
Chapter 2 Scientific Boundaries_1

Translator: 549690339

The next day.

Sunlight pierced through the glass at the window, casting onto Cao Ge's face as he lay spread out on the bed.

Strewn haphazardly across the bed, Cao Ge began to twitch his eyelids due to the sunshine and then his eyeballs moved, until he slowly woke up.

Shielding his eyes from the glaring sunlight, Cao Ge instinctively covered his face with his hand, then gradually got up from the bed. Resting against the headboard, he spaced out for quite a while, until becoming a bit more alert, and then while yawning, he lifted his right hand to check the time.

"It's already five o'clock."

Seeing the clock's hands on the number five, Cao Ge thought it was still yesterday.

He then put down his right hand and went to the side of the bed, donning his shoes in a drowsy, half-awake state, before heading to his computer desk to check the results of the program compilation.

It was only when he saw the new blue icon on the desktop that Cao Ge's sleepiness disappeared in an instant.


Cao Ge first indulged in exhilaration for a moment, then immediately gathered his spirits, and opened Apple Inc.'s official website, ready to write an email to the company.

However, just as he opened Apple's official website and was about to write, he suddenly noticed an email notification at the bottom right of the screen.

Cao Ge frowned and then clicked on it with the mouse.

Dear Mr. Cao,

Hello, Mr. Cao! I am Shen Yufei, the external liaison officer of the Science Frontier Organization. We cordially invite you to attend an academic exchange conference on July 15, 2007, at "No. 16, Pie La Hutong, San Ye Road." The purpose of this conference is to discuss the future direction of scientific development. Your research in the field of computer science is full of potential and has been affirmed by many members of our organization. Thus, we trust that you will take time out of your busy schedule to join us.

Organized by: Science Frontier

July 13, 2007

Upon seeing this email, Cao Ge felt utterly baffled; he remembered he hadn't submitted a resume to something called "Science Frontier."

As a graduate from a third-tier university, what choice did he have? So, when he traversed to this world, he hadn't applied to any company because his resume didn't state so. After graduating, he had rented a room and bought several boxes of instant noodles, then came here.

While Cao Ge was still puzzled, the two terms "Shen Yufei" and "Science Frontier" suddenly piqued his interest, and in an instant, memories exploded in his mind.

One month prior, before he had arrived in this world, the Three-Body TV series had just begun airing. As a fan of the original book, Cao Ge watched it immediately, expecting it to butcher the source material like the anime version, but after viewing it, to his surprise, the live-action adaptation was actually quite good and captured the essence of the original novel.

However, he had only watched up to episode seven before he accidentally came to this world. Upon arriving, what bothered Cao Ge the most was that he'd have to wait over a decade to see the subsequent episodes.

But having seen those two terms, he became utterly confused.

He had thought he merely went back to the year 2007 alone, but now he was suddenly thrown into the Three-Body scenario, which muddled his thoughts.

If this were Three-Body, then the world was on the brink of entering the Crisis Era, and when that happened, the majority of societal resources would be diverted into national defense, causing stagnation in areas like entertainment. The whole world would be under high pressure.

This would add quite a few obstacles to his path towards a life of dazzling wealth and pleasure.

Frowning, Cao Ge looked at the email in front of him. He had been preparing to immerse himself in such a life of luxury, but it seemed that the Trisolarans weren't willing to give him that chance and were ready to add some hindrances on his road to success.

"Host has encountered a key organization in the current world's main story arc, Savior System online."

Just as Cao Ge was wrestling with whether to attend the meeting or not, a cold mechanical voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Savior System?"

Cao Ge swiftly went from one state of confusion to another.

He stared bewilderedly at the empty space before him.

"What is the Savior System?" Cao Ge asked with extreme chill in his heart.

He was naturally a fan of novels, reading all genres, including system novels.

"This system comes from the highest dimension universe. Its purpose is to assist the host in saving the world."

Savior System

Host: Cao Ge

Skills: Computer Science Lv1 (Thirty years ahead of the current world.)

Functions: Traverse, Enhance

Current World: Three-Body

Ultimate Goal: Change the fate of Earth's human civilization.

As soon as Cao Ge posed his question, a block of text appeared before him.

Cao Ge looked at the answer and frowned in silence for quite a while.

In the end, he came to terms with it. After all, the appearance of the system was a profit, not a loss, so he could only accept this beginning.

Now he wasn't surprised why Shen Yufei knew he had created an intelligent voice assistant; it must be the omnipresent Sophon.

Thinking that he was now under Sophon's surveillance, he felt a tingling sensation on his scalp. In this case, whether he resolved things himself or sought help from others, he would be thoroughly watched.

For this reason alone, Cao Ge was ready to fight to the death against the Trisolarans.

At first, he thought he had traversed to an ordinary world, but now, since he might experience different world views, why not go for it?

As he thought about it, Cao Ge suddenly found it wasn't as hard to accept as he had thought.

Because the system's appearance didn't affect his enjoyment of the world; instead, it expanded his world countless times over.

Perhaps it could even extend his short hundred-year lifespan.

Thinking of this, Cao Ge burst into joy.

He had wondered why his computer skills had suddenly enhanced so much. It turned out to be a function of the system.

According to the system's explanation, with each traversal, the system would enhance his existing skills, and the subject of the enhancement was selectable, but the exact amount of enhancement was random.

Based on the timeline, coming from the year 2023, his technology was already 16 years ahead of the current world; the system added another 14 years of advancement.

"No wonder I feel like my coding has been getting smoother and smoother these days. Moreover, many previously unthinkable solutions suddenly pop into my head for certain problems," Cao Ge thought to himself.

Cao Ge closed the information panel in front of him, then looked at the screen and turned it off, continuing to open Apple Inc.'s official website and then writing an email.

Although he had decided to participate in a science frontier event, he still had to sell the voice assistant. Without that money, how would he reach the peak of his life? How would he confront the Trisolarans?

Money is the hero's courage; without money, there is no courage. With money comes bravery.

Didn't you see in the original Three-Body book that Zhang Beihai, Logic, Thomas Wade, and others hustled for hundreds of years without accomplishing what Cheng Xin did, who, by luck, amassed a fortune that turned into the Starsea Company. In the end, this lucky winner, Cheng Xin, got involved in every major event that decided the fate of human civilization.

From this, one can see how important money really is.

So, he must first secure a sum of money.

Thirty minutes later, Cao Ge pressed the Enter key, sending the thoroughly reviewed email and the non-copyable attachment of the voice assistant.