
Chapter 4 Shen Yufei_1

Translator: 549690339

The next morning, around eleven o'clock.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~"

In the bathroom, Cao Ge turned on the shower and stood under the water, ceaselessly rubbing his body with his hands.

Ten minutes later, the sound of the water stopped, and Cao Ge opened the door, stepped out with a towel to wipe his hair, and walked out slick and bare.

Approaching the bed, he tossed the towel aside, then picked up the clean clothes he had already laid out and put them on.

A white hoodie and a pair of black casual pants. Not very formal, but he had no choice; as a recent college graduate, those were the only clothes he owned.

The invitation from the Science Frontier conference stated that it would start at two in the afternoon, but because the venue was nearly twenty kilometers from his place, he had to leave early.

After pondering the previous night, Cao Ge came to an understanding that just muddling along wasn't going to work. He was all alone in this world, unable to find another person to talk to besides himself.

However, there were many distinctive characters in Three-Body that he wanted to meet.

They were either science elites, super-rich tycoons, or military bigwigs—people he could never have come into contact with before. Now that he could get a glimpse into their daily lives, naturally he wanted to take the opportunity. Besides, the story of Three-Body was incredibly fascinating, and how could he prove he'd been part of this world if he didn't get involved? Moreover, he had a mission to change the destiny of mankind in this world.

So, no matter what, he had to attend this Science Frontier conference.

As for danger, the moment Sophon took notice of him, he was already in peril.

He contemplated how he had gotten into this situation and guessed it might have been that Sophon saw something unpredictable in the smart assistant he had developed.

He was in the business of smart voice assistants, which were on track to evolve into artificial intelligence. He then boldly speculated that an AI of a certain level of intelligence might be able to find a way to circumvent Sophon's blocking methods.

He guessed this because it was the only technology-related activity he had undertaken since arriving in this world.

But he had no other choice; that was all he knew, and he hadn't been aware that this was the world of Three-Body at the beginning.

After last night's reflection, Cao Ge changed his life plans. Before, he wanted to become a super-rich tycoon, but now he aspired to become an influential figure in this world.

His role model for learning was Logic, who didn't have much to do every day except for his girlfriend, yet every decision he made could change the world. Such a life must be extraordinarily interesting.

But he didn't want to follow in Logic's footsteps, living in darkness for sixty years. He'd leave that to Logic.

Cao Ge wanted to die of pleasure; he wanted to know what it felt like to change girlfriends every week.


Around eleven-thirty, Cao Ge left his house. He pocketed his mobile phone and headed out with a black messenger bag slung over his shoulder.

As noon approached, the day was at its hottest.

Cao Ge stood at a street corner, braving the blazing sun, and hailed a taxi, then got in.

After closing the door, Cao Ge looked at the driver and said, "Driver, No. 16, Pie La Hutong, San Ye Road."

"Alrighty!" said the middle-aged driver.


As the taxi started moving, the airflow picked up speed, blowing into the car and giving Cao Ge a feeling of coolness.

Watching the retreating greenery through the car window, Cao Ge turned away and took out the old-style cell phone from his pocket.

Looking at the handful of numbers in his phone book, Cao Ge shook his head slightly and then exited out of it.

The Cao Ge of this world was truly having a miserable time; he made only a few acquaintances during his four years at university, and even those were just casual relationships, which he had not maintained after graduation.

Leaning back in the cab seat, Cao Ge sat calmly, facing the wind blowing in from the window.

Probably an hour later, the taxi stopped in a beautifully landscaped residential area.

"Boss, we've arrived at No. 16, Pie La Hutong, San Ye Road," said the driver after pulling over.

"Okay, how much do I owe you?" Cao Ge glanced outside the window, then turned his head to ask the driver.

The driver looked at the meter and replied, "Thirty yuan."

Cao Ge took out thirty yuan from his pocket and handed it to the driver, then opened the car door and got out.

After Cao Ge disembarked, the driver quickly drove off in the taxi.

Cao Ge glanced unconsciously at the departing taxi and then began to size up his surroundings.

Not only were the roads here exceptionally well-maintained, but the surrounding greenery was also top-notch. Even Cao Ge, who came from the future, had never visited such a high-end residential area.

In such a prime location as the Capital where every inch of space is precious, the houses here were so spaciously built amid such beautiful greenery, they must be anything but cheap.

Gazing at the antique-styled building on the slope, Cao Ge yearned for it—he felt this was right where he belonged. What kind of places had he been living in before? Cao Ge thought to himself. Once his intelligent voice assistant trade was completed, he would also buy a mansion, luxury cars, and then invite a whole bunch of female scientists over to exchange academic ideas.

The place was very quiet, the air fresh, with plant arrangements that were both rational and aesthetically pleasing, highly suitable for residence. Looking at the tall pine trees around him, Cao Ge expressed his admiration.

After his musings, Cao Ge walked up to the antique building, climbed the steps, and knocked on the door.

It took about five or six minutes for the wooden door to open, revealing an elegant woman in a white suit.

Cao Ge gave her a quick once-over and then reached out saying, "Hello, I am Cao Ge, invited to attend today's academic conference."

"Mr. Cao, hello, I am Shen Yufei," the woman in white replied with a smile as she reached out her hand.



After the pleasantries, Shen Yufei said, "Mr. Cao, please come in. There's still some time before the meeting starts, you can rest inside."

Cao Ge regarded the intellectual beauty in her thirties before him, nodded, and replied, "Okay."

After that, he followed Shen Yufei through the door.


"You can call me Dr. Shen." Before Cao Ge could say anything, Shen Yufei cut in.

"Alright, Dr. Shen, I'd like to know how you found out about me and sent me an academic invitation," Cao Ge asked, pretending to be unaware of it all, even though he knew it was all Sophon's doing.

The reason he asked it this way was because he didn't want to appear too special.

Shen Yufei paused, thought for a moment, and then said, "Mr. Cao, the reason we invited you is because of your profound expertise in Computer Science, especially in the field of artificial intelligence, which completely surpasses the current era. As for how we found out about you, we have our channels, which I regret I cannot disclose at the moment."

"Alright then, what exactly does this scientific frontier of yours do? I searched for you online before coming here, and the information only mentioned facilitating international scientific exchange and exploring the frontiers of science, without specifics about what you do or how you do it. Also, this conference you've invited me to, what exactly is the exchange about?" Cao Ge asked.

Shen Yufei didn't answer immediately but stayed silent for a long time before slowly responding, "You will know."

Just as Cao Ge was about to ask more, Shen Yufei suddenly stopped, turned to him and said, "Mr. Cao, this is the place. You can rest here, have something to eat. The conference will start in an hour."