
Simulator Sistem : Anime Comprehensive World

Yuki Kato, a transmigrant from Earth who has been living in this new world for 16 years, has to accept the fact that he is just a weak human being who is ready to be slaughtered by the great powers of this world at any time. But when Yuki hanedak gives up on his life, the system comes and saves him from despair. 1000 - 1200 words per chapter Cover image not mine Note: I used a machine to translate my novel into English if there are wrong words or spelling please forgive

Kaze003 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 15 : Empty temple (2)

Staring at Kisaki who had just arrived, Yuki couldn't help but look a little stupid when he heard what Kisaki had just said.

"Wait a minute Manager! Aren't I just a part-time employee here? So why do I have to deliver these orders?" looking confused, Yuki started to ask.

"Ah, why do you ask? Aren't you the only man left here? Just look beside you and you will understand why I ordered you to deliver this order instead of someone else" Kisaki said while pointing to the whole room.

Letting out a light sigh, Yuki then spoke.

"But manager, even so I still can't deliver this order because..."

"I'll give you a bonus if you take this order"

"Yes, boss! I'll deliver the order right now even if I have to go to the end of the world"

With that said, yuki immediately took the order given by kisaki before heading to the car park to pick up his bicycle.

Stepping on the pedals of her bicycle yuki was surprised by a system notification that appeared suddenly.

[Ding* The Cooldown period of subsystem {simulator system} has finished, would the host like to continue the simulation to 2? ]

"Em? Is the Cooldown period over? Just save the simulation opportunity for later, because I'll send this order first before returning home"

With that said, Yuki stomped hard on the pedals of his bicycle before starting to glide away from the WFC.

Today, the night sky with the full moon still hanging over the cold sky of Shibuya city, looking around there was a big road where many cars passed by, riding beside his yuki started pedalling his bike away.

With street lights illuminating every footprint of the road travelled by yuki, breathing in the cold night air yuki looked at Google Maps to find the location of his customer.

By following every road route shown by Google Maps, Yuki finally arrived at the outskirts of the city.

There yuki saw a mountain? No way this can only be said to be a hill located on the outskirts of the city with many trees surrounding each edge.

(A/N: I honestly don't know if there are mountains/hills in Shibuya, so if I'm wrong please understand)

"Oh Shit! Do I still have to climb this mountain? And why would anyone in their right mind living in a place like this order fast food from a restaurant located deep in the city centre?" yuki complained as she parked her bicycle near the side of the road.

Taking the requested order, Yuki started walking up the mountain filled with dense trees.

Following the directions given by google maps, yuki finally arrived at an abandoned building.

There, yuki saw a small shrine made of weathered wood that could collapse at any time, honestly with such an unkempt and abandoned condition, it was pretty great for the shrine to be able to continue standing without anyone taking care of it at all.

Walking closer to the empty shrine, yuki started shouting that the requested Speciality Burger order had arrived.

Getting no response at all, yuki finally decided to explore the surroundings of the empty shrine.

With conditions that were rather dark and foggy due to the cold air, the visibility of yuki became limited.

But as if not caring about the foggy air that enveloped the place, yuki continued to wander around the shrine for several minutes.

Staring at the full moon light that penetrated the dense forest, Yuki could clearly see a shadowy figure of a woman standing behind a tree that was shrouded in mist.

Squinting his eyes to focus on the shadowy figure of the woman, yuki got up and walked towards her. But when yuki started to get closer to the place where the shadowy figure of the woman was, yuki found that the shadow disappeared before yuki reached it.

"Where did she disappear to?" searching around yuki still couldn't find the figure at all.

Deciding to leave that order in front of that empty shrine, yuki turned around and immediately rushed away from there.

But when yuki decided to leave the empty shrine, a shadowy figure of a woman obscured by fog appeared in front of him.

Stopping his steps in an instant, yuki immediately put on a serious expression and a vigilant attitude at the same time.

But when yuki decided to walk backwards for a few steps, the black woman's shadowy figure disappeared and instantly appeared before his.


"Ahh!!!" shouting in surprise, yuki jumped back before falling to the ground hard.


"Bwahahahaha what is it? Why did you fall down like a child like that? Hahaha..." the laughter of a figure could be heard when looking at yuki who just fell down.

Turning his gaze, yuki looked in the direction where the figure appeared, looking at her yuki saw a beautiful girl with white fox ears and tail appearing in the air.

Wearing a kimono, the fox girl spun around before reappearing in front of yuki.

Staring at yuki who had just fallen with her sky blue eyes, the white fox then began to speak.

"What are you doing here human?" with a curious tone, the white fox asked yuki.

Trying to stand up before answering the other party's question, yuki started to stare at the white fox that was hovering in front of him.

Making a brief assessment of the white fox in front of her briefly, yuki nodded before starting to talk again.

"Ah! There, I delivered a customer's order here" Yuki said while pointing at the package of food that he had placed in front of the empty shrine.

"Huh? Delivering food packages to a place like this?" hearing what was said by yuki, the fox could not help but put on a strange expression when she saw yuki.

Surrounding yuki once more, the fox then spoke again.

"Ne! I'm sorry if I offended you before, but are you a little....stupid to deliver food to a deserted place like this, I mean shouldn't you just leave if no one wants to take the order?"

"Hey! It's rude to call others stupid, it's not that I want to stay here, it's just that, since the beginning of my arrival here I've been able to feel the air of your presence even if it's only vaguely, which makes me sure that the food package order is here" Yuki lied openly without any shame.

"Wait! You've sensed my presence before." As if surprised by the facts spoken by yuki, the white fox once again surrounded yuki curiously.

"Yep! I've sensed it, it's just that I don't know where you are exactly"

"hm~ I see, so that's the reason why you were circling this shrine before" As if it had discovered the truth, the fox spoke again.

"Ne~ Human, since you have already reached this place, why don't you make a request to me?"

"Huh? A wish?"


