
Single and Married (18+)

Mgbamgba · Urban
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38 Chs

2. Unfortunate husband material

Daisy awake to the steady patter of rain upon her window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of rising sun...., she turn begrudgingly to the light switch and flick it, immediately the room is bathed in that unnatural electric glow. She should do something about that, get some fancy soft glow bulb, or perhaps just a bedside lamp. But the cool blue strip light was free with the room, along with the rising damp and the cockroaches.....

Her heart was pounding right out of her chest. That's how she wake up every day now, like someone just fired a gun next to her eardrum. Only there's no gun....

The coolness of early morning was deceptive and the platters of the rain on her zinc makes her wonder if it's going to be a sunny day...

Sluggishly, she pick her phone and glance at her time, it was 6:33AM already.., she sigh, more for the sleep that had refuse to leave her eyes, there are days she get up early, waking before five and going out to jog, and stop at the pier to watch the sun rise from beneath the waters and make the sky look like it's been blazed with fire....

The sun filtered through the clouds, signalling the end of the rain...., Sunlight shines through the window like a ghoul's grin, yet gives the shutters a halo of golden rays. That's the new morning, sinner and saint, just like her.....

Dragging in a fresh breathe, she decided to head to the kitchen before saying her morning prayers...

Frown lines encroached on her forehead the moment she caught a glance of Matthew on her couch, his legs and hands spread all over the chair, a start of a bad sunday morning, she was clear when she told him she didn't want to see him when she wakes up...

Ignoring her initial plan, she drag her feet to his side, his eyes were shut..., a swoon swept across her when she saw his morning glory, hard, strong, bigger than how she's seen it before...,..Did he sleep n*ked..

"Hey..."She mutter, her eyes stuck in his dick...

A low hiss wisp out of her mouth when he didn't reply...."Hey..."She blare out hitting him with her hand...

She sneered when he made a sluggish yawn...

"I was clear when i said i don't want to see you when i wake up..."She crooned pushing out the thought of a hot morning sex.., God why was his dick so big and ready...

He stare at her lazily..."Hey.."

"Hey..!"She hated his guts.., he definitely knows what the sight of his erect dick was doing to her...he's such a pervert..."You need to leave.."

He raised his hips to sit.., he lick his lips and grab his dick...."Tell me you want it.."

Flutters washed through her gut, who the hell does he think he is...."Now.."

"Now what...?

She gulp a dry lump in her throat.., she needed it, the thought alone was killing her..."Get out.."

He sigh and stood up to meet her gaze...closing the distance between them...

God, she almost lour her head to take to long stare at his big black dick...temptation on a sunday morning...."Matthew, you need to leave..."

He pout, his eyes burrowing into her..."Don't ruin the moment.."

She stepped back, it was the only reasonable move at the moment...."Leave now.."

He rolled his eyes in disappointment..."Your lost..."He sneered crunching down to the take his clothes...

"Yeah my lost, now get out..."

He slid in his trouser leaving the underwear on the floor, he pick up his shirt and began walking towards the door...."Don't call me when you want sex.."He said over his shoulder..

She frown at his statement...."Your underwear..."She said after him...

"Take it..."He fling back closing the door...

God, she hated his gut..., she finger picked the underwear, stifling her nose until she opened the door and threw it outside...."Good riddance to bad rubbish.."


Richard writhe in pains as the doctor treat his injuries....

"You know if you don't stop, you might end up killing her one day..."The doctor, Stephen said

Richard reverts his stony look at him..."Are you talking to me..?"

Stephen look around in search of a third person in the room..."We are the only ones here..."

"She should be lucky she isn't dead already..."Richard chided, voice booming with spite..

"She's your wife, not your punching bag..."

"Don't you hit your wife...?"Richard queried, jerking when Stephen touch the injury...

"I don't do that..."


"Am not saying am a saint, we have had our own share of quarrel, but we always settle amicably without any of us getting hurt or smashing our heads on the bathroom walls..."

"Well that's because your wife doesn't nag like mine..."Richard retorted

"She ought to ask questions, you said you came back late..."

"She doesn't have the right, she's my wife and the only questions i expect from her is what to cook..."

Stephen poke his eyes..."Are you serious..?"

"Am damn serious.."He sneered..."I hate it when women thinks they are superior, thinking they matter..."

"She does matter..."

"She doesn't when she neglect her duties as a wife and take the role of the man, i only married her to bear me kids and cook, not ask me stupid questions..."

Shock swept across Stephen's face, he didn't blame him though, Richard father was like that, dictating..., feeling superior over everyone, a man that saw women for nothing but tools for men's satisfaction..., Richard followed in his footsteps....

"You give your wife too much space, she feels she's a lion that can roar without been shut, let's hope doc, your wife doesn't turn out that way...."

"Leave me to worry about that..."Stephen returned before putting the bandage...


The sun was at it's highest.., even with the roof shading her head, The heat beat down Daisy's head like she was bacon under the grill...

It was sunday, one of her favourites days, a day she vowed in her teenage days she'll never dirty with her filthy thoughs and doing....., what can she say, sometimes temptation have its way of getting to you...

She breathe in the fresh smell of the airfreshner she had sprayed in the house earlier before holding the tv remote to put on the Tv...

She choose the music channel, her stomach rumbled with excitement as her favourite music displayed on the tv screen....

After minutes of enjoying the songs, the knock she's been expecting finally came on the door..

She quickly stood up and rush towards it to answer..., with a smile she unlock the door and turn the knob open and there they were, her three best friends...

"I sincerely hope you have food in this house.."Janet blare out forcing herself in.

"No food for the lazy ones girl...."Daisy fling back jokingly...

She closed the door when Lily and Laura were in....

"What happened to your face...?"Daisy ask, eyes fixated on Laura who crunched beside Lily....

"We had a fight lastnight...."Laura sneered

Janet wrapped her face in pity..

"Again..."Lily chimes in...

"Oh my God...."Daisy coos gently touching her cheeks...

"Am okay..."Laura said..,damn she wasn't okay

"What is wrong with him..."Janet chided..."Why does he always give you bruises...?

"He's an animal, that's why..."Said Daisy

"Girls..."Laura cut in..."Can we say something else, i left home so i couldn't see his face, i don't want to talk about him here either..."

"Yeah sure..."Daisy answer trotting back to sit beside Janet...

"What did you cook Daisy...?"Janet asked crossing her legs..

Daisy look askance at her..."You eat too much, and you don't get fat..."

"It's not my fault am not getting fat..."Janet said with a cringe at herself...

"I prepared beans...."

"Beans...!"Lily reiterate

"Yeah, last night..."

"Oh God..."Janet whined..."I thought you've stopped that..?

"Stopped what...?

"Cook beans at night..."

"Girl you know how long it takes it to boil and ready..."Daisy stated in defense...

"Am so not eating the beans..."Janet snapped in revulsion..

"Your lost girl.."

"Can i ask a question...?"Lily cut in....

The girls gave her a go ahead motion...

She sigh wondering if it is wise to bring it up, she's fed up with everything, it was totally beyond her...."If your husband is not sleeping with you, what does it mean...?

"Uh-oh.."Janet coos

Daisy adjusted herself and nit her ears into the discussion...

"Your husband is not sleeping with you..?" Laura asked, shock etched in her face

Daisy poke her eyes before talking..."Wait, let me get something straight, do you mean he's not sleeping with you or having sex with you...?"

"What's the difference Daisy...?"Janet queried

"Well sleeping can sometimes mean just laying on the bed with her while sex is when they come together, naked, touch themselves, seductively, passionately....

"That's okay Daisy..."Laura cut in..."You're not helping..."

"He's not having sex with me..."Laura mutter in acclaim of Daisy's question

"Since when...?"Laura asked

Lily swallowed, embarrassment flaring every part of her..."Since our wedding night..."

"Jesus.."Janet blare out...."I thought you said your sex life was perfect, the perfect gentleman in bed..."

Flutters pricked Lily's spine..."I lied.."

"We don't lie to each other..."Daisy said

"Am sorry.."

"So he haven't been having sex with you since your wedding night...?"Laura asked

"He hasn't..."

Daisy reclined her back..."If a man is not having sex with his wife, it only means one thing, he's cheating.."

Terror washed across Lily's face...."You think so...?"

"Cheating could be one of it.."Laura chime in...."But i doubt it since you said the last time was your wedding night..."

"You thinking he's into some occult thing...?"Janet ask

"My husband is a powerful Christian..."Lily said in defense...

Janet gritted, blaming herself she brought it up..

"Could he be gay...?"Daisy ask with shrugged shoulders

Lily frown in aversion..."He's not that..."

"How do you know..?"Laura asked

"I've seen girls drooling over him..."

"Girls flirt with gay men.."Daisy said..."The only different between them and straight guys, they don't give a damn about those girls...."

"He's not gay.."Lily protested..

"Then he's cheating" Daisy reiterated

"Okay...."Lily bust out, her voice frazzled from the berserk under her chest..."It seems you girls don't have a solution for this, so let's just drop it.."

"Ask him.."Laura chimes in....

She shrug when Lily face her...."There must be a reason for it..."

"Maybe he's dickphobia" Daisy slurred

"Dickphobia...!"Laura resounds

"Yeah dickphobia, when a man can't perform..., something like that..."

"You mean SPA...."Laura said..."Sexual performance anxiety..."

"I don't know about that..."

Laura sigh and reverted her gaze back to Lily...."Have you seduced him..., try to get him hard...?"

"I have...., it didn't work..."

"Have you convince him to see the doctors, to find out what's wrong with him..."

"He never admits anything is wrong with him..."

"Ask him Lily..."Janet chimes in...

"Alright i will..."

Silence erupted between them for a moment until Lily breaks it..."Alright enough of me, Daisy, has he proposed yet...?

Daisy rolled her eyes.."Has who proposed...?"


Daisy hissed...."Am done with his ass.."

"Oh Jesus, you guys broke up...?"Janet asked, shocked

"No we didn't break up, we haven't broken up.., the guy is obsessed with his sister..."

Laura bugged her eyes..."By obsessed you mean...., incense.."Her voice rumbled low

"No not that, he's a sister's boy, his sister literally controls him, her hold on him is too much, whenever we are together, all he talks about is his sister, his sister this, his sister that, his sister's do and don'ts..., its annoying...He has refused to man up, do you really think i can get married to such a guy...?"

"Don't get strapped on marriage ideas..."Laura chimes in..."It's overrated.."

"Marriage is for better for worse..."Janet crooned

Laura hissed...."Since i got married to Richard, I've seen only the worse.., no better"

"Then i might want to rephrase that..."Lily added..."Marriage is for worse and a little rare better..."

"I really wish i was still single..."Laura said

"Me too girl..."Lily said in support..."These men, only God knows what he made them with, they are so decisive..."

"Brute.."Laura chimes in

"Prideful.."Daisy added

"Arrogant.."Laura said again

"And stupid.."Janet sneered

They all turned to face her...

"Okay..."Daisy intoned..."Is that supposed to be for Barry...?"

Janet sigh wondering when the word fell out from her mouth..."He called me lastnight..."

"Night call again...?"

"Yes, i was really angry at him, our conversation almost led to a quarrel and i just wasn't ready for it.., so i ended the call and switch off my phone..."

"Then what happened...?"Lily asked

"I slept off..."She stated with shrugged shoulders

"So has he called again...?"Daisy asked curiously


"Oh God, we're so unfortunate..."Lily whined

"You've always prayed for rich men, yet only the poor ones come your way, am beginning to see it as your destiny...."Daisy teased

"I reject it in Jesus name..."Janet countered...

"Barry is not that poor..."Laura balled in..."Am very sure he's doing well for himself..."

"Well he acts like he's poor..."Janet blare out in revulsion..."He's so stingy, not only to me but himself, the worst form of a meager..."

"Then dump his ass..."Daisy said, tltling her head forward...

"She can't dump him because she loves him...."Laura added

Janet scoff..."Love, oh please..."

"Where is the champagne Daisy.., let's toast and drink to our unfortunate lives..."

"To our unfortunate husbands who we thought were husband material.."Lily divulged

"To our unfortunate boyfriends who we think will make a husband material..."Daisy said in support and they rose in laughter


It was almost evening when Lily got home..., crossing the threshold of her house, she pull off her shoes that were beginning to ish her...., she look around only to see her husband's car in the compound.., he was home, he had told her earlier he wouldn't be coming home early since he'll be attending a Sunday evening meeting ..., she doubt it was a meeting....

Slowly she slid the door open not wanting to wake him up if he was sleeping..., she stepped in only to be greeted by a female voice from the kitchen...

"Tony, is that you..."A female voice rumbled

Lily's head spin as anger quickly crawl in her spines, Tony is cheating and he brought the wh*re home, he lied about coming home late so he could bring his wh*re home when she isn't around....

"Tony..., am all set..."The voice rumbled again..

Hands clenched behind Lily, she decided to give the bitch, the wh*re, the husband's taker a bitter taste of her, to pour all her months of anger of been sex starved for three months...somebody is going to die...

Eyes sparkling anger, she scurried off to the kitchen, she's definitely going to kill somebody...