
Chapter 92 Space Station Crisis_1


"Is it still not perfect there?" Tu Hengyu asked, looking in the direction Cao Ge was pointing, puzzled.

Cao Ge didn't immediately answer Tu Hengyu's question, instead he organized his thoughts in his mind, contemplating how to make him believe.

The reason Cao Ge called Tu Hengyu over obviously wasn't because his research wasn't perfect; his goal was to persuade the people of this world to give up the Wandering Earth plan and enter the world of Deep Space Amnesia.

But his research was too similar to digital life; if he presented it rashly, it would be easy to be labeled by the government as a digital life faction, and then not only would completing his mission be out of the question, but whether he would even have freedom in the second half of his life was another matter.

This world, unlike Three-Body, had just prohibited the research into digital life by the government.

Even if he released it under the guise of a game, no one would believe it because his device was too similar to digital life.

Therefore, he must find a way to let the government know about his research, but not let too many people know.

That's why he chose Tu Hengyu. Though Tu Hengyu wasn't of much status, he had a friend named Ma Zhao,

who was Tu Hengyu's former superior. They had a good relationship, and this man understood digital life, as well as computers.

Most importantly, this man was a key scientist in the execution of the Wandering Earth plan, holding a certain position within the United Government.

In today's world, due to emerging crises, the upper echelons of the United Government included scientists among its members.

Although they were not the most top-notch group, their status was high enough, because every plan's decision-making was inseparable from the scientists' validation, and as time went on, the status of scientists naturally rose.

Moreover, Ma Zhao was very rational. He had his own convictions, but he wasn't dogmatic or someone who only knew about legal provisions.

Cao Ge believed that if Ma Zhao learned about his research into "digital life," he would definitely first take a look to see what this technology was all about before deciding whether to report it.

Cao Ge's belief that secretly reporting would not result in a prison sentence was because the government's prohibition of digital life research was out of fear that hedonistic ideologies might become mainstream in society.

They were not averse to the technology; if they could secure a backup plan for all humanity while ensuring the smooth implementation of the Wandering Earth plan, they would be more than willing to do so.

After all, when the day of failure of the Wandering Earth plan comes, whether humanity chooses to enter the Virtual World or not will no longer be important, because by then the real world will have been completely finished.

By that time, although human civilization would have disappeared, a new civilization would ultimately be born on Earth, and this civilization would still be derived from human civilization.

Cao Ge's plan was to provide the United Government with a set of backup options, which wouldn't be initiated until the last moment; initiating this plan would mean that the real world had already utterly failed.

Cao Ge believed that the United Government would accept his technology.

And he believed so because he understood human nature: human choices always follow the principle of optimization, but when the best choice cannot be achieved, they would resort to the next best thing; Cao Ge was the one providing that next-best option.

Cao Ge was silent for a while, then looked at Tu Hengyu and said, "This technology, although created by me, has undergone self-iteration in its evolutionary process, and now I don't quite understand what that world is all about?"

"Just like you can't find your daughter in the server, I need you to help me figure out what exactly is going on in that world."

"Mr. Cao, what is the purpose of your research into this technology?" Tu Hengyu frowned, then looked at Cao Ge and asked.

"At first, it was to find a way for the world to survive, but after the government halted the research into digital life, I thought that maybe this could become one of the choices for human civilization," Cao Ge replied.

"Mr. Cao, why didn't you stop your research when the government halted the digital life plan?"

"At that time, my research had already been initially successful and evolved into a viable technology. You've just experienced it yourself; stopping it wouldn't have made much sense," Cao Ge said.

Tu Hengyu met Cao Ge's gaze and looked at him for a long time without speaking.

"Alright, I agree to help you carry out a self-check on the technology and to figure out how digital life is born and how the digital world exists independently of the server," Tu Hengyu eventually said, "but you also have to promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"You have to give me one of those two devices; I need to be able to see my daughter at any time," Tu Hengyu indicated the game pod in the center of the room.

Cao Ge glanced at the game pod, then said, "That's possible."

"Thank you!" Tu Hengyu said.


Time flew by, and three months passed in the blink of an eye.

The Space Station was about to face a new crisis.

Cao Ge stood in his office, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, gazing at the azure sky above and musing.

The digital life faction was about to launch a catastrophic attack on the Space Station.

This attack would lead to the collapse of the Space Station, causing massive losses, both in terms of personnel and resources.

This was an internal factional struggle among humans, with both sides having official backing.

This was also why Cao Ge didn't want to expose himself prematurely.

Although there were many supporters of the digital life project worldwide, they were, after all, a minority within the United Government.

If he broadcast his technology now, he would immediately be identified by the United Government as a supporter of digital life.

Of course, being labeled as part of the digital life faction wasn't a big deal, as this was just a line of thought and not a chargeable offense.

But crucially, the digital life faction was behind the Space Station collapse.

As a result of the Space Station crisis, the United Government had changed its crackdown on digital life.

You could have differing opinions; you could also hold opposing views, but you can't openly sabotage resolutions passed by the United Government's vote.

Just as the saying in later times goes, "Terrorism needs evidence, but counter-terrorism only needs a list."

If Cao Ge published his technology and caused a public storm, he would also be implicated by the digital life faction.

So, Cao Ge hoped that the higher-ups would perceive him as "a scientist who has reservations about the Wandering Earth plan, has differing opinions, but complies with the commands passed by the United Government assembly."

This would not only ensure his own safety but also convey his attitude to the authorities.

Three days before the Space Station crisis occurred,

a group of unwelcome guests from the United Government paid a visit to his company, and the person leading the team was none other than Ma Zhao, the very individual Cao Ge had been earnestly thinking about, the former head of the National Digital Life Research Center.
