
Simple Girl' s Simple story

A girl , who lives in a mysterious town with her aunt . To find her parents , she leaves the place despite of knowing the fact that it's too risky . But to her surprise, she finds out that she is already dead and discovers that she used to be in a relationship with a spy who actually turned out to be a jobless play boy whome she hated the most . She continues her journey with her friends and her powers .

Dreamer_4 · Fantasy
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Clue to my parents - White guys

Hey guys , Piri is actually busy right now so I would continue the narration of my story .

Let me introduce myself , I m Ocien , and

I used to live in the Bluesea Town with my aunt Lissie , where everybody was kind of forbidden to leave the land . It was like we didn't even know if there was any life behind that huge walls and that Devil Door .

Let's continue the story ...

after that hide and seek incident , I never tried that stunt again for 7 years .

It was my 19 th birthday celebration at our house with my aunt and all friends , when suddenly we all heard some noises coming from outside and to see what happened we all rushed there .

" What happened , why is everyone gathered here ? " Sasha asked one of the villager .

" They have caught two strange guys roaming here and there with some weird devices " one of them replied .

" Are they thief ?, have they stolen anything ? " Niana asked as she was jumping to peep through the crowd to take a glance of them and when she did saw those guys , she was stunned , don't know why but I could see her stunned look .

"I don't know , though it doesn't seems like that , they don't even look like they belong from this place " he replied .

"True " she mumbled .

I was a bit puzzled , so I moved further through the crowd and I saw those people , who were completely in white outfit white shirt , white jeans and white mask on their faces .

Some guards handcuffed them and took them to the town's head Mr. Wals .

After that I don't know what happened to them but I saw " Perasia " word scribbled on their devices . And I felt like I have seen or read that word somewhere else before too .

" Let's go inside girls , they'll handle this " Aunt said to us .

" mmm.... I think I have heard that word before aunt , but I don't remember where " I said while trying to recall my old memories .

But she shrugged it of and we all continued our little celebration .

Later at night while sleeping I felt like somebody was knocking on my window , but I was too sleepy to check upon it so I ignored it assuming that it might be a bird .

In the morning when I woke up and opened the window for some fresh air , I saw an envelop with the same word written on it "Perasia " and inside it there was a photograph of my parents with a cute little baby girl in their arms who looked like me .

I got so emotional that I started crying because according to everyone they were dead and I was missing them so much .

But seeing that photograph made my mind full of different questions , like " who left this here ? why? and does he /she knows my parents ? " before I could think about it even more my aunt called me downstairs for the breakfast .So I hid it inside my pillow cover and left .

" Ok aunt I m leaving for my class "

" Take care and remember to not to try whatever you learn today on any random person " aunt Lissie said concernedly .

" Yess , I will not " I grinned and left .

On my way I saw Niana so I thought of calling her , as I was going to shout her name , she straight bumped into a tree , I giggled but then obviously I ran towards her and asked her if she was ok .

" Niana Are you ok ! ,where were you looking at ?" .

Niana replied while rubbing her forehead with her palm " Aaah.. I am ok , it was this tree which appeared suddenly on my way and I bumped into this " .

I laughed at her statement and made fun of her all the way to our academy .

At the academy ,

"Ok , so today we will learn how can we communicate with the eyes and some sign languages " teacher said looking towards us .

"But sir why do we need to learn this when we have a mouth to speak up " Vani asked with a bored look on her face

" Vani... You need to learn this because your parents want you to be my student and student does and learn whatever he/she is told to learn, anyways you all need to learn this because we don't know what's gonna happen in future , this technique is really helpful " teacher said with a stern voice .

" Do you think that it's really useful " Vani whispered to Sasha .

" Yes..h.. , we can use this energy to prank the people , hehe " she whispered back .

" Oh yeah you're right " Vani nodded and grin mischievously .

"Our town is really special not just because it has a royal sea which has an immense power of healing but also through this you can see anybody's past " teacher said .

"How can we see the past ? " Niana asked

" Nobody knows it accept Mr.Oak's grandparents , I tried to ask them but it seems like they have gotten too old to say anything . " he replied with a disheartening look .

" Or may... be they don't wanna tell.... you " Vani said and chuckled .

After hearing this , he immediately called her parents and had a little strict talk .

" From 2 to 6 years old children are bound to learn basic education like language and mathematics . Then only some children who are able to connect with the nature are taught to use their internal energy to generate power, which is really useful and usefull for them and our town " he said and continued with a disappointed look " I am really sorry to say this Mr. and Mrs.Hubert but your child "Vani " is really a headache , I just can't believe that even a naughty girl like her could join herself with the nature to create energy . She is an outstanding girl but completely a disturbing student , I am afraid that if she continues to be like this she might loses her energies and become a normal person " .

Mr. and Mrs.Hubert apologies to him and tried to assure that she would be less naughty but they also couldn't promise about Vani being all sincere and obedient student and they left with a sigh .

Meanwhile we all were practicing our tricks with each other and gradually we learnt eye reading . Later when the class was called off in the evening , I invited them to my house so that I could discuss with them about that Perasia word .

Took some food , went to my room and locked the door . I explained everything to them about the picture and last night incident . And I asked them if they could help in finding the meaning of this word .

" Wow , this is exciting ,for this mission I m in " Vani said excitedly and waited for others to answer while munching on the cookie .

" Wha.a.t are yo..u thi..thinki..ki king Nian..na ? " Tiphie asked .

" Nothing special ...mmmm but what if those white guys know something about this whole thing " Niana said thoughtfully and looked at me .

" Yesss.. you're right , they surely must know something about this , we just need to have a little inquiry session with them " I replied hopefully .

" Did they entered through that Devil's door ? mmmm... obviously not " Vani said .

" Why are you even asking such question obviously they didn't , aren't they alive ? " Sasha mumbled frustrated .

" It's just a little too much information . What if they really did entered from that door , that entrance doesn't even have a lock and if they really did they aren't dead . We have to meet those people " I said and desperately waited for others to answer .

" I m ready " Niana replied excitedly and blushed .

Tiphie and Sasha hesitated for a moment but then they agreed to find out the truth .

Next day we all went to the Blue Palace , where those white people may possibly be kept in , by Mr.Wals .

And for the guards Tiphie hypnotized them one by one ( she was really good at it, in comparison to us ) " that was an essay peasy job ,we are proud of you Tiphie " I said happily.

Then as we reached to the basement we found a lock password . We tried all sort of passwords but it didn't passed , atlast when I tried the last combination it unlocked and we jumped up with the joy .

"wooohoooo .. we are the best..we are the best" Vani screamed with joy while Sasha and Niana were dancing .

Suddenly a guy's voice came from behind that basement' s door " Who' s there ?, let us go .We wouldn't tell anybody about your secret town " when Niana opened the door .