
singularity's adventure

a singularitys adventure through the multiverse ( NOTE: I dont own anything other than my OC )

Alucardio · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


In a room there is two figures one on the floor and the other one standing above them.

"yo your awake sleeping beauty, now get up" said one of the figures

"huh? who the fuck are you?" said the other figure

"yo watch your language hoe, but thats besides the point call me the auther and get up bro" the auther said

"huh? auther where am i how did i get here"

"yo stop talking and get up" the auther said

"ok ok damn" said the other figure while getting up

"ok im up bro now can you tell me where im at now"

"ok bro but before i tell promise you wont yell that shits annoying" the auther said

"ok just tell me already damn"

"watch your language bro anyways your dead" the auther said

" huh? dead nah that cant be i was just sleeping... i was just sleeping"

"yes you were sleeping until i got bored and i'll just say here we are" the auther said

"wait bitch did you kill me because you were bored"

"watch your damn language bro and yes i did kill but thats besides the point didnt i say i was bored" the auther said

"i dont care if your bored and even if i did what am i supposed to do about that"

"oh im glad you asked so listen this is my plan i'll send you to a random place with anything you want and thats all i guess" the auther said

"what do you mean by that dude i want to go home"

"sorry cant do that my boy now tell me what you want" the auther said

"thats bullshit bro send me back aren't you god send me back"

"like i said i cant do that and im not god im the auther now what do you want" the auther said

"thats even more bullshit but ok let me think"

"ok just hurry up" the auther said

"ok i know what i want now"

"just say what you want already" the auther said

"ok i want an indomitable will, absolute potential, and true free will i also want meta ability creation and the gate of babylon but i want to change some thing first"

"ok tell me what you want to change" the auther said

"first change i want the gate of babylon to have all things in fiction. the second change i want to have absolute control over everything and anything in the gate of babylon. third change i want everything in the gate of babylon to be unstealable and no one can use anything unless i will it. forth change i want all things in the gate of babylon to have no side affects, weaknesses, etc. fifth change make everything in the gate of babylon stay at there absolute peak and when anything is destroyed or used outside of the gate of babylon it returns and remakes itself in the gate of babylon.

"damn thats alot anyway anything else you want" the auther said

"yeah can you make me a singularity and i want to be an arch-human i also want and immortal soul and a status window"

"is that all or do you have anything else you want" the auther sqid

"nope thats all"

"ok goodbye also you better be entertaining" the auther said

after the auther said that everything went dark.


sorry for the bad quality on the chapter i find im not good at first chapters

I felt the world ultimate was useless so i changed it to ability creation :) new chapter soon

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