
Sinful Temptations

While every other teenagers her age was dating and deciding rather or not to lose their virginity. Lilith gave her virginity to her lifelong crush only to bore his name on her body for the rest of her life. The next morning she learned that she broke the seal of an ancient curse passed to her and six others through the generations. She is burdened to sins of humans to keep balance good and evil. " That's not the worse part. I got stuck with the sin lust. Sure, I was more interested in act sex than others my age, but I didn't want to become obsessed!!" ~~ Naraka is the eldest son and only son of the King of the underworld. The only person tasked to oversee both the evils of human and supernatural worlds. With his ascension to the throne nearing, he is under a lot of pressure. He father gave him an ultimatum, find a wife and produce an heir to ensure their lineage continues. Naraka has one major problem he is impotent. Or so he thinks. He wouldn't dare get it officially diagnosed. However, no female or male (for that matter) could arouse him. Until he saw her..... Disclaimer- Don't own cover art, It was skin I had downloaded on my phone. Just happened to fit the theme.

tsuki93 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

I Feel Like Dancing

Lilith Stood in front of the full-length mirror in her wardrobe. She was wearing a forest green lace evening gown. The lace held a pattern of closely knitted flowers and leaves. It was long sleeved and had a high neckline, that faded into a heart shape bodice. Which, served to cover the many names that were on her arms and torso, just in case she ran into someone that could see them besides the twins and Nahum. The skirt of the dress was a high-low design, stopping in the middle of her thighs and flowing several feet behind her. Displaying her long legs.

"You look magnificent, my dear" Nahum said behind me, turning to pull a pair of nude ankle strapped heels from the shelf. As he walked over to hand me the shoes, I noticed he was wearing a heather gray tuxedo paired a lavender bow tie and cummerbund. A far cry from his usual gothic guise.

"Are you trying to find a man?" He jested. I rolled my eyes and snatched the shoes from his hands to put them on. "Why would I need one of those, when my needs are met by ten different men a week?"

"I guess you're right. That would indeed be hard to compete with?" Clutching his chest, he genuinely looked hurt for the male species. He was always pushing her to settle down but, how could she? When her curse caused her to lose desire for her partner after she slept with them.

Laughing at his expression, she pulled open a drawer that held a gold key attached to a red string. She wasn't born in the underworld, so she did not have the ability to open portals to it like those who were. While, Nahum did, there would be a barrier preventing anyone from just popping in the middle of the party. So, she decided to use the key she received as a gift from Garvit. After meeting the twins, Garvit treated her like a long-lost baby sister. In a way she was. Being that she was a demon of sin as well. Garvit gave her a gold key, that unlocked a portal within several feet of her to encourage her to visit more often.

Pressing the key into an invisible barrier and turning it. A portal appeared. "I think it'll be a good idea to pop up near the twins instead of at the entrance. I don't really care for my presence to be announced". Linking her arm around his, they stepped through the portal.

Immediately, they were bombard by loud music and laughter. They stepped out of the portal, onto a balcony that oversaw the garden where the party was being held. The party appeared to go on for miles. Despite the elegant setting, the aura of danger was prominent. There appeared to be over 20,000 guests in their humanoid form. 'It must have been a requirement to attend' She thought.

The twins turned towards them at the sound of their arrival. They were sitting in throne like chairs, sipping what appeared to be white wine. Garvish wore a moss colored tuxedo 3-piece suit, with his long blonde hair pulled neatly into pony-tail. While Garvit wore a soft pink flowing dress, that was cut low in the front and most-likely cut low in the back as well to show off her flawless skin. Unsurprisingly, they both looked bored.

"Garvish, Garvit" I greeted them. As usual Garvish, responded with a nod of his head. While Garvit, got up to give me a hug. "Child, you look breathtaking" "Who knew you could clean up so well".

I blushed. "How's the party?" I asked, following her over to railing of the balcony.

Looking at the crowd in disdain, she sighed, "The usual. Several brawls had broken out between lower-level demons that required little effort to resolve" "The people of importance are just now arriving."

She waved her hands and the scene below changed slightly. The lights in the garden became low and music became more upbeat. "That's better" she said, then proceeded to pull me down a nearby staircase. "I feel like dancing".

The dance floor was crowded, but everyone parted way for Garvit as if there was an invisible barrier around her. I grabbed several shots from a passing waiter, downing them as I walked to catch up. We made it near the center of the dance floor. I watched as Garvit twirled and danced to the beat of the music, as if she was in her own world.

The alcohol I drank started to take effect. It was stronger then what could be found in any human bar. It hit me hard. Everything appeared to be in a haze. I too, soon forgot about my surroundings. I no longer cared about the dangerous creatures around me as I joined Garvit in dancing.


Nahum took a Garvit's seat by Garvish. They watched as Lily and Garvit moved through the crowd to dance. Nahum noticed Lily drinking several shots of what he knew to be Kaze, a drink that was very potent. Smiling he looked over to Garvish, who seemed to notice this too.

"Our little sister is in for a treat"

"Indeed, she is"


Sitting in a VIP area, Naraka was wearing a classic black tuxedo. His dark eyes scanning the crowd. The Makai had informed him recently that the twins had split up, which was never a good thing as it made them more vulnerable and harder to protect.

Tzoker walked over with several beautiful women. Sitting across from him, he turned to him with a grin, "Hey ladies, why don't you keep the prince company" Two of the women sat on opposite sides of him pressing their voluptuous bodies into his side. They were where succubi, sex demons that could provoke sexual pleasure in almost any being. He allowed them to nip and suck on his neck, stopping them only when they thought to sink their fangs into his flesh.

Tzoker, watched the scene with a raised brow. "Nothing?" Surely, he had to feel something.

He did, annoyance.

A couple of particular demons he has been searching for caught his eye. Shaking his head, he downed the drink in front of him and proceeded into the crowd. He might as well try to convince Garvit to return to her brother's side before things got out of hand.

The most laid back people always have the best parties!

Did you expect the twins to be the same gender?

Vanity and Pride is displayed differently in male and females due to the values that come with the role of being female or being a male. So, I decided it would only be fare to cover both sides.

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