
A Ball to Remember

Tiffany Co James

Friday, November 20, 5:00 PM

Me and my sisters get ready for the thanksgiving dance. The theme was Crystal. Teddy, the youngest, wore a pink mermaid dress with a pink geometric pattern , Me, Tiffany, wearing a blue princess like dress with a blue geometric like design, and Tessa, The oldest, wearing a purple one with the same design, but a slender dress. I call Tess, "The Lucky One" because she's dating my crush, Cooper Strawman. A perfect blondie with blue eyes, he sometimes talks to me, but only when Tessa's around. He's very nice, loyal, generous...

I scroll through instagram and see a picture of Cooper. I smile... "Whatcha looking at?" Teddy peeks at my phone from behind me, hovering over my shoulder. "AGH!" I scream as I drop my phone. "Crap..." I say, picking it up.

"What was it?" Teddy asks again.

"It was uhm, another doggie video." I reply, brushing my hair back behind my ear. I put my mask on since the ball's also supposed to be a masquerade ball.

"That's a picture of Cooper..." Teddy says while Tessa comes in. "Not compatible. He is an Taurus and you're a Cancer." She says.

"Let go of those stupid quizzes! You're supposed to be my sister not my enemy." I yell at her, sounding more harsh than I should've.

"Ok fine, but don't come to ME if you're heart gets shattered!" She yells back. I quickly put my phone in my bag and we go to the collage ball.


Friday, November 20, 5:34 PM

I walk around a bit and then stand by the punch bowl. "Hey." This guy says. He looks sketchy and unusual... "Hi." I respond. "So, you like astrology?" He asks, looking at my necklace which has a libra sign on it. I don't believe in true love just by feeling. I always follow buzzfeed quizzes and horoscopes.

"Cool." He says.

"Hello, fine evening, isn't it?" Another man comes along. Except, he's not really that bad looking at what I can at least see if his face. He wore a black mask with golden designs on it and a usual black tux.

"Yes, it is." I smile at the new man.

"Excuse me-"

"Would you like to take a walk upon the school grounds?" The man says, interrupting the strange dude.

"Yes, yes I would." I grab his hand after he puts it out.

We walk around school grounds for a bit and somehow get to the garden. It a nice moon, and it's very calming. "When can I actually see you?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe when you meet me here tomorrow night?" He offers.

"Of course. Well then, I should get going. See you then." I say, exiting the garden.


6:00 PM

They start to announce king and queen. "Now, Fansy Highs Ball king and queen are..." They announce. "Tiffany James and Cooper Strawman!"

I'm very surprised. I make my way up to the stage and the put on a beautiful crown on me. We get down and they put a slow song. Traditionally, every king and queen have to share a dance. So we dance... "So, you and my sister?" I say, looking over his shoulder and seeing Tessa, she looks fine but you can tell she's at least a bit worried. "Yeah." He says.

I sigh and look down, as if all of this isn't enough for me. "What's wrong?" He asks, lifting my head up to look at him. "My crush is da-" I pause, forgetting I can't really tell him. "Aww, you have a crush?" He says, his face lighting up. It's still early, but I'll miss him when he's gone. He's a senior and this won't last long. "My crush is dating someone very close to me. Someone I can never betray..." I confess.

"Well, Just try to let your feeling out in a way no one will know. A song, a story, it doesn't really matter. Alright?" He asks with a grin. It makes me smile. I hug him.

"Thank you, Cooper, for everything."

"It's no problem." He says.

"I have to go now, it's getting pretty late. I'll see you sometime, Coop." I then, exit the ball with Tessa.

I walk back to the dorms with Tessa. I check my grades and I am failing human science... "Ughhh" I groan.

"What is it?" She asks

"I'm kinda failing human science right now." I mumble.

"Well what am I supposed to do about that?" She asks.

"You won't help me?"

"No, I can't. But Cooper can, he's really good at it." She suggests. I had no choice but to agree.