
She's gone forever...

She's gone forever to the forever home...

January 05th, 2022 2:40am, Wednesday.

My mom is a very simple person. She doesn't care what to wear, what to talk about, how should she managed her family matter...as long as she knew on how to handle it.

For the past 33 years, she was an amazing mom, yes my mom, R.

She never failed to do what she suppose to do. I don't really know if it's since the beginning but I bet people will tend to do the mistakes before they can master it to tackle the solution.

But suddenly it all stopped. Stopped because she's gone. She's never came back. The date above is a prove that my mom returned to her forever home.

My world?

Nothing much left...all crumbling apart.

My dad?

He loves to have a best companion to engage with the conversation. He loves to having a meal with a best companion. He loves to do almost everything with a best companion...my Mom, R.

But...his best companion...his other half already returned to the place eternally that each one of us will be together someday.

He seems like a normal self but I know deep down...it's hard to swallow the truth that the rest of his life was flipped to 360° on the exact date above.

My brother?

He destined not to be with us from the beginning until the last step of the funeral...It took him half a day to be back home but we can't delay any longer.

She's suffering. How long she's gonna wait to not be able to see her son on her funeral?

He is suffering too.

We are suffering too.


No more warm smile plastered on her aging face upon waiting for us to be back home at the door.

No more mom's cook even a simple sunny side up egg!

No more hugging & kisses.

No more good bye when we travel apart, return to our individual life, independent life.

No more prayers from her side, wishing us the best of the best in everything.

No more love scolding... babbling about anything...

No more eyes on you when she's look upon you. Just to see how are we growing old...

No more...

She's gone in a very easy way, the lightest way not suffering at all, not alone, but we as her children not around to accompany her to her last journey of life...

"I'm tired...I want to sleep..." her last words...

It's gone!

Mom...I really do missed you.

The so much love that I can't say before this. I hope you can see me through my every action. I can't say the L world all the time because I'm too selfish too arrogant to admit it verbally. Now you are gone...I haven't got any chance of it ever again...

I do love you so very much!

Dear mom,

I'm thanking you for let me incubate in your warm womb for 9 months of pregnancy, to care to love for me until I was born as a new life. I'm thanking you for let me born into our little world. I'm thanking you to let me be whatever I need to be, I'm thanking you for let me be who I am until your last breath leaving you forever!

A million dollar thanks wasn't enough to pay for everything you did for us for past 33 years, Mom.

The sorry I would I to express it's not going to cover every single sins I have made throughout my life with you Mom, with our family...It wasn't enough...

Just so you know...I will always send you the greatest wish for you over there & we will be together again on the other world Mom...will be...

Wait for us Mom, wait for us with your most charming smile, brightest smile as you gave to us before on the heaven's door...

We will returned to our forever home complete and reunited as our tiny family again!


Your most sweetest daughter, S.

I ❤️ U Mom!