
Since Our First Meeting

Linshu was a rich young master of an influential family and was living a leisure life, until on his 18th birthday, his family suddenly made a decision to transfer him to the largest school and make him live for himself without contacting the family and he wasn't ready for it. In the end, he attend his new school and at the same time he got a new friends and maybe even... a lover.

MinAlyah · Eastern
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1 Chs

Chapter 1


A timer was ringing early in the morning that it could be heard all around the room. The room was messy and things was placed everywhere. The curtain of the window at the side was open and the sun was already up, shining through the room.

The ringing of the timer was still ongoing but it soon stopped.

A white hand was placed on top of the timer, then the hand slowly slid down and go back at the bed.

The one sleeping at the bed can't be seen clearly because of the quilt covering it.

10 minutes later, the quilt finally moved and the one sleeping finally woke up and stretch before sitting and was still in a daze.

It was a handsome young man that look beautiful comparable to a girl. If a person look at him right now, they might have thought that he was actually a girl, unfortunately his adams can't be hidden and his bare chest was exposed.

He was wearing a white robe and it made him more outstanding coupled with the shining sunlight, he was like a painting that was woken up from a dream.


Suddenly, a ringing sound could be heard again, but this time it was different. It comes from a phone at the nightstand beside him.

He look at his phone that was vibrating violently and pick it up.

"Hey Linshu you finally answer, thank goodness" It was a voice of a woman on the other side with a slight trace of worry.

"It's still early in the morning yet, and I just woke up" While he was talking to the phone, he got up from his bed and got out of his room.

The moment he was out his room, what greet him was the bright light of the huge chandelier at the distance and subconsciously closed his eyes, clearly he was at the upper floor.

"Hey Linshu, why are you silent? Did something happened?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just in thought for a moment" Then he walk at the right where the staircase was and go down.

The house was truly huge for one person to use, nevertheless Linshu seems to be rich that he can live at a large house all by himself.

The house was full of decorations and it looks like a villa, much more clearer than his room.

Linshu arrive at the kitchen and pick out some chips at the cabinet then a water at the refrigerator, the he left the kitchen and arrive at the living and sat at the sofa while the phone was between in his ears and shoulder.

Still wearing his robe with his beautiful chest exposed, he sat leisurely at the sofa and open the chips while placing the water at the table then took out some chips and ate it.

Immediately, a satisfied expression can be seen in his face, then he took out the phone from his shoulders and place it at the other side.

"Hey, Linshu are you listening to me? I'm telling you, tomorrow was your first day at your new school so better be ready, otherwise you will never get a single cent from you family", When that has been said, Linshu immediately stop eating and was in a stone state for a few seconds before he recover from himself.

He immediately put down the potato chips and pick up the phone from his shoulders and place it at the other side of his ears while wearing a serious expression, ready to talk seriously.

"Actually, Janelle, I was short from money now and it can only last me for a month and I don't want that. Of course I don't want to do a part-time job to obtain money, it's exhausting. I'll just wait for my father to give me money"

"Sigh, Linshu, you're hopeless. Well I'll be going there and clean your house, after all your house was always messy. Well I gotta go now, bye bye"

"Okay bye, bye!"

Beep, beep, beep.

Linshu look at his phone before turning it off and throwing it at the side then pick up his chips and continue eating.

While he was eating, he was finding the remote for the Tv so that he could watch something while eating, It was his habit.

Soon, he found the remote and open the Tv and let it play a movie that he didn't finish last night.

Now, a peaceful scene can be seen at the living room, and only the eating and the sound of the Tv could be heard.