
Singularity: A Solitary Discord Of An Heir

Follow the Journey of a young demonic prince as he travels the world after leaving his home and witnessing a tragic event that has him thirsty for revenge. During his adventure within the lands of Arilia, he makes new companions and enemies as he strives towards his goal for revenge, and finds himself trying to prevent a horrible future for the inhabitants of Arilia. Will he succeed? Or will Arilia fall into a new, darker era...

HaydenWw · Fantasy
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Prologue: The Beginning

The land of Arilia is home to a vast amount of strange people and peculiar creatures, on this day particularly the sky was painted a navy blue, stars littering it like small white dots on a canvas. However deep below all of this was a realm, only accessible by the Wakapawa Cavern, the underworld was a barren wasteland with few trees and small rivers of water that littered the hellish landscape. Within the underworld stood a central kingdom, where the King resides along with his loyal subjects. The central kingdom had a single, large river running through it and the forests around it were looked after by some of the inhabitants to maintain a steady supply of materials. The underworld wasn't only home to the demons, it contained strange creatures too such as large beings of rock known as Magnars, beings that have envolved in a way that merged themselves to the environment within the Underworld, hence how they became beings of rock and magma.

Down within the Underworld, large crowds poured into the kingdoms arena, fighting over the seats that remained, something big was happening. They cheered and banged against the seats like a bunch of savages, the sounds echoing throughout the kingdom. They all started to quiet down as they stared into the arena grounds. On the righthand side of the arena, the demon king - Akogi - walked through the large stone arch, wielding his mighty great-sword. His large stature almost caused the arch to break as he walked through, his burnt orange skin and flowing blue hair stood out under the red sun. On the lefthand side entered Kakuma, Akogi's son, fashioned in his black and gold armour with his crest engraved into the right of his chest piece. He was much smaller then his father and much younger since he was still just a young adult around 21 in human years. He wore a white surcoat above his armour, his eyes seem to flicker like fire as he looked around the arena. There was a brief announcement from one of the royal advisers as both Kakuma and Akogi readied themselves for the duel, and then the event began...

They both ran at eachother with immense speed and their blades clashed time and time again as they both showed the crowd their immense strength and their physics prowess, neither of them seemed to have landed a hit against their opponent just yet as the fight continued on for a few minutes. They rushed at each other with shoulder charges or they used incantations and sorcery to try and outmatch one another. Kakuma suffered the first blow as Akogi managed to strike him across the stomach, shattering the bottom half of his chest piece and causing a large cut to form across his torso. However this only angered Kakuma, causing him to enter a frenzy as he swung recklessly towards his father as he slowly exhausted himself out, his free-hand tried its best to cover his wound while the other continued to flail his blade around, desperately trying to hit Akogi. His father grabbed Kakuma's blade once he became exhausted from his foolhardy attempt to strike Akogi and from bloodloss, he tossed the weapon (and Kakuma) towards the walls of the arena. Thump. Kakuma's body smashed into the wall with a crack, as he heard some of his ribs break and the wall became dented from the sheer force of his father, Kakuma was sat upright as he watched his father slowly approach him with a snarl across his face. Akogi grabbed Kakuma by the neck, lifting him up and scraping him against the wall as he did so.

"You were foolish to challenge me, boy." Akogi said in a deep tone, staring Kakuma in the face as he lifted his blade

Kakuma remained silent, unable to form words as his wounds became unbearable. Akogi sheathed his blade and tossed Kakuma aside and into the centre of the arena, once again breaking some of his bones before he walked towards the exit of the arena. The announcement of the princes defeat echoed throughout the underworld. Kakuma's friends (Shashi, Lakto and Noronu) and personal gaurd (Ketzu) rushed into the arena to help Kakuma, Ketzu picked him up gently and took him to seek medical help with his friends closely following him...

Several weeks had passes since the event and Kakuma laid on his bed, unconsious. His friends visited him frequently and hoped he would come to his senses soon. When Kakuma woke up, he was greeted by the sight of his friends and Ketzu and they were all overjoyed to see that he was okay. The nurse that had been taked care of Kakuma, Amaya, had a big smile on her face and presented Kakuma his armour and weapons which had been repaired and polished by her personally. Kakuma gave her a smile in reply before laying back down on the bed, he still had a few more days before he could recover, however he already knew what he was planning on doing when he recovered. He was leaving...

Five days later, Kakuma was rushing around in his room within the castle wearing his armour with his weapon sheathed on his waist, gathering all of his belonging and throwing them into a handmade backpack from his mother. Amaya, Ketzu and the others waited for him just outside of his room before they all ran out of the castle and through the kingdom towards the stables...

About an hour after they left the castle they finally reached the stables, Kakuma strapped his backpack onto the back of his midnight black horse, Ignis, before he leapt onto the sadle with Ketzu riding as a passenger before heading out of the castle with the others on their own horses. As they left the guards were asleep at the time allowing them all to easily get by without Akogi ever finding out...

The group rode through the underworld, avoiding all dangers to the best they possibly could until they reached the River of Serenity. This river was their ticket out of the underworld since plunging into it transported the object or being to Arilia, inside of the Wakapawa Cavern. As the group reached the river, Kakuma was the first to jump in along with his horse, soon followed by the rest of his group...

The group rested inside the cave since everyone was exhausted from their trip, kakuma was the last to fall asleep making sure that nothing happened to his companions until they had all fell soundly to sleep.

Once they all woke up they continued through the cavern until they reached the mouth of the cavern, Kakuma and his group then sat and discussed their next course of action before heading anywhere. Kakuma and Ketzu hid their wings and horns using demonic magic, giving them a more human appearence before Kakuma pulled out his map and pointed towards the Kingdom of Sevefold.

Kakuma began to speak in a commanding but friendly tone "I shall head here and see what I can do to improve relations and help any other demons I find along the way. Ketzu and Amaya I want to trust you to find a good location to setup a camp south west of Avonshire the capital of Sevefold. Shashi, Lakto and Noronu I would also like you to go with them to help set it up and wait there while I head to Sevefold. I don't want you guys to wind up in trouble."

Ketzu, Noronu and Amaya were in complete agreement however Shashi and Lakto seemed confused by this and began to speak up

"Why do you have to go by yourself?" Questioned Shashi as she played with her long black hair a little

"Yeah! What trouble could we get into anyway!?" continued Lakto

Kakuma spoke up again "I'm the Prince of the Underworld, it is my duty to improve the relations. As for your question Lakto, I will be heading into a human city, I know you wont get into trouble but they distrust us demons. I hope you understand"

The group slowly nodded and prepared to head off, before kakuma waved goodbye and sped down the path towards Avonshire.

Hello all, this is the first book I have ever written that I have wanted to publish anywhere, and I will be slowly publishing it chapter by chapter as I write them. Any feedback you may have about this chapter will help a lot with writing new chapters and new books.

HaydenWwcreators' thoughts