriedly. "And still haven't woken up yet. I went to wake them up, but they asked me to leave, saying they were too tired."

"Hangover, I guess..."

Hangover was a hateful thing, and Yun Che hated it with passion. But, of course, with Menu, such a thing wasn't going to hurt him any longer. That did not change the fact that Yun Che hated drinking.

Even before reincarnating, he hated drinking. So such a habit followed him to this world. Unless it was a special occasion, Yun Che doubted he would be drinking alone.

'Like that dinner with Yufeng... That was special enough.'

"Where is Yufeng and Cang Yue?"

"Sister Yufeng still hasn't left her room... She came out in the morning, and after spending some time outside, she once again went inside to cultivate. While Sister Cang Yue returned to the Imperial City. She said that there was an emergency, and I should inform you about it."

"I see." Yun Che nodded, already aware of what this emergency was. Most likely, the three major sects put pressure on the imperial family to give him up.

'It's stupid, but with the support from the Sacred Grounds, I guess even if they're afraid of me and Gramps personally, they still want to gain favors from the Sacred Grounds. I am still being underestimated then, hahahaha...'

"Little Aunt, come with me then."

Following him with a happy smile on her face—this brought her back to their childhood when she would always follow after him, and they were inseparable—Lingxi inquired.

"Where are we going?"

"What do you think? Will Grandpa Lie be willing to leave the Xiao Clan and move to the Imperial City?"

"No... Even with all that has happened, Father loves the Xiao Clan too much."

"What about you?" Suddenly, with a smirk, Yun Che stopped and turned around, his face only inches away from Xiao Lingxi's face. He inquired.

Lingxi's eyes widened at the sudden closeness before a blush spread across her cheeks. Averting her gaze for an instant, she tiptoed and gently placed her lips over Yun Che's before hurriedly jumping away.

"I-I'll follow Little Che..."

"... That was unfair, not gonna lie." Yun Che licked his lips, and his smirk returned. Staring at the unexpected attack, both physical and mental, Yun Che almost pulled her into a hug. "I won't control myself next time."

Lingxi lowered her head, too embarrassed to look at him right now.

Shaking his head, Yun Che turned around and once again started to walk towards the center of the Xiao Clan, a massive arena where the disciples of the clan trained on a daily basis.

"Since Grandpa Lie is not going to leave the clan, I would be worried about him all the time. That's why I thought about etching a formation around the Xiao Clan to protect it."

He had different skills regarding formations, barriers, ruins, and so on from different sources. If used correctly, he could easily create a barrier strong enough to repel even a Sovereign Profound Realm participant!

"This is also to create a good enough environment to cultivate within the Xiao Clan for you."

"For me? But I don't like cultivating..."

When she was young, she was considered ugly and bullied by the people of her clan. At that time, the only person who stood beside her was her father and Yun Che. So after it was found out that Yun Che would not be able to cultivate, Xiao Lingxi promised herself to protect him like he did when they were younger and started cultivation.

This led to a change in her temperament, aura, personality, and appearance. From an ugly duck, she turned into a refined, breathtakingly beautiful woman.

Now that she knew Yun Che's veins had healed and he was strong enough to protect himself, her drive to cultivate once again vanished.

Yun Che found this problematic.

It didn't matter if she liked cultivating or not. He just thought that she should cultivate. In the fucked-up world they were in, where the strong ate the weak, Yun Che found weakness itself to be a disgusting thing to have.

He would rather have his woman strong enough to fight for herself rather than him being the hero all the time. After all, even with all the skill he has, he cannot be everywhere at the same time.

'Well, once I unlock my Divine Authorities, such problems can be solved... but that still doesn't change the fact that people would still have ideas against her. Beauty is also considered a curse, both here and back in my world, after all.'

"And I don't like seeing you hurt..." he turned around and softly grasped her hand. He raised her chin to make her look into his eyes and gently smiled. "I understand that you do not like cultivation, but why not do it for me? Otherwise, I would always be worried about you."

"... Isn't that a good thing? Little Che will be thinking about me all the time..."

..." Yun Che's lips pursed slightly as he stared at the blushing woman, lost for words. Her way of thinking really made him speechless. "Lingxi, please..."

"Alright..." Finally, she replied with a slight pout. This made Yun Che sigh in relief.

Reaching the arena, it was filled with the disciples of Xiao Clan practicing martial arts. The sound of air being punched and the shouts of disciples filled this place.

Yun Che's presence obviously did not go unnoticed as everyone turned their attention towards him, stopping what they were doing.

The shock of what he had done yesterday still had not left their minds, so his sudden presence made them nervous. They wondered if he came here to beat them.

Yun Che ignored them and walked directly to the center of the arena, pushing the disciples aside.

"Nephew Che, is there anything we can help you with?"

Amused, Yun Che looked at the old man. He could not remember his face, so he thought he must be some irrelevant character.

"No, I am good. You can leave." Saying that, he ignored the old man and looked back at the ground, in reality, staring at the skill sheet in front of him.

'I learned Formation Art from the formation used to seal gramps, mixed with Phoenix Barrier and Barrier should be enough to take care of Sovereign Profound Realm. Just in case, I'll also add a suppression effect and give its authority to Grandpa Lie. Since it could suppress Grandpa Canghai for centuries, it should have no trouble doing the same for others too.'

He raised his hand and placed it on the ground. Profound energy burst out of his body like an unstoppable force, causing the weak people around him to sweat profusely.

Suddenly, all the profound energy was sucked into his hand before a formation burst into existence. Before anyone could fully see it, the formation had already covered the whole of Floating Cloud City!

'Now for the Profound Gathering Formation I saw in Blue Wind Profound Palace.'

On top of the current formation, another formation appeared, and profound energy in the surroundings suddenly became agitated. As if a vortex, all the profound energy within Floating Cloud City, and even that beyond the city, was forcefully pulled towards the center of the formation, feeding it.

'An infinite source of energy... Now unless someone utterly overpowered for this plan appears, no one should be able to cause trouble within Floating Cloud City... at least, not alone.'

Even though all the energy which was being pulled was used by the formation, the arena had become densely saturated with profound energy. And even though it was not as dense as in the Blue Wind Profound Palace, it would fall back too much.

'With this, cultivating here should be easier than before...'

If not for Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Lie, Yun Che would not have even bothered with the likes of Xiao Clan. But since he knew Xiao Lie would not be leaving the clan, he decided to increase the quality of the clan a little.

"Wow... Little Che, the surroundings are filled with so much profound energy all of a sudden! How did you do it?"

Yun Che chuckled, staring at the astonished Lingxi before he smiled.

"Did I not tell you that I have become strong now? This is nothing for me, Little Aunt."

"Um. I always believed that Little Che would one day be able to reach for the heavens!"

"I am still not done," Yun Che replied, making Lingxi look at him with the expectation of a child.

"Is there something else too?"

"Of course, there is." Yun Che laughed softly before pulling Lingxi's hand and softly saying, "A little gift from me that will make Little Aunt stronger faster!"


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