
Chapter 12 Three-Body Game_1

Translator: 549690339


"I hadn't actually come into contact with this scientific boundary before, as I work with computers and they are into Physics, which is quite remote from my field. But after their contact person sent me an invitation two days ago, I went online to have a look and found that the purpose of the organization is to figure out why since the latter half of the last century, the elegant simplicity in classical physical theories has gradually disappeared, theories have become increasingly complex, vague, and uncertain, and experimental verifications have also become more and more difficult. Just like their organization name—'Boundary,' they are exploring this boundary and want to know where it lies."

"We're aware of this, but they wouldn't commit suicide over it, would they?" Da Shi leaned forward, speaking in a casual manner.

Cao Ge glanced at Da Shi and then continued with a smile, "At first I thought so too, which is why although I didn't understand why they invited me, I still went. Once there, I realized that the topics discussed at the meeting had nothing to do with science at all."

"Oh! If it wasn't about science, then what were they talking about?" Da Shi continued to probe.

Cao Ge smiled, didn't give it away, but carried on, "They were talking about two hypotheses, which I believe the three officers here are already aware of, right?"

"The Shooter Hypothesis, the Turkey and Farmer Hypothesis?"

"Exactly, those two hypotheses. To me, they're less like hypotheses and more like two absurd stories. When the scientific boundary discussed these hypotheses, there was a strong sense of leading the narrative—it wasn't a discussion, it was more like..." Cao Ge said.

"More like what?"

"More like... exactly, brainwashing. It was like brainwashing, rather than a discussion."


"Pyramid selling, this scientific boundary is a pyramid selling organization." Upon hearing Cao Ge say it was brainwashing, Da Shi slapped the table with sudden realization.


Cao Ge burst into laughter.

"Officer, Officer, I didn't say it was pyramid selling," Cao Ge said hastily with a chuckle.

"But you said they were brainwashing, didn't you? If it's brainwashing, what else could it be but pyramid selling?" Da Shi said.

"I've been suspicious of this scientific boundary for some time, and only a cult-like organization would make a living, promising scholar commit suicide for no good reason."

"I just said it was like brainwashing, but I didn't say it was actual brainwashing. There's a difference, Officer," Cao Ge said with a smile.

"You gonna continue?" Da Shi ignored Cao Ge's reaction and prompted him to go on.


"Online and offline, this stark difference made me lose interest in the scientific boundary instantly, so when they invited me to join them, I chose to refuse."

"They invited you to join."

"Yes, Officer, right after the meeting ended," the young police officer interjected.

"Don't interrupt, you continue," Da Shi frowned at the young police officer, then turned back to Cao Ge.

Shi Qiang didn't want to spend more effort on something he already knew.

He was eager to find out what this pyramid selling organization called "scientific boundary" was planning to do next.

"Next, you know what happened Officer, I left there and then left in your car," Cao Ge said, spreading his hands.

"That's all I know."

"No, you, you, you just..." Da Shi, who had just started to get interested, straightened up abruptly and pointed at Cao Ge, seemingly frustrated.

Chang Weisi had called him to investigate a damn scientist's suicide case, which had irked him from the beginning, and the lack of a breakthrough made it even worse. Cao Ge's actions were making him even more upset.

"Team Leader Shi, Team Leader Shi, maintain discipline," the young police officer stood up and embraced Team Leader Shi.

"Officers, I've said everything you asked me to say. I don't know anything else. However, I do think there's something off about this scientific boundary, but as to what's wrong, I can't pinpoint it. You'll have to investigate yourselves," Cao Ge stepped back, looking at the two men hugging each other.

Suddenly, Da Shi froze, glanced at Cao Ge, and then said, "Let go."

"Team Leader Shi?" the young officer said hesitantly.

"I said, let go," Da Shi repeated.


The young policeman hesitated for a moment, but then he let go of the arms that had been holding Shi Qiang.

Shi Qiang, now freed, moved his body a bit, then slowly sat down, looking at Cao Ge. He reached into the pocket of his undershirt and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, took one out, put it in his mouth, and prepared to light it. However, just as he was about to light it, it was as if he suddenly remembered something and turned his gaze to Cao Ge.

Meeting Da Shi's gaze, Cao Ge immediately understood what he meant and said with a smile, "You can smoke here."

"Snap—" The lighter sparked.

Da Shi puffed away, "puff, puff."

After a long time, he started speaking slowly again, "You're saying there's a problem with this science boundary; does it have to do with the deaths of those scientists?"

Cao Ge nodded and said, "Yes."

Da Shi nodded in agreement and then sat down on the chair, smoking and thinking.

The room fell into silence, with the three of them tacitly looking at Da Shi, who was deep in thought.

Da Shi sat in the chair, ankle crossed over knee, cigarette in hand, brows slightly furrowed, eyes vaguely staring at a spot in the room.

The silence in the room reached its peak, with only the occasional "ding dong" from the computer breaking it.

"Shen Yufei invited you because of this, right?" Just when Cao Ge thought the silence would continue, Da Shi suddenly pointed towards the code on the computer behind Cao Ge and said.

Cao Ge followed Da Shi's gaze, then responded, "Barely, I suppose."

"What is this?" asked Da Shi.

"An intelligent voice assistant," Cao Ge answered with a smile.

Da Shi took a drag from his cigarette and then, looking at Cao Ge, asked, "This assistant you're talking about, is there anything special about it?"

Upon hearing Da Shi's question, Cao Ge paused, then looked at him and said, "If we're talking about something special, it would be its intelligence, I suppose. It can perform some simple operations based on the user's commands."

"Does this technology involve a high level of expertise?" Da Shi suddenly asked, curious.

"It's quite high. At least, there's no other device of this kind in the world right now," Cao Ge said somewhat proudly.

Da Shi looked at Cao Ge's expression and then smiled, "Got it."

"Alright, let's leave our talk here for today, it's getting late. You should get some rest too," Da Shi suddenly stood up and said.

Then, he walked towards the door, leaving two policemen stunned in their place.

However, the young policeman wasn't inexperienced. Though unused to Da Shi's way of doing things, he quickly adapted and said with a smile to Mr. Cao, "Mr. Cao, thank you for your cooperation."

"It's only right," Cao Ge replied with a smile.

"By the way, Mr. Cao, we have a meeting here, and we might need you to attend," the young policeman suddenly took out a document from the stack on the table and handed it to Cao Ge.

Cao Ge took the document, glanced over it briefly, then looked up at the young policeman and said, "Okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow."

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Cao. We'll be leaving now."

"Take care, officers."

"Oh, and although I don't know what's wrong with the science boundary, I can give you a direction for the investigation."

"What direction?"

"Under the name Shen Yufei, there's a game called 'Three-Body'. You might want to look into it. There could be something to it," Cao Ge replied.

"Three-Body? A game?" Da Shi doubted his own hearing and therefore asked.

"Yes, I've heard that many scientists are playing it."