
singularity's adventure

a singularitys adventure through the multiverse ( NOTE: I dont own anything other than my OC )

Alucardio · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


In the middle of a grass field, a figure can be seen sleeping. after a small amount of time passes the figures starts to open his eyes and stretch while standing up, once the young man gets up he looks around with a blank look on his face.

"you have got to fucking kidding me, Auther! come out here real quick!" said the young man.

"Auther! dont try to hide i know your there!, you said it yourself you're watching at all times" yelled the young man after waiting for sometime.

"jesus christ! what do you want now noah" said another young man in annoyance as he walks through a portal.

"oh there you are let me ask you something, where am i?" asked noah.

"huh? is that all you called me here for. you know what forget that your in a book called martial peak" said the auther.

"martial peak? you mean that one book where there's an unlimited amount of chapters" asked noah.

"yeah that one, why do have a problem with that" asked the auther in annoyance.

"yeah i do have a problem with it, its like you know maybe because im hispanic! and i dont know any asian languages!" said noah in anger.

"so what if you dont know the language you can learn it, anyway if thats all im out" said the auther as he walks towards a portal he created.

"tsk this some bullshit, create ability Omnilingualism" said noah while walking in a random direction.

After walking for an unknown amount of walking, noah stumbled upon a sect accepting disciples but he ignored it and walked through the crowd. while walking through the crowd one of the elders accepting disciples walked up and stopped in front of him.

"young man i see you have great qualification, are you willing to accept me as your master" said the old man while camly smiling.

"yeah no i aint calling anyone master" said noah as he starts to walk around the old man

"are you sure young man, if you accept me as your master your future cultivation will be limitless" hurriedly said the old man

"like i said i aint calling anyone master now goodbye" said noah as he continues walking

while walking noah started thinking about things he should do to strengthen himself. 'what should i do to get stronger, maybe i should just copy the dna of some other races' thought noah as he continues walking. while walking noah finds an inn and walks towards it, once he enters the inn he rents a room and orders food.

"open status" said noah

[ Leo:

Age: 15

Race: arch-human

Physiology: peak human strength, peak human speed, peak human durability, peak human agility, peak human reflexes, peak human stamina, peak human senses,

Abilities: absolute potential, gate of babylon, meta ability creation, singularity, true free will, indomitable will, intimidation, omnilingualism, ]

"god im so weak *yawn* i'll change that tomorrow im going to sleep" said noah tiredly.


my bad for taking long on the chapter i got bored while writing i'll try to write another chapter as soon as possible :)