

“I am sorry. I am really sorry I am in a hurry,” she apologized when she crashed into a human-wall in her clumsiness. “It’s fine,” he said and turned his heels around to leave the place, but her meek yet hesitant voice made him stop in his tracks. “Hmm… Can you tell me where is freshers hall?” she asked lowering her head as she clutched her shoulder straps tightly while looking at him with her small almond eyes making his heart skip a beat. “Follow me,” he said she nodded. Soon they reached the freshers' hall. Giving a small smile to him, she went to an empty seat and settled there, while he went to the boys’ side and sat in his seat. But unknown to her, the eyes of a certain person remained on her whole time. He watched her every action which amused him. She is clumsy, stupid yet she looked cute. Her actions caught his eye as she stole his heart but only to be broken. —-------- “Pritam, You have to help me in finding his feelings towards me,” Shristi requested him, making his heart bleed in pain and agony. Gulping the lump that formed in his throat, he said, “I will,” “Thank you. Ok bye. It’s getting late,” she said and left. Breaking his heart into million pieces. Indeed, it’s late for him. If he said his feelings earlier, if he was close to her, if he was outspoken with her, maybe he would be the whom she loved. But it’s already late. In the game of time and fate, would she recognize his love? If she does, would there be any obstacles? Can their love meet the skies? To know the answers read the story of Pritam Gupta along with his clumsy beauty Shirsti Sharma.

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22 Chs


I never imagined Amit would do something like this. I ended my friendship with him after he committed a terrible act of violence.

He told Krunal that Pritam was harassing me repeatedly and following me to my house.

Krunal is a trustworthy person to my father, so I introduced him to Amit earlier.

That was the dumbest mistake I'd ever made, I realized.

I also highly urged Amit not to meddle in my matters.

After that, I'm pretty sure Pritam would never love me.

My family started to act strange, which made me feel uncomfortable

I was sure that krunal would have done something

I found it difficult to overcome my guilt.

Pritam never glanced at me again after that, despite my best efforts to get his attention.

My examinations were about to end, and I figured I could use Pritam's aid with one of them, but I doubted he would.

We studied independently and did not assist each other. I was doing fine in my tests, but I'm not sure how Pritam is doing after that unfortunate tragedy.

I noticed Amit enlisting everyone's assistance to succeed in his examinations; his desperation is strange.

I didn't want to talk to him again, so he didn't bother.

Some people, like Amit, are desperate for their preservation and only seek aid when they need it.

People like Pritam are pretty uncommon in that they do not seek happiness. Now I understand him. Even though I had made a tragic mistake, he did not raise his voice against me.

Sometimes I used to feel unworthy of him. No one would like to miss a person like pritam. I felt that was the time to unlock my desperation for my love.

I decided to propose Pritam as soon as the tests were over.

My friend Kaveri gave me some advice.

That was on the day of the second last exam while we were preparing for it.

"Can you explain this to me, Shirsti?" Kaveri asked.

I was thinking about something else at the time, but she suddenly exclaimed.

"Hey girl, are you paying attention to me?"

"oh my! What exactly is it, Kaveri? are you trying to say something? " I said, my voice faint.

In my mind, I went deeply into something. Kaveri was shocked by my voice.

"Hey girl are you feeling well ? she asked.

She appeared anxious, so I had no hesitation in hiding from her.

"Hey, Kaveri" I'm not feeling good, and I'm ashamed of what I did to Pritam.

"Do not punish yourself for what happened," she said.

"Give me some Idea how to convey my guilt to him," I asked Kaveri.

"Just go ahead and tell him the truth, and if he doesn't listen to you, make him listen until he does," Kaveri said.

"Do you think it'll work? If he refuses to speak with me, I would feel worse, " I told Kaveri.

"Listen, girl, just tell him how you feel, he's a nice person, he'll understand," Kaveri advised.

She advised me to confront him after the exam in the classroom, and I took her advice.

Before that, I asked Pritam if we could talk after the exam, but he declined.

I knew that he would walk away.

As Kaveri suggested, I stopped him in the classroom after I finished my exam.

"What is it? Please let me leave; I don't want to talk to you "pritam murmured.

"Pritam!!, Please listen to me right now and allow me to explain everything to you clearly."I request pritam.

"You don't have to explain anything to me, I'm not mad at you," Pritam said. "Move aside and let me go now!"

"Then why do you avoid me?" I inquired. "Just forgive me for a moment and let's forget everything and start over."

"Look shristi, I'm tired, I've lost my family's faith, which means a lot to me," pritam yelled angrily.

A faculty member noticed us from afar and approached us angrily.

We were screamed at by the faculty "What are you doing in this room, you two? Are you causing her to hurt?"

"No sir, we're looking for my earring; he's not hurting me; he's assisting me," I explained.

When I saw he was approaching us, I flung my earring away and pretended to be looking for it.

He yelled at us, "OK, leave now! both of you!"

We both left class and began walking to the canteen.

When I was following him towards the canteen, Pritam said to me, "See, that's what happens when you're around me."

For the moment, I suppose he's cool, but I'd like to make him happy.

I sat next to him as we both took a seat.

after I made the decision not to leave him

"You don't need to be here, so why are you wasting your time chasing me?" Pritam asked.

Pritam began to eat his lunch as I carefully explained to him what I had done to him that was not in my control.

I expressed my sincere regret for what had transpired in the past and told him not to think negatively of me.

"Fine, fine, stop it!" he said with a small smile.

"It means a lot to me that you finally accepted my apology," I said.

"We are just friends now, not as close as we used to be," Pritam explained.

That shattered me.

Even though I had no intention of speaking with him, he never gave up.

He no longer wants to be with me now.

I felt it was my responsibility to win his affection and trust.

At that time, I realized what was most important in my life.

We don't notice when someone gives us importance until we lose our importance to someone else.

I planned to propose to him then, but something unfortunate happened.

My class's most beautiful girl approached us and sat next to him, flirting with him.

It looks like she is interested in him.

I can't believe they left after he finished his meal together.

That broke my heart into a million pieces.

I quietly left that place and returned home.

My heart was racing at the moment.