
Foiled Plans 4

"That is good. I mean, I would like to see the Captain and his people try," Lieutenant Wei sniffed in a somewhat aggrieved voice. Clearly, he was not at all pleased with the new additions to the Bodyguard detail that he had been 'assigned'.

Li Changhai felt a smile twitch at his lips again. He could understand how the young lieutenant might feel that way. Wei Xuanran had been the one guarding him all the way from Changqing City to Yanyun. So it was understandable that he was upset to have someone step in now, and take over his command.

Perhaps he should have a word with his father, to keep the young lieutenant in charge, Li Sanlang considered. After all, Wei Xuanran seemed to be taking this duty a lot more seriously than the new man. Look at how quickly he had responding with his half-troop! And they were still in central Yanyun City, close to the Ducal Palace and in the business district.

It seems his new Bodyguard Captain did not believe that anyone would dare to attack him, there in the heart of his father's territory. Well, that was enough to tell Li Changhai that there were serious gaps in the man's mindset. And perhaps, his motivation.

"I believe that the Duchess would also have something to say about the Captain's ... lack of response in this matter," Wei Xuanran went on, albeit in a softer voice, "I think that he might have to go through ... a bit of talking to, by her Grace, later today."

Li Changhai no longer tried to hide his smile by the time that he heard that. "I think that might not be necessary. Since he will no longer be the Head of my personal Bodyguard after his deplorable performance today," he confided, and was pleased to see the lieutenant straighten up with a grin on his face as well.

"I think I might be able to prevail on my father to send younger officers, who are more open to new challenges, and who are willing to set aside the old protocols. From what we have experienced thus far, it is clear that the enemy - my enemy! He seems to be a lot more wily than what we have read in the usual training manuals and such, isn't he?"

The young lieutenant did not bother to hide the grin on his face by this point. Which had Li Changhai nodding his head at the fellow immediately. "That being said, I believe you might end up with a good number of younger, more ambitious officers - or officer cadets, for that matter! Well, they might be tempted to ... show off now and then, if you know what I mean."

That was all the warning that he was willing to give Wei Xuanran, but from the quiet nod and the knowing smile on the lieutenant's face, it was clear that he had some idea of what the Second Ducal Prince was talking about. Of course, it was no more than what he had expected, since Lieutenant Wei was a member of his uncle's, then his cousin's, crack troops in Changqing City.

His reply, at least, seemed confident enough:

"Oh, I believe I can accept a bit of competition there, your Highness."

"Hmmmph! I am certain that you would."

To be honest, Li Changhai was more pleased, and was looking forward to what the lieutenant would do, rather than annoyed. But he was not about to start laughing, there in the middle of a public street. He had just come under an attack, from an unknown source. So he knew that he would have to be more cautious. Still, he had to admit that it was good to note that there were some in his party who were taking advantage of the chaotic situation.

Unlike others.

He turned to look down at the injured younger man who was being lifted onto the stretcher that his men had found, and felt his good mood dissipating. And reminded himself once again that it has been three times that Qin Feng had saved his life. He would have to make sure that nothing upsets the young man's recovery!

Then the Second Ducal Prince looked up, and glared at the rest of his soldiers who were manhandling the one-armed man in black into a vegetable cart that they had managed to wrest away from some merchant or vendor. Well, he would have to remind Wei Xuanran to make good the fellow's loss. It was unlikely that he would get his cart back, even after they were done with it.

"Rest assured, your Highness. I had given orders to the sergeants to make sure that they paid for the items that they took. If you wish, I can further 'reward' the merchants for their generous contributions," the lieutenant told him quietly.

"Do that. And keep the rest of that for your people. They have done well, and deserve a bit of a reward themselves. After we arrive back at the Palace, mind you!"

"Understood, Your Highness!"

Li Sanlang tossing his heavy purse at the lieutenant had surprised Wei Xuanran a little. But he recovered quickly, turning to deal with what needed to be done at once. There was close to thirty gold pieces in there, the Ducal Prince was aware. But he was more than happy to splurge on the troop for their prompt action.

While he did so, the Prince stepped up to the stretcher once again, and gave instructions to the four men who had been left behind to help with the injured Qin Feng. From the way that they were glaring in all directions, it was rather obvious that they had been given instructions to look out for other assailants. But they obeyed the Prince when Li Changhai gave them their instructions and quickly lifted the unconscious youth onto their shoulders.

"Let us match the pace of the cart conveying the prisoner. We are still likely to be attacked here on the streets, and I wish our group to stay together," he told them plainly, as he marched them towards the wagon that still stank of crushed vegetables.

Du Yan and Lin Liushui appeared on either side of him, as soon as he did that. And both of them kept an eye on the supposedly restrained Fatty Zhou as they did so. Which was enough to have Li Changhai bowing his thanks at the pair again.

He had to remember that those two had played a big part in saving his life as well, together with Qin Feng. Something that he would have to express later, when they were all back safely at the Ducal Palace. For now ...

"We will need to move swiftly but not in a manner that would hurt Qin Feng, or further injure Zhou Jinhu. We need to bring both of them back to the Palace safely," he reminded everyone in his usual calm voice, and was pleased to see both Du Yan and Lin Liushui bowing back at him in acknowledgement. That would certainly raise his standing among the soldiers.

Not to mention the fact that he was in the middle of the city streets!

Then he took a deep breath, and continued, pointing at the injured assailant that they had captured:

"I am certain that my father will have plenty of questions for that one."

* * *


Trying again! Hopefully nothing happens to my laptop this time .....


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