

The first light of dawn painted the sky in soft hues of pink and gold, casting a gentle glow over the quiet courtyard of the Hostess of Fertility. The air was crisp and cool, carrying the fresh scent of morning dew and the faint aroma of breakfast being prepared inside the tavern. The only sound that broke the stillness was the rhythmic clack of wood striking wood, echoing through the empty space like a steady heartbeat.

Ryuu Lion moved with practiced grace, her wooden sword slicing through the air in precise, fluid motions. This was her morning routine, a ritual she performed every day without fail. The repetition grounded her, kept her skills sharp, and allowed her to maintain control over the emotions that so often threatened to overwhelm her. But today was different.

Today, her mind was elsewhere, her thoughts adrift in the past.

As she moved through the familiar forms, Ryuu found herself thinking about the strange young man who had entered her life so unexpectedly. Shiro. His presence had stirred something within her, a feeling she hadn't allowed herself to experience in a long time. It wasn't love—at least, not in the way one might expect. It was something deeper, something more complex and bittersweet.

Shiro reminded her of someone she had lost long ago.

Alise Lovell.

The name alone brought a tightness to Ryuu's chest, a pain that had never truly gone away. Alise had been the captain of the Astraea Familia, a woman of unmatched courage and unwavering confidence. She had been Ryuu's leader, her mentor, and her dearest friend. Alise had been a beacon of hope and strength, someone who had faced every challenge with a fearless determination that had inspired everyone around her.

And now, years after Alise's death, Ryuu found herself seeing echoes of her in Shiro.

It wasn't that Shiro looked like Alise—they were completely different in appearance. Alise had been fiery and bold, with a smile that could light up a room, while Shiro was delicate, almost ethereal in his beauty, with an aura of quiet mystery. But there was something in the way he carried himself, something in his eyes that reminded Ryuu so much of her lost friend. It was the same unwavering confidence, the same heroic demeanor that made it seem as though nothing could ever truly shake him.

As Ryuu recalled the moment they first met, her movements slowed, the rhythm of her training faltering as memories from the day before flooded her mind.

She had been on her way back to the tavern after shopping at the market. The streets of Orario had been busy, filled with the usual hustle and bustle of adventurers and merchants going about their day. Ryuu had been lost in her thoughts, the familiar weight of her groceries in her arms, when she had seen him—Shiro, cornered by three low-level adventurers in a narrow alleyway.

They had been level one, nothing she couldn't have handled with ease, but to someone without Falna, the difference in strength was insurmountable. It was like a child being set upon by wolves, and yet, as Ryuu had watched from the shadows, she had seen something in Shiro's eyes that had stopped her cold.

It was the same look Alise had always worn, that quiet, unshakeable resolve that said no matter what, she would face whatever came her way head-on. In that moment, it had been as if Alise herself had appeared before her, just for an instant, and Ryuu had acted without thinking. Before she knew it, she had stepped forward, her body moving on instinct as she intervened, dispatching the thugs with the same effortless grace she had always prided herself on.

When the fight was over, and the thugs had fled, Ryuu had turned to Shiro, half-expecting to see fear or gratitude in his eyes. But instead, she had been met with a calm, steady gaze, and a small, almost serene smile that had tugged at something deep within her heart.

It was then that she realized why she had been so drawn to him, why she had felt the need to step in and protect him. Shiro reminded her of Alise, of the friend she had loved and lost, of the leader she had followed with unwavering loyalty. And with that realization came a rush of emotions—grief, longing, and a deep, aching nostalgia that left her feeling both hollow and full at the same time.

A tear slipped down Ryuu's cheek, unnoticed as she stood in the courtyard, her wooden sword hanging loosely in her hand. The memories were too much, the pain too raw, even after all these years. She had never truly moved on from the loss of her Familia, from the horrors of that night, and now, with Shiro's arrival, those old wounds had been reopened, bleeding fresh in the light of day.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice the presence behind her until it was almost too late. A flicker of movement in the corner of her vision, a subtle shift in the air, and Ryuu's instincts kicked in. She spun around, ready to defend herself, her wooden sword at the ready.

But there was no threat, no danger lurking in the shadows.

It was just Shiro.

He stood there, looking slightly disheveled from sleep, his long white hair cascading over his shoulders like a waterfall of silk. His golden amber eyes were soft with sleep, but there was a quiet alertness in them that told her he had been watching her for a while. His lips curved into a gentle smile, one that seemed to carry a warmth that reached out and touched something deep inside her.

"Good morning, Ryuu-san," Shiro greeted, his voice soft and kind, as if he hadn't just startled her from her memories.

Ryuu lowered her sword, feeling her heart skip a beat at the sight of him. The warmth of his smile, the gentleness in his eyes—it was enough to make her cold, guarded heart thaw just a little. She returned the smile, though hers was small, more a softening of her usual stoic expression.

"Good morning, Shiro," she replied, her voice quieter than usual, almost hesitant.

For a moment, they stood there in the courtyard, the morning light spilling over them, neither saying anything more. Ryuu could feel the emotions swirling inside her, a mix of sorrow and longing, of hope and fear. She wasn't sure what to do with these feelings, wasn't sure if she could allow herself to get close to Shiro, to let him into the parts of her heart that she had closed off for so long.

But as she looked at him now, standing there with that gentle smile, Ryuu felt something shift inside her. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to let go of the past, to allow herself to feel again. To allow herself to be warmed by the presence of someone who reminded her so much of the friend she had lost, and yet was entirely his own person.

"Did I disturb you?" she asked, breaking the silence, her tone soft.

Shiro shook his head, his smile widening just a fraction. "No, not at all. I was just curious about the sounds I heard. You're very skilled, Ryuu-san."

The praise made Ryuu's heart flutter in a way she hadn't felt in a long time, and she found herself looking away, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. "Thank you," she murmured, not quite sure how to respond.

Another silence fell between them, but this time, it was comfortable, almost peaceful. Ryuu could feel the tension in her chest easing, the tightness in her heart loosening just a little. She wasn't sure what the future held, wasn't sure if she could ever truly move on from the past. But for now, in this moment, she was content to stand here with Shiro, to let his presence fill the empty spaces inside her.

Perhaps, she thought, as they began to walk back to the tavern together, side by side, this was the beginning of something new. A new chapter in her life, one that she hadn't expected, but maybe needed more than she realized.

And as they stepped back into the warmth of the Hostess of Fertility, Ryuu allowed herself to hope that, just maybe, she could find a way to heal the wounds of her past, to move forward with Shiro by her side.