
Sincerely, yours and his

Harry potter based universe, not following the exact chronological or original ideas of the plot. Draco x Harry x reader x Cedric Aurora Anna allison finds herself caught up in a love triangle by the webs of the feelings of Harry and Cedric and the attention of Draco's. All rights to J.K Rowling, except for protagonist and her family + some other minor details

eu4horia · Fantasy
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the returning

A fact about hogwarts, the sight never dulled, no matter how many times you saw it, it looked just as breathtaking the first time.

Her and Harry separated from the rest and took the path to the castle through the wooden bridge.

"So how was your summer?" Harry asked

"Well you know, reading, piano, some more reading more piano,"

He smiled.

"And don't forget the letter collecting, wow i got a ton over the summer," she said half playful, half serious.

"Come on roe, you know them, my family, they wouldn't let me,"

"its okay, you don't have to explain yourself, i get it, i do," she didn't really get it, she had never had much authority in her life but she did empathise with it.

" come here," he held out his hand and pulled her into a hug,

She lent her head on his shoulder. They stayed like this for a while, watching the sun pour into the lake, until the sky was filled with dark.

"We should get going, I need to unpack and Padma's probably been dropped off by now," she sighed,

"It's getting cold too, are you cold?"

she left her cloak in her suitcase because she thought she wouldn't need it, London was warm in the breadth of autumn, but Scotland was on the tip of winter. 

"I'll be okay,"

"I know." he said with a smile as he took of his coat and put it over her shoulders.


Once Harry had left her to go to his common room, she tried to make way of her own. The stairs moved so much there's days when she took hours to find the common room. After walking up and down hundreds of flights of stairs she finally saw the tinted glass window, the entrance of raven claw.

Her brain went blank. She stood in front of it for a while, thinking about what to think. She had no clue as to what it could be. What in merlins name was the password. She sent her tabby, valentine, to go find someone in her house to help her unlock the pane.

She tapped her foot against the ceramic floor tiles until it became rhythmic, she distracted herself to the beat of her shoes again the floor, she distracted herself from nothing really all she was doing was standing there without a clue. She began to hum along, thinking of lyrics in her head. She had loved music all her life, she held classical in the highest regard, followed by jazz, and psychedelic pop, but really she enjoyed them all. On her eighth birthday her brother gifted her a vinyl player, one their father had collected from his studies of muggles, he called it vintage. When she wasn't reading, she was playing, singing or listening.

"I like it,"

her heart dropped, she was in a world of her own until she was shocked out of it,

"you scared me."

"Someone told me your cat was looking for someone to help you out? With the password,"

he pointed to the glass entrance.

"yes, but you aren't in ravenclaw, or a prefect, so how are you supposed to be helping me,"

"Really? i could've sworn my tie was blue when i put it on," he held out his tie to look at it, " you're kidding, no wonder why i don't have an insane superiority complex," he smirked.

"Funny," she retorted sarcastically, although it was a-bit, and she would've laughed if she hadn't been locked out and tired.

"So are you going to help me or are you just going to stand there?"

"You aren't particularly chatty are you...?"

"Aurora, and no but i do particularly want you to open the entrance"

"Well actually," he began

"Aurora," Roman called walking up the stairs, carrying valentine in his arms,

"What are you doing here? shouldn't you have prefect initiation,"

"Well, valentine came to find me with your note that said you were locked out and needed help,"

"But what about-" she turned around, but he was was no longer there.

"There you go, and don't forget it again, i'm not here to run around after you,"

" Don't worry Rome, i'm perfectly capable of handling myself, i'm just a bit, wait whats that word again, ah forgetful thats it,"

he chuckled as they walked into the common room together, incense of different flavours filled the air, lavender being the most prominent, she looked up at the ceiling, planets and cosmic stars floating above mimicking the universe, it was her utopia, many wizards of Ravenclaw practiced what muggles would call paganism, indulging in the wonders of crystals, astrology, tarot.

"Before i go, what did Cedric want with you?"


"Cedric Diggory, the boy, you was speaking to, before i came,"

"That was Cedric Diggory? As in pretty boy diggory, as in mr perfect diggory?" Now that she stopped to think about it, it made sense, he was oddly beautiful.

"Yes, him, what did he want,"

"I don't think anything, it was strange"

"Well, good"

"whats that supposed to mean?"

"it means, good"

"hm, good,"

"yes good, good night too, get some sleep"

"good night, rome."


She walked up the marble stairs to her right to get to the girls chambers. Aurora was lucky, where most shared their room with four or five people, she only shared hers with one. She was so used to her own company she found it strange to adapt to living so close to someone else, but padma made it easy, she respected Aurora's boundaries and vice versa. She was sort of her best friend here at hogwarts, she guessed living with someone did that to people.

Before her fist could even knock on the door it flew open by the force of an excitable girl who was even more excited to see her friend.

"Arie!" she beamed, " oh my merlin i missed you!"

she grabbed her into a hug tight enough to burst her lungs, Aurora wiggled her arms out of her friends embrace and flung them around her neck,

" and i missed you"

"How was your summer? what did you do? anything exciting? you would never guess what happened to me, so i went back to India right, we stayed in Mumbai while my dad was filming-"

Padma's dad was a Bollywood star, and her mum was a screen writer, and a witch, but she gave up witchcraft when she met Aryan, padma's dad, padma said she has hidden it from him since they met, and he thought she was attending boarding school. It wasn't like she had to keep it a secret, and she didn't know why her mother did, it made it interesting at home though, she said.

They both laid in bed talking to each other about the everything and the nothing until eventually, they both drifted off.