
Chapter 54 Communication_1

Translator: 549690339

"I can join the Artificial Intelligence Research Center, but as the technical vice director? Isn't this somewhat inappropriate? I have no experience with administrative work," Cao Ge said after a moment of silence, then looking at them.

"There's nothing inappropriate about it, this technical vice director position doesn't handle administration, it primarily focuses on technology, and with your technical proficiency, this position is just right. Besides, it is an appointment from above, so you have every right to it."


Cao Ge glanced at the three professors in front of him, then hesitantly turned his gaze to Chief Chang Weisi.

"Counselor Cao, since it is the will from above, you should accept the offer. In my opinion, you are very suitable for the position of technical vice director," Chief Chang interjected aptly.

Upon hearing this, Cao Ge looked at Chief Chang again before saying, "Since Chief Chang says so, then I will give it a try."

"That's more like it, a young person should have the spirit to face challenges head-on," Chief Chang said with a smile.

"Comrade Cao, now that you've agreed, we're all on the same side." The three professors felt a weight lifted off their shoulders on hearing Cao Ge's agreement, as this also meant they had completed a political task.

"Comrade Cao, there is another matter for which we require your assistance today."

"Please speak, Academician Cao."

"The situation is such that although we are now looking to establish an Artificial Intelligence Research Center, the research in this field is still quite weak domestically. We've heard that you've made deep research in this area, and not long ago, developed a highly intelligent assistant, so we were thinking, could you share with us a copy of your research materials? Of course, the research center won't take them for free, the state will compensate you appropriately according to market rates."

Hearing the request, Cao Ge didn't hesitate to reply, "No problem, once the details of the research center are settled, send me a message and I'll organize my materials to hand over a copy to the center."

"We're very grateful for this, Comrade Cao."

"No problem, we're all on the same team."

In the following time, the three professors discussed numerous issues related to artificial intelligence and the Three-Body problem with Cao Ge, who was generous with his constructive suggestions for questions they had.

"Alright, we'll leave our discussion at this for today. Once the location for the research center is finalized, we will notify you."


"Alright then, we'll take our leave now."

"Chief Chang, we'll be on our way," the three professors said to Chief Chang.

"I'll walk you out," Chief Chang accompanied the three professors to the door of the operations center and watched as they got into their vehicle.

It wasn't until the car gradually disappeared from his sight that he redirected his gaze.

"Counselor Cao, come up for a sit, I actually have some matters to discuss with you."

Cao Ge looked at Chief Chang in surprise and then nodded, "Sure."

"Counselor Cao, please take a seat."

"Yes!" Cao Ge settled back into the sofa.

Now, only Chief Chang and Cao Ge were left in the spacious office.

Chief Chang leaned back on the sofa, pondered in silence for a while, and then turned to Cao Ge: "Counselor Cao, I have some personal questions I'd like to ask you, if it's convenient for you."

Cao Ge took a sip of water, then replaced the paper cup on the coffee table, straightened his body, and turned towards Chief Chang: "Chief, go ahead."

"Well... it's like this, how much do you know about the Trisolarans?" after a long thought, Chief Chang asked this question.

Cao Ge met Chief Chang's piercing gaze and then fell into silence.

After a while, he turned again and said, "Chief Chang, I know some, but not much."

Chief Chang looked into Cao Ge's eyes for a moment without saying anything, paused, and then continued, "Counselor Cao, don't be nervous, this isn't an interrogation, it's a conversation between friends."

"Actually, we've checked and found that Counselor Cao, you have not played the Three-Body game, correct?"

Meeting Chief Chang's gaze, Cao Ge suddenly felt as if he had been transparently seen through.

Cao Ge furrowed his brow and did not speak.

Although Cao Ge kept silent and did not answer, Chief Chang did not cease but continued, "Furthermore, we found that you do not have much interaction with the scientific community, yet you know many insider facts about the scientific frontier, even discovering the ETO based on the clues you provided us."

"So, Counselor Cao, where did you get your information from? As far as I know, you have a very limited social circle."

Cao Ge remained silent for a long time before he said, struggling, "Sorry, Chief Chang, I'm afraid I cannot disclose that to you."

"It's alright, Counselor Cao, I didn't seek this talk to extract anything from you. Everyone has their secrets, and if you don't wish to speak, you don't have to—it's your legal right."

"My purpose in seeking this conversation with you is to remind you, Counselor Cao, that you are human, please do not commit acts against human interests. If you are capable, please do your utmost to protect Earth in the critical moments," Chief Chang said slowly.

Meeting Chief Chang's stern gaze, Cao Ge nodded earnestly, "Chief Chang, I will."

"Hmm," Chief Chang nodded in acknowledgment.


Around five in the afternoon, Cao Ge walked out of the operations center.

The conversation with Chief Chang about Trisolarans still left Cao Ge somewhat shaken.

It's not surprising, given that this was the man who could discern Zhang Beihai's state of mind in the original work, whose eyes were so keen that he immediately saw the reservations in his heart.

However, besides that matter, he was generally satisfied with the events of the day, especially with regard to the position of technical vice director at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.

The administrative treatment for the vice director was in accordance with that of an academician.

The salary of an academician itself wasn't much, around a hundred thousand or so a year, but the administrative treatment for academicians is carried out in accordance with the treatment given to provincial-level officials.

Though academicians have no administrative rank, the fact that their administrative treatment is equivalent to that of provincial sub-senior officials is quite telling.

As he would have administrative treatment equivalent to an academician's, it also meant parity with provincial sub-senior officials, even without an administrative rank.

When the phrase "enjoys the administrative treatment equivalent to a certain level" appears, it already carries a political undertone.

It's like when an academician needs to handle matters locally or solicit cross-departmental government services.

Even if he isn't a provincial sub-senior official, the government official assigned to accompany him definitely can't be too low-ranked.

What Cao Ge valued was exactly this: to first obtain the administrative treatment; once he had that, would an administrative rank be far behind?

With an administrative rank and his money, he would virtually be a replica of Cheng Xin; with these two assets, his future path would be much smoother.