
Chapter 78: Game Capsule_1

Translator: 549690339


By this time, dozens of people were already standing at the entrance of the research center building, all of them key leaders of the center.

After Cao Ge suggested coming here for a visit, Miss Li Qiu immediately informed the leadership of the research center.

The research center was constructed for the Wallfacers, so everything was prioritized according to the Wallfacers' requirements.

"Mr. Cao, welcome to our presence," a white-haired elder greeted him with a smile, extending his right hand to shake with Cao Ge.

Cao Ge stepped forward, glanced at the thirty-some people in front of him, and then retracted his gaze with a smile to the elder, "Director Li, it's not my first time here, why all the fuss?"

"It is necessary, absolutely necessary. When a Wallfacer visits our research center for an inspection, we must give it due importance," the elder said with a mastery of human relations.

Although Cao Ge had only met Director Li a few times, from the way he conducted himself, Cao Ge knew that the elder was not in charge of technology but was an administrator.

Such a person was needed in a large research institution.

As the saying goes, a big forest houses all kinds of birds. In China, it's not just about having technology; you also need people who understand human relations to work in concert.

That is the general situation in China, where a research institution has directors for technology and administration; the technological directors are responsible for delivering results, while the administrative ones handle the receptions and ensure protection for the research.

"Mr. Cao, have you eaten? It's mealtime now, how about we go grab something to eat first?" the elder asked with a smile.

"Alright, Director Li, let's skip the formalities. I'm here because I heard there had been a technological breakthrough, and I want to see the finished product, not to have lunch. Let's go take a look at it," Cao Ge went straight to the point without any irritation.

The reason these people were so eager to please him was that he was a Wallfacer, one of the most powerful positions in human history.

A single decision could alter a person's life.

For instance, if Cao Ge proposed giving a beggar a billion yuan, the government would immediately comply without hesitation because that was the power of a Wallfacer.

All Cao Ge had to say in return was, "This is part of the plan."

Once he said this, even if the government couldn't understand it, they would have to carry it out unless the Planetary Defense Council convened a Wallfacer Assembly to declare the Wallfacer Charter null and void.

"Alright, Mr. Cao, please, come inside," the elder immediately became serious and led Cao Ge and his group toward the research center building.

After entering the main gate, Cao Ge followed the elder down the corridor, turned a few corners, and finally arrived at a laboratory that spanned five hundred square meters.

Many precise manufacturing instruments were placed in the laboratory, but Cao Ge's attention was not drawn to those. Instead, it was captured by a white apparatus resembling a hibernation pod situated in the center of the laboratory.

"Mr. Cao, let me introduce you to it."

It was only after Director Li spoke that Cao Ge noticed there was another person in the laboratory, a middle-aged man of around forty with a square face and a serious expression, busy calculating something on a computer.

"Chief Engineer Qiao," Director Li called out to the middle-aged man and then gestured to him.

"This is Mr. Cao, he's here to see the results."

"This gentleman is the lead engineer in charge of developing the game pod, Qiao Qinggu."

"Chief Engineer Qiao, hello."

"Mr. Cao, hello."

The two shook hands.

"Chief Engineer Qiao, please introduce me to this game pod."


"This game pod was created based on Mr. Cao's requirements, combined with current practical situations. It has capabilities of maintaining bodily functions, deceiving the nervous system, and consciousness collection."

"Mr. Cao, you can experience it yourself. This game pod has already been connected to a virtual game."

"Is that so? I'll give it a try," Cao Ge said, somewhat surprised.

The middle-aged man approached the game pod, pressed a button, and the pod slowly opened.

"Mr. Cao, please."

Cao Ge glanced at the game pod and then lay down on it, closing his eyes as instructed by Professor Qiao.

Soon, under the effect of the game pod, Cao Ge swiftly fell asleep, and his consciousness was transported into a colorful virtual world.

This place had everything, although the graphics left much to be desired. The first impression was that it wasn't the real world.

However, realizing this game was only created for testing the game pod, Cao Ge quickly accepted it.

Looking at this blocky world reminiscent of Minecraft, Cao Ge was filled with curiosity.

"So this is the Virtual World."


"Mr. Cao, although I do not know the purpose behind your request for this game pod, your requirements have been met. I hope it will be of help to your plan," the middle-aged man said, looking at Cao Ge.

Cao Ge understood the look in the middle-aged man's eyes. While he didn't say it explicitly, Cao Ge discerned the implicit message.

It was roughly, please don't let us down after all the time and resources we spent developing this game pod.

They hoped that in the end, it wasn't just for one person's pleasure.

The man wished that Cao Ge's request for them to develop a game pod was indeed because the plan needed it, not just to satisfy personal desires.

Meeting the middle-aged man's gaze, Cao Ge pondered for a moment, then looked at him earnestly and said, "Professor Qiao, I cannot tell you right now what the game pod is for, but I can tell you that your work has not been in vain. You have done a great thing for humanity, and as for what it is, you will find out in the future."

"Understood," the middle-aged man nodded.

"Professor Qiao, I'd like to know how many of these devices can be manufactured in a day right now."

"Given the actual situation of the research center, there is no problem in manufacturing ten a day."

"Good, then start production immediately, start with ten thousand units for me," Cao Ge directed.

"Okay, Mr. Cao, we'll start production right away."

"Then we'll stop here for today. Thank you for your work. I have other matters to attend to, so I'll be leaving now."

"Team Leader Li, let's go."


Upon leaving the research center, Cao Ge made another request to Li Qiu.

"Miss Li Qiu, could you assist me in applying for a supercomputer from the Planetary Defense Council? I have a use for it."

"Mr. Cao, when exactly do you need it, and how powerful should it be?" Li Qiu inquired.

"Let's say in ten days, and as for the computing power, any supercomputer will do," Cao Ge thought about the game pod's production speed and then responded.

"Alright, I'll apply immediately."

"Home," Cao Ge said to the driver once he got into the car.

Cao Ge returned to his villa and then immersed himself back into the work of revamping the Mark II.

The completion of the game pod signified that his gaming plan was about to get underway, and scientific research for humanity was set to return to normal. He needed to fine-tune the Mark II to be ready for any potential assassination attempts.
