It was only the fire that still smoldered in her eyes that gave her away. "The bitch! She thinks she has won, does she? She thinks her son will win over my father and steal my brother's inheritance, does she? We shall see about that!"
She lifted her chin, and called out haughtily:
"Little Zhou!"
The flap that hung over the entrance of her covered palanquin lifted slightly, bare moments after she called out that name. And dull expression of the fellow seated beside the driver popped his face into view at the side where the curtain had been raised. The green-clad man's eyes held a certain anticipation, as though he had been waiting for just this moment.
"Little Zhou. You are to remain in Yanying City to keep any eye on my little brother. Do not do anything to attract attention, and wait until he has left the City before you act. I am sure that Father will send him out on one mission or another.
"Take the opportunity to show him just how worthless he is. Break the legs of those that he brings along with him. That should be enough to put him in his place."
Then she paused, and the fire in her eyes seemed to flare a little brighter, despite the dark interior of the palanquin. "Oh. And if you see that fool, Qin Feng? Make sure that you tear his head off his neck, for the insult that he has offered me!"
The one in green gave out a sinister smile as soon as he heard that. And his head gave a curt nod as let the curtain drop again.
A smile that looked like a twin to the one that the Eldest Princess was wearing.
The one who was in the centre of the whole ruckus was, of course, ignorant of all this.
Yet, to be fair, Qin Feng was far to distracted by his own problems to worry about how the Eldest Ducal Princess viewed his 'interference'. Nor was he the least concerned about the Duke of the Westlands, and his relationship with his children. Or how he was intending to repair his relationship with his beautiful, young wife.
After all, he was fixed with troubles of his own, that were far more pressing, and had far more disastrous consequences!
Well, at least in his own opinion.
Qin Feng, to put it bluntly, was out of money.
It had been three days since he had stormed out the Ducal Palace. And it was obvious to his eye that the Second Ducal Prince, was too bothered by the recent chase that he had been engaged in, to try to stop him.
Or rather, Li Changhai had tried to keep him there, but was not successful.
He could still remember the distracted air that the Second Ducal Prince had around him, when the latter accompanied him back to his guest room. Li Changhai had tried to talk him out of leaving, but it was obvious that the Prince had other matters on his mind at the time. So Qin Feng held off teasing the fellow, and bluntly said that he would leave the following morning.
Li Changhai had tried to use his injuries as an excuse, but gave up when it was clear that Qin Feng would not be moved by that argument. Still, the Prince had sent over a bowl of powerful medicine later that night, that was meant to help him 'deal with his injuries'.
To be honest, Qin Feng didn't really suffer any real injury at all. But since no one but he and that idiot who had attacked him knew that - and the latter was definitely not going to be believed, even if he did tell anyone! Well, since that was the case, Qin Feng didn't have any qualms at all accepting the medicine that would help him 'heal his injuries'. Especially since he could tell that it contained a good number of high quality goods that would also be helpful in improving his martial qi.
So he had drunk the medicine - the herbs were already boiled into a soup by the time that they reached him, unfortunately. Otherwise, Qin Feng would have sneaked them into his spatial ring and found a way to resell them for a huge profit. But since he couldn't do that, he had simply drunk the same, and settled down on his bed to circulate his zhenqi.
After all, he was supposed to be badly injured, and that was how one dealt with internal, non-visible injuries. And from what Li Changhai had promised him earlier, it was unlikely that he would be disturbed that night.
Which was just as well, since he was still intending to leave the Ducal Palace the following morning. If he made his move quickly, he should be able to avoid the multitude of questions that Li Changhai would definitely be throwing his way. Hence his plan to slip out early, before the rest of the Duke's family got up.
It would be impolite not to let the Second Ducal Prince know where he was headed to, or what he intended to do, since they were supposed to be friends. But he thought it wouldn't be too difficult to slip away from Yanyun City after a month or so. Earlier, if Li Changhai had duties to attend to, or some sort of trip that he wished to make. That was what the Duke had hinted at earlier, wasn't it?
Well, if that was so, it would give him an opportunity to bid the Prince farewell and skip off to the North on his own. Without having to worry about the Duke of the Westlands, or what he thought of him.
Three days later, however, Qin Feng was already regretting his decision to leave the Ducal Palace in the first place!
Who knew that a room at the humblest, simplest inn - which was so far out from the Palace as one could get, since it was in the Outer City, beyond the Inner Wall! Who knew that it would cost so much? He was already out of coin, and the bill was more than likely to beggar him!
In fact, he was down to his last six silver pieces!
* * *
Had some trouble with my computer on Sunday, but got it settled by Monday evening. Missed one day of writing though.