Seeing that Gohan was at 5 million, John was relieved that at least he was close enough.
He guessed Gohan probably had achieved Ascended Super Saiyan 1 at least, but he still had to ask.
<Gohan answered your question by showing off his latest transformation. The ascended Super Saiyan. He then talks about how it drains stamina and decreases his speed.>
(Meaning - Gohan's Max Power Level at 325,000,000)
<You, with the help of your dragon ball knowledge, suggest Gohan use this transformation in moderation. He agrees with your statement.>
<You also offer he keeps switching it around like Future Trunks in dragon ball super fight against Vegeta.>
<You tell him to use it when they are closer and to switch when they fly away. Hearing your comments, Gohan marvels at your genius.>
Knowing his guess was correct, John wasn't worried about the Androids.
As this ain't no weak Future Gohan with one less arm but a Gohan who, if needed, could probably bust out Super Saiyan 2.
As John and Gohan exited the hyperbolic time chamber, John couldn't help but wonder about what was next.
The Android and Cell can be solved by Gohan, but what next? After each saga, what do they do in dragon ball? Ah, yes, revive the people who died.
Come to think of it, why didn't Future Gohan like let the others train and then revive them?
John - "Not to mention, now that I think about it couldn't Goku train then come down for a day like in the Buu saga."
<You decide to question Gohan about why he didn't use the New Namek dragon balls to help revive the other?>
<Gohan responds that they don't know the exact location of Namek as they made a wish to make Namik hidden.>
<To which you respond, can't you just ask King Kai? He can probably know its location as he can connect to anyone in the universe in seconds.>
<Hearing you, King Kai finally responds to your question.>
King Kai - "It seems like I subconsciously forgot I could do that."
Goku - "What do you mean, King Kai? Does this mean I go down and fight the androids?"
King Kai - "Calm down, Goku, let me finish."
<Hearing this conversation, Gohan's face planted. He was left speechless how could you forget such an important thing?>
<You head to the underground base, where it's decided that Bulma, Trunks, and you will head off to Namek while Gohan finishes the job here.>
John - "Huh, I knew it. How could they not have a spaceship ready when they have the resources to construct a time machine."
<Day 452: Your journey in space ends, and you finally arrive at New Namek. It also means the ending of your "meditation practice" with Trunks.>
John asked, "Why is the meditation practice in quotations?"
System - "Take a look yourself."
John then sees himself constantly getting abused by Trunks. As Trunks couldn't fully restrict his power to his level as a kid.
< Through constant abuse in space, you have once again improved your actual combat practice, which leads your power level to reach 4,851.>
<That is an increase of a full two hundred and four within a month.>
<You guys then meet Nail, who arrives to see if this spaceship is an enemy. Vilma then explains your circumstances to Nail.>
<Who takes you to elder Guru and introduces your situation. Guru then allows you to use the dragon balls.>
<Before everyone leaves to collect them, you tell Bulma that you have some business here with elder Guru and that you will catch them later.>
<Bulma feels that your behavior is weird, but as you are now a trusted friend, she allows you to stay.>
John rubs his hands and says, "Ah, I have been waiting for this for a long time.."
<You ask elder Guru to help unleash your potential. Nail is offended by this and complains.>
<Elder Guru allows it and tells you that your potential is something he can't see through. This is why he is interested in seeing how you develop.>
<He unleashes your potential, and your combat power skyrockets to 11,500. Elder Guru tells you not to be disappointed that you will achieve far higher levels than you think.>
<You then head towards Bulma's Ki sign. She has finished collecting all the dragon balls.>
<With your arrival, the dragon is summoned, and he grants three wishes.>
<First wish Bulma made was to revive Piccolo, but the wish is rejected by Sheron as he states Piccolo has already been revived once before.>
<You then suggest reviving Goku, which is later granted.>
<Bulma then wishes to revive Vegeta back. The wish is granted.>
<Then everyone starts thinking about Piccolo and earth dragon balls. You suggest making Dende the new guardian of the earth and letting him make new dragon balls.>
<As they would reset all the wishes made by earth's dragon and would be more beneficial for the future as well.>
<After this move, you could just head to earth and revive everyone, but the last wish remained.>
<You asked Bulma to let you use it. She allows it as a reward for your contribution so far. You then whisper something into Dende's ears.>
John's body suddenly starts glowing, and he floats in the air sitting cross-legged while meditating.
He then opens his eyes and receives a warning from the system.
<The Host has misused a bug in the simulation and has used the Namek dragon balls to inherit the Kaio-ken Technique.>
<As this is an internal system bug, the Host will not be punished heavily this time. This bug has been patched, so you can no longer use the dragon balls in this manner.>
<The Host's punishment is that his life force is drained, and the simulating character suddenly dies due to old age.>
John felt it wasn't a loss for the simulation to end. After all, he practically got the most important technique for an earthling. The Kaio-ken is the only way he can multiply his power level.
<Calculating Sim Rewards>
<Calculation completed rewarding 1,042 fate points.>
< Host may now choose one of the following options -
A) Get a random skill from your character skill set.
B) Receive the combat power of 11,500.
C) Receive the fighting experience from your life.>
John smiled when he saw that he got 1,042 fate points, which bought his bank balance deep from the red back into the green.
Now he holds 1,392 fate points meaning buying the gravity ring is possible. Although it would be a luxury, at least now he had an option to buy it.
Like last time, John then selected option B and was injected with a familiar electric current.
John - "Hi, I can't say I have missed you, but you help me get stronger, and I am GRATEFUL."
P.S: Caps Lock was done on purpose, representing John screaming in pain. Also, why is elder Guru alive? It's the future in a simulation world. Allow it, fam.