
Sincere Love Is Rewarded With Betrayal

Nayla is 23 years old, her life is quite simple. At first she worked at a luxury restaurant. But he was fired by his boss, just because he had caused trouble at the restaurant. After looking for work elsewhere, he was accidentally hit by a man who was so handsome. The man is having problems with his wife. What will happen after the meeting of the two of them?

Yani15 · History
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10 Chs

Boarding elsewhere

"Thank you Neng, I hope you enjoy living in this place. If that's the case, I'll say goodbye first, if there's anything you can contact me, okay?" Her boarding house mother also thanked the woman very much for wanting to rent her boarding house.

"Ready Ma'am," Nayla said, only nodding her head seeing her boarding house mother already starting to leave this place.

"The place is also comfortable, it's not bad for a place to live. I have to be independent, and I'll leave the money for my parents. Well, even though the money isn't much compared to having a brother too. But it's okay, the important thing is the intention is to love your parents too Enthusiasm," muttered Nayla, thinking that her salary would definitely not be enough for her parents' needs.

But that didn't matter, the important thing was that he wanted to give money to his parents. Then Nayla immediately cleaned her boarding house first for herself to live in. After a dark night, Nayla felt very hungry. He wants to eat, but there is no more money to eat. Usually, his brother always buys food for him, this time he has to be independent.

Rico : Where are you?

"For what else, Bang Riko call me again?" muttered Nayla looking at her cellphone it was clear that her brother was calling her at night like this.

Me: You don't need to know, what's clear is that I can be independent without money, brother!

Riko : Nay, I'm sorry brother. Brother has absolutely no intention to arrange your life, but this is also for your good. Brother only want the best for you.

Me: Yes, it's for your good, not for me. I don't want to meet you anymore, I hate you!

Riko : Gosh Nay, don't act like a child. Send your current location, Abang wants to pick you up tonight too. I'm worried about you Nay, this is in Jakarta Abang doesn't want you to do anything there.

Me: I've got a new boarding house, you don't need to pick me up anymore.

Riko: Yes, if there is anything, please contact Abang. Abang will always send you money too, if you are hungry tell Abang. Let my brother send food to you later.

"Upset, it was my turn to be angry earlier and now it's nice to me. I'd better just go find something to eat," Nayla muttered, unable to stop herself from thinking that her brother wasn't angry just now. And now it's even better for him.

Nayla immediately came out of her boarding house to look for food, because her stomach was already feeling very growling. Nayla is looking for food that is still open at night like this. Finally he found a seller of fried rice.

"Finally someone sells fried rice too, coincidentally there is money to eat today," thought Nayla when she found a seller of fried rice. Then immediately approached the seller, suddenly met his boss.

"Loh, Pak Aris is also here." Nayla was very surprised to see her boss at the fried rice seller's place too.

"Why are you here?" Aris said seeing his employees were already in front of him. Wondering why he could be in this place too, isn't his brother's house far from this place anyway.

"I live in a boarding house around here now," said Nayla that she is currently living in her new boarding house.

"You're angry with your brother huh?" Aris thought, maybe that woman was having a fight with her brother.

"Well, that's it. You're used to it, sir. Fighting with your own brother will make it better later."

Nayla only nodded her head, she was used to fighting with her own biological brother. Later we will both return to good again as before.

"What do you want to order?" asked the father of the fried rice seller.

"Just one pack of fried rice sir," answered Nayla that she wanted to order only one pack of fried rice.

"Ready Neng, this has finished, Masnya." The fried rice seller also gives the order to his customer.

"How much is it all, sir? You can also count her own," Aris said, wanting to pay for the woman's food as well.

"Heh no need sir, let me just pay." Nayla refused the request from her boss, because she didn't want to bother her boss

"It's okay, I'll just pay. How much is it all, sir?" Aris asked the price of all his food to the fried rice seller.

"Thirty thousand, Mas," replied the fried rice seller.

"Ok, here's the money sir." Aris also gave him cash.

"Thank you, Mas," said the fried rice seller, thanking him very much. Aris just nodded his head and smiled.

"What are you waiting for, Pak Aris?" Nayla scolded seeing her boss still standing beside her.

"I want to wait for you, as well as escort you to the boarding house." Aris said that he wanted to take the employee to his boarding house as well.

"No need sir, you just go home first." Nayla refused the request from her boss, asking her boss to just go home first. He can still go home by himself, besides his boarding house isn't too far either.

"It's okay, I'll just wait for you." Aris nodded his head that he would still wait for his employees.

"Here's the fried rice, Ma'am," said the fried rice seller while giving the food to her.

"Thank you sir," said Nayla thanking him very much.

"It's finished?" Aris scolded him asking if his employees had finished too.

"Yes sir," said Nayla just nodding her head. Then Aris stepped into his employee's boarding house.

"Sorry, I'll take you home on foot, because I don't want to take the car anymore."

Aris apologized to his secretary because he drove him on foot. He didn't bring a car because the distance from his house to the fried rice seller's place was very close. So, no longer need to bring the car everything.

"It's okay sir, instead I prefer to walk hehe." Nayla nodded her head that she didn't have a problem at all if her boss took her to her boarding house just by walking.

"When you're outside the office, just call me Mas, because you look old hehe." Aris asked his secretary to call him, don't say the word 'father' again when he's out of the office. Because he felt older when he heard it.

"Heh yes Mas Aris," said Nayla while nodding her head.

"Where's your boarding house?" Aris asked, wanting to know where his secretary lived. Is his boarding house close to his house too?

"Well, that's where my boarding house is Mas." Nayla showed me the boarding house which was rather medium in size.